14 Jul 12, 03:41AM
desert and complex need to be added.
(maybe desert2 as well)
(maybe desert2 as well)
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ESL Versus
14 Jul 12, 03:41AM
desert and complex need to be added.
(maybe desert2 as well)
14 Jul 12, 05:26AM
dm complex, douze surv
14 Jul 12, 06:24AM
modes will not be associated to single maps ;-)
14 Jul 12, 07:29AM
14 Jul 12, 05:35PM
(13 Jul 12, 06:37PM)fundog Wrote: there aren't any specified server to play on it. It's based on agreemed, like actually it is. Agree. And say more... there aren't any specified server to play on it. It's based on agreemed, like actually it is. atm, all modes are open to vote. To reduce this choice to one mode seemed to be too restrictive and excluding too much modes people could like to play. 1Cap
15 Jul 12, 01:53AM
so why hasn't anything been done?
I could buy a VPS if someone were to show me good hosts. Could host servers for this ESL 1v1.
15 Jul 12, 01:05PM
artic / arid / complex / desert / desert2 / douze / rattrap / scaffold / snow / toxic
16 Jul 12, 02:09AM
nosok pls
17 Jul 12, 07:58AM
tbh arctic, douze, snow, desert, ingress, gothic and to a lesser extent complex and are the only solid 1v1 maps i can think of. The rest leave too much room for armor/health camping in DM matches and camping standoffs where both players stay one one side of the map for way too long..
17 Jul 12, 08:53AM
Elevation is good for 1v1's too BigGunZ.
17 Jul 12, 09:56AM
And you forgot arid.
Based on your comments and inputs (thank you for that) the setup is updated now :
Allowed modes are : Deathmatch and Survivor enjoy and have fun in ESL 1vs1 challenges
I still think that the maps need tweaking. Such as adding complex and desert to the list of the possible maps. :)
17 Jul 12, 11:02PM
will follow as fast as possbile ;-)
ac_snow maybe?
ac_scaffold isn't a bad 1v1 map either.
18 Jul 12, 05:49AM
18 Jul 12, 05:25PM
18 Jul 12, 08:39PM
^in the past, not recently though.
----- I'm all for desert and complex. Not interesting in seeing scaffold added (although that's only because i never play it but i think crappy spawns might be a problem there.)
18 Jul 12, 08:48PM
I would stay away from Scaffold mainly due to the fact that people with bad computer suffer on it from lag. Elevation isn't a 1v1 map at all imo. DM it can be ok, surv is terrible. Ask undead :>
please sort this out: http://www.esl.eu/eu/assaultcube/player/versus/3370152/
hes abusing the system to be #1 on it without actually playing he can be seen doing the exact same thing here: http://www.esl.eu/eu/wc3/ui/versus/rankings/6946604
Also i never see him in the chat of ESL.
19 Jul 12, 08:34AM
Who is that? The site is down at the moment...
19 Jul 12, 09:11AM
Site is back. It's not an error, the ESL website has often maintenance time.
19 Jul 12, 11:37AM
I loved ac_wasteland, it was a very famous map for 1vs1 in 1.0.4, how about adding it to the maps.
only official maps will be added for ESL, sry
EDIT* The map-pool is updated now, the actual setup is : ac_complex / ac_desert / ac_douze / ac_gothic / ac_ingress
19 Jul 12, 03:30PM
You removed arid D:
19 Jul 12, 03:37PM
maps can be changed as soon we get tired from some maps
i added the maps which was highest requested for the new mode setup For a while we will live with the actual map-pool
19 Jul 12, 07:57PM
I've already contacted ESL about that guy, i'm waiting to hear back from them.
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