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Sepehr is currently working on a website for us since i am retarded in these stuff :), he's almost done, it is going to be CMS website, something simple with basic things... So this enjin website is not for use anymore, i don't know if i am able to delete it but just wanted to leave a notice that is out dated and rush| doesn't use it anymore, thanks!
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Good Luck BunnySoul!
Wish the best to your clan! Did you make the clan with someone, like you said on LC forums, or did you make it alone?
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Alone, the guy i considered ... we didn't come along.
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good luck mate, always a pleasure playing with ya
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anytime, everywhere ;-)
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Thank you friends.
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GL d00d
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Good luck with rush| ! :-D
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Thanks end game :)
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I personally believe an application/testing recruitment system works better than invitation, only because it assures that the people in your clan wanted to join, rather than just agreed to join because they figured they might as well. Just don't recruit too leniently; keep the clan decently small. Also, don't die if you start running low on members, many of the greater clans here have had points where they were left with 2 or 3 members for a pretty long time before getting more people.

Of course, good luck and have fun!
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Players that are interested can show that even without applying, and at the moment im the only member in the team, and i don't even think about dropping this, I will be alone as long as it needs to build a decent team

PS: here's the website: http://rushing.tk , there are still some pages to add though (Recruit/Clanwars)

Btw i have nothing to do with the website developing, it is 100% Sepehr's job, so thank you!!
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Good Luck with your new clan Bunny. Sorry about the recruit page. Sepehr and me are a little busy this days...
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Guys, rush was renamed into Aerosol ( aero| ) more info at the first post of the thread.
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Davitomon .o.
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Hmmm... I LIKE!
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It's a little funny you named your clan after a substance under pressure in a spray can haha but I wish you a lot of good luck and I hope it grows big :)
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did not find any assaultcube section ...
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Website is still under construction!
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Best of luck bunny, but u won't need it :p
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Welcome BigDaddy and Shorty! assaultcube page & forums will be done very soon in: www.aerosol-esports.org
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(29 Jun 12, 03:11PM)BunnySoul Wrote: Welcome BigDaddy and Shorty! assaultcube page & forums will be done very soon in: www.aerosol-esports.org

nice, hopefully you guys start playing a few cm's :D
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we actually do, against lower teams tho and we dont publish it anywhere yet.
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Good luck. Davi's a great catch for any team.
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Forums for the aerosol assaultcube gaming squad were created already, roster is still in-progress , gj davi ! :p
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Clan already existed in other games.
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