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AC 1.1 OR AC 1.0.4
#61 seems to be better by only 1-grenade change for grenade spamming.

But in terms of reducing damage limit to the SMG and a new fail gun of the TMA/M&A Carbine and no more but default approved maps has really ruined it. I play mainly, but 1.4 was much better overly.

Much regards,
SpiRiT. :)
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Instead of just complaining, how about making some constructive suggestion?
How is the carbine "fail" ?
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Carbine fail oO, don`t think so
I would say the more weapons the better
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0.9, 1.0 and 1.1 are different... this is called evolution.
If you do not like the carbine, do not use it.
If you do not like to crouch in the air, do not use it.

The smg kills with the same number of hits... and all weapons were affected by the hit box change (to avoid hitting the invisible area over the shoulders)... so, now the head shot really worths 2 frags, since if you miss the head you miss the target (in 1.0 if you miss the head, you can still hit the invisible area over the shoulder)... if you think this "change" is unfair to the sniper, in fact you are just a noob that was exploiting a bug.
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(18 Aug 10, 10:55AM)makkE Wrote: The unscoped spread of the sniper has not been touched since 0.92 or so...

Im sorry i was just told by quite a few people that it has and it feels like it has... Sorry if i am mistaken
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It might feel like it has because shots can't hit the empty space above shoulders anymore.
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the difference in headshots isn't so significant, headshots are OK, (if you have set direction in proper height and move it to sides) but i feel in my bones that there is something other in aiming, probably shootline is influenced by moving or some parameter not connected with weapon directly or effect of change something in physic, i just don't know :P In 1.0.4 i didn't think during aiming but even in osok it is other. Probably some parameter in mouse settings etc.
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Alien... what you are feeling is the hitbox change... omg.... read the whole thread.
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This is my point of view not that it matters and not that its going to change v1.1... i think because of all this "change" hitting people so... abruptly and suddenly, ect., that its... overwhelming. But i like the drama and problem solving for this video game :p never thought you would be thinking for an fps, huh?

Excuse me please because i have a.d.d. and its hard for me to stay on topic,

With the "problems" with the new version, i always love headshots. The sniper, made for headshots. Without the hitbox, and parameters for the hb, headshots with snipe is nearly gash darn impossible.

The SMG, made for spraying/mowing down your enemies. The no recoil is a great addition to the smg as it is easier to spray and aim without the "eh, my cross-hair is moving and i dont want it to."

The shotty, made to camp around a corner, wait, and blast your enemies stright in the face with lead. I think the headshots with the shotty are rediculous... why give it headshots, when it can hit with 1 kill instantly anyways??? (with any gun, if you get hit with lead in the face, what happens? you die. its more realistic with the shotty because of spread... but still)

The Assault Rifle, made like the SMG (before its time) to pwn people quickly, not quietly. It does seem interesting the the ar was given... a "balance" too it(in an assault cube view because the ar sucked in 1.0!). In most other games, (i.e. Combat Arms) the only weapon you have to start out with is an Ar and your essentials...

So here is what im suggesting, allthough it probably wont come true...

The hit boxs come back.
The headshot area on the head is enlarged back to v1.0...
Headshot are taken away from the shotties. (why is it even there if it only counts as 1 kill and an instant kill as before?) (no point to it is what i say) (unless someone was being "creative" and just thought it as an idea to make it look better? idk.)

v1.1 is fine... these are just suggestions. And i speak for evryone when i say play v1.1 now and adapt quickly. Hunt now or be hunted.
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(19 Aug 10, 04:48AM)Dr00l Wrote: The hit boxs come back.
The headshot area on the head is enlarged back to v1.0...
Headshot are taken away from the shotties.

1) I hope you're not referring to dbghbox?
2) The headshot area is now the same size as the playermodel head, rather than the same width as the rest of the body. Surely you see the problem there? 1.1 has fixed that problem. (The alternative would be to widen the playermodel head to match the head's hitbox, looking like ET or something.)
3) It's not a headshot, and as you mention, it's only worth 1 frag, so not really worth stressing over. If the shotgun performs its famous one-shot kill, it looks like a gib to sate the bloodlust of the shotgunners.
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evolution isnt always good..............
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Play 1.1 or gtfo ;)
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but faithful dogs will stay :)
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Why do I feel like the only one that's loving this?
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i don't know if i prefere 1 or the second....

but i'm sure that people are still afraid by changes....good players have to change their tricks,gameplay,tactic and so loose some rank in the top....

i'm sure that since the first upgrade of AC people complaining to keep "the good old one".

fastly my pov on 1.1:

-lot of armor now everywhere in the map :s in match the stronger is now more stronger,when you start owning with full armor you are "godlike".

-shotgun really anoying in pub.in 1.04 shotgun was good in pub but useless in match,but in 1.1 shotgun is good for match but so annoying on pub (lot of players and ctf become an osoklike or insta ctf with shotgun)

the rest is ok (for me,surely not for all ;) )
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(19 Aug 10, 10:18PM)pakit Wrote: -lot of armor now everywhere in the map :s in match the stronger is now more stronger,when you start owning with full armor you are "godlike".

Is there something stopping you from also getting it?
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(19 Aug 10, 10:55PM)|BC|Wolf Wrote:
(19 Aug 10, 10:18PM)pakit Wrote: -lot of armor now everywhere in the map :s in match the stronger is now more stronger,when you start owning with full armor you are "godlike".

Is there something stopping you from also getting it?

Is there something stopping you from getting nades in 1.0? :)
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(20 Aug 10, 12:49AM)Drakas Wrote: Is there something stopping you from getting nades in 1.0? :)
My desire to shoot guns in a FPS and my desire to score flags.
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Nades arn't so bad.
We should get nade licences!! ^^
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(20 Aug 10, 12:49AM)Drakas Wrote: Is there something stopping you from getting nades in 1.0? :)
There is a difference of getting armor to help myself not die so easily while using my gun, while nades is mostly used by people that want to get easy kills cause their aim isn't that great at that moment, or they are lazy. My point, armor is used as a tactic, in 1.0 people started using them just to kill easily by throwing them anywhere they thought an enemy would pop out ;]
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Too much armour = Battlefield Heroes.

Even though everyone has access to the same stuff, IMO adding the armour takes the overall skill level down and makes the game slower.
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I also think that the shotgun needs less distance of shooting. I mean, i'm getting 80 damage from a person with a shotgun from the other side of another room, it's pretty ridiculous with so much distance.

But I only play TOSOK/OSOK/LSS these days so I shouldn't be complaining. :\
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(20 Aug 10, 02:22AM)|BC|Wolf Wrote:
(20 Aug 10, 12:49AM)Drakas Wrote: Is there something stopping you from getting nades in 1.0? :)
There is a difference of getting armor to help myself not die so easily while using my gun, while nades is mostly used by people that want to get easy kills cause their aim isn't that great at that moment, or they are lazy. My point, armor is used as a tactic, in 1.0 people started using them just to kill easily by throwing them anywhere they thought an enemy would pop out ;]
I was not doing that and many many stupid players said I was spamming - so I understood it was a pretext because they were not able to kill me.

Then for armour : when you are dead, sorry you CAN'T pick up them;
also it's not a strategy anymore
before it was : there was 1 or 2 kevlars at the middle of the map and you had to keep control of them, it was part of strategy
now with helmets, they are everywhere, even in base, you just have to walk on them and you become stronger. So it's not a strategoy anymore, just a pickup hunt.
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I defiantly agree with Luc@s! atw! I couldn't have said that better myself.... Everyone knows that the old 1.0 has something that... just attracts everyone to it... that the new 1.1 doesn't have... and to V-man, I am referring to the dbghbox. Im also suggesting they widen the head shot area back to the player's body width.

I support it.

If the mods put something... like a, "readme" in the game that newbies could just read off with all the commands, it would maybe help n00bs a whole lot. When i first started out, i went straight to 1s1k servers... didnt know any codes or mods or FOV.. and 1s1k didn't get me too far. I had a max of 5-10 fps lol... If i would have known that 1s1k was making me play worse, i would have never played it. And it must make you worse... DM and CTF must make you more prepared and at the very least LSS...

But what the main idea im trying to project is... the main idea... well, there isn't one... all of this is just a dramatic conflict lol and problem solving.

Not every person will be happy when things change. Its the way of life. Even if you do have virtual guns and virtual heath and virtual armor, no matter what you do, not everyone will be pleased.

I am finished because i have no more use for this topic. Thanks for reading my abnormally long post :)
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Even though you might not read this. The dbghbox was only used for debugging, hence the name (Debug hit box). Though I think it would be funny if they widened the head of the player model, its not practical. I also prefer the smaller head hit box, because now there isn't any hitting your teammates while shooting over their head.

Yes, the readme needs to be updated. Last time I checked, the carbine wasn't added in :P

You are right, not everyone will be happy, so I say, let the Devs do what they want. Report bugs, maybe offer your opinion once. If they ask, then for sure give some feed back, but otherwise, let the Devs do their thing. Btw, it is open source!
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Thanks for understanding RR. And i didn't consider tking with the hit box at first until now.. so thanks for that too :D
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Luc@s pwns you
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hehe i still wish there was a 'like' button on these forums :/
i played on 1.1 for around 2 hours today and had absolutely no fun...in 1.0 i would go on for 1 game and enjoy myself...not anymore though. I probably had no fun because half the server is using a shotgun, and i was trying to use the SMG, AR, or Sniper. I had the most luck with the AR because its amazing in 1.1. The sniper just, ugh i cannot use the sniper in 1.1 for my life. and the SMG, i think it should have stayed the way it was in 1.0.

I understand the Devs were trying to balance all of the weapons, but i think that the sniper and SMG didnt need any change from 1.0 to 1.1( except the damage reduced from the sniper so it takes 2 pistol shots) The changes in the AR are perfect and the shotgun is well too powerful now. just my thoughts
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(21 Aug 10, 10:12PM)Chill Wrote: I understand the Devs were trying to balance all of the weapons, but i think that the sniper and SMG didnt need any change from 1.0 to 1.1( except the damage reduced from the sniper so it takes 2 pistol shots)

That was the only change to the sniper.
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Best 1.1 thingy:

Play with sniper, get 100 armor, hit a guy and chase him down with with your knife on.
It's funny to see his desperation after that whole clip is gone and you are still there, alive and kicking, swinging your blade at his face :D

Sniper/knife combo is da shit now!
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