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[Map] AC Venison
AC Venison

[Image: venison_HD_slideshow.gif]

Etymology :

The word derives from the Latin : vēnor (to hunt or pursue).

Description :

Venison is a Desert styled map. It's middle sized and good to play with 3 - 4 players for matches in each team.

The map is created with original textures and mapmodels only.

Venison is focused to balanced gameplay. You can play fast through the middle, or you can choose the longer flanc on each side.

The different Zones are made to fullfill all claims of every weapon.

Timing and Teamplay is the big picture of the map.

Enjoy the map and have fun.

your fundog
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One thing you could do is to make sure is that you remove all mapmodels that you cannot see, and make the areas that you cannot see/reach solid. Talking mostly about the top right of the map.
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Surprise. :o
Good job, fundog. :3
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thank you

there aren't totally hidden mapmodels. which doesn't complete the look of the map.

*map updated* - unused space solid
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make more maps ffs. :) looks great at first view. maybe you should clip the whole area

to prevent spawning up there.
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thanks ;-) It took me some time, more maps are not possible

it will only happen like on Power where you have only 6 spawns per team

max spawn points which can be played are set
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As an additionally input for you, i made this gameplay overview

[Image: ac_venison_minimap.jpg]

Yellow : That is the Zone of the bases, it's connected to the red center zone and also to the green zones on each side.

Green : That are the areas where you can heal and stay more safe than in all other areas. They are split by the base zone, which you need to take care if you cross it, because opponents can be fast in the yellow zone.

Orange : This is the zone where you need to pass or battle the red center opponents.

Red : That is the center of the map and potencially the most dangerous and frequented zone. The feature of that zone is, that you can shoot to the middle zone of the flancs. The flag runner can be killed, you will need teamplay and a good coordination to take over or return the flag, because the center player can't access this area directly and work as solo artist. Don't forget that it is at the same time the fastest walkthrough from the map.

Tactically it's possible to just rush the middle, or slowing down by choosing the flancs and playing for a clear walk. The map offers for every Team to play their trained tactics.

Of course you will find some more options, that was just a bit about the basic structure of the map.
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This looks very nice!
That screenshot klein posted reminded me a bit of ac_venganza.
What inspired the name? xD
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The name was inspired in honor of our favorite mode in FD "Hunt the Flag" :-)

similarities aren't intenionally ;-) As you can see i did continue my style from AC Savana

klein is in a area you will only see from outside. With beeing in edit mode, he did move into one of the upper chamber which is integrated to the playground as look around part of the map.
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I like the look of this map, i feel it needs to be played I will add it to my servers tonight maybe we can all vote it in and see how it plays.

Good work :)
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thanks for that, of course the most beautiful thing what can happen with the map, is people playing it :-)

if needed, you will find an example for the maprot in the package
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- Has a very good layout.
- Detail is great, you can see all the time that was put into it, which alone makes it deserve a spot on maprots.


- Venison in English means Deer Meat as far as I know.
- low fps in a few areas. My laptop usually runs /maxfps 75. I was below 50 in more than one area of this map.

Love it though. :D Good job, again.
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Wow, one of the better maps I've seen in a while. Some of the only things I would say is maybe rethink some of the pickups you got in the map. Also maybe you need to make some more changes to the clipping you got going on.
Like nightmare said, it is pretty open an large in a lot of spots which makes the wvt huge in a lot of areas...so try and minimize that to some degree.

Other than that great man fundog, 3.5/5 for me
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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venison ;-)

The clipping part i will watch again and update. Atm areas can't be accessed which are not supposed to be playground, so i did not clip additionally for preventing unexpected things.

wqd is fine everywhere, on the upper limit on some spots. I play it stable with a not so old graphic card which is not high rated.

thank you for your feedback
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megusta. Nice work!
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absolutely amazing layout. shame it wont get played in matches tho
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devs make this official gogogoggogogogoogoggo
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Nice Job fundog! 4/5
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Okay, this map is a lot better than the screenshots depict.
It's a little confusing having so many areas inaccessible, but I really like the dried up fountains :D
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A really nice map! Haven't tried it in mp but it looks very fun to play.
Good job there!
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