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Guy's , I know you have told me to post songs in my big thread and stuff, but it isn't really working. People don't want to go through pages just to play my song. I'm just gonna update this song I made for a contest.

http://soundcloud.com/krutadubstep/kruta...-esb-entry Please check it and DO NOT WHINE about this. Please. ( inb4 Marti bitch and moans , you can go **** yourself ) .

Thanks !
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Sounds like video game music :3

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Hahahahahahahaha. Nice stuff.
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Owww man u made that song? CUZ i wanna thank you very much the song is sOOoo beatiful :)
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i refuse to listen until all the proper channels are gone through.

but seriously....
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*insert bitch and moan*

thats how u like it right? :)
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Marti your a fail troll stop and go make me a sandwich. The kitchen is thatta away.


(26 Apr 12, 08:29AM)Waffles Wrote: i refuse to listen until all the proper channels are gone through.

but seriously....

Da fuq u talking about.
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There is always one note in every song you make that doesn't feel like it's part of the right scale.

That one goddamn note.
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(26 Apr 12, 02:15PM)Marti Wrote: *insert bitch and moan*

thats how u like it right? :)


(02 May 12, 02:31AM)XKluTcHM0nSt3RX Wrote: Da fuq u talking about.

and lol

XKluTcHM0nSt3RX, I actually enjoy some of your works. But I don't enjoy how you're so sensitive to Marti's playful/harmless comments. He's only bugging you cuz you let him get to you. That message in the original post was an invitation.

keep up the good stuff. have you every published or submitted them before?
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Go help children in africa and stop doing "music" ,in that way you will be useful
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you should make em downloadable :D
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(02 May 12, 03:35AM)Mystered Wrote: Go help children in africa and stop doing "music" ,in that way you will be useful

By that argument, we should all stop playing AC.

Noooo :O
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(02 May 12, 03:35AM)Mystered Wrote: Go help children in africa and stop doing "music" ,in that way you will be useful

This ^
(02 May 12, 02:47AM)RCJD Wrote: That message in the original post was an invitation.

and this ^

+ i believe u were the first one to bitch on me

(25 Feb 12, 11:40PM)XKluTcHM0nSt3RX Wrote:
(25 Feb 12, 05:26PM)Marti Wrote:
(25 Feb 12, 04:58PM)XKluTcHM0nSt3RX Wrote: I try to make one everyday.

plz post them in a song forum or something :P this is AC forum
Go fox urself sir.
as i believe fox urself stands for f*ck urself in this case
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Lol Marti.

(26 Apr 12, 12:54AM)XKluTcHM0nSt3RX Wrote: Guy's , I know you have told me to post songs in my big thread and stuff, but it isn't really working.
If by working you mean not people getting annoyed, then sure. It's not "working."

(26 Apr 12, 12:54AM)XKluTcHM0nSt3RX Wrote: People don't want to go through pages just to play my song.
Really? Because I'm pretty sure these "people" were the ones that asked you to make the single thread in the first place.

(26 Apr 12, 12:54AM)XKluTcHM0nSt3RX Wrote: I'm just gonna update...
Update one thread then ;).

Your thread title "Victorious" made me curious.
Are you saying it's your victory? Does the fact that you ignored people's advice by making an entirely new thread, thus proving the point of others (like Marti), make you a victor?

It seems more like it's their victory instead...
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Damn fucking trolls. The people here that actually listen and don't bitch about irrelevant shit on my threads are PaulMaud , Ventex , and Spamma ( he even quit this forum and he makes sick beats ). All I ask is some feed back on songs. I don't give a fuck about 10 year old's like marti and shadowfags that thinks he's smart when my thread title has nothing to do with my ( default ) win against trolls. Victorious is the name of the song DERPPPPP. You would have known that if you actually listened instead of posting random bullshit.


inb4 umad hahahhaha no you just fail just fail....my exasperation's about your stupidity made me LOL
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(11 May 12, 01:01AM)XKluTcHM0nSt3RX Wrote: My exasperation's about your stupidity made me LOL

And it's not so much as us being "trolls" than you being stubborn as hell and keep spamming the entire forum.
And I knew that was the title of your song. You might not know this, but I never actually said I didn't listen to your music when you posted it, I (and others) just wish you'd keep it all in one thread. I think it's your turn to listen ;)
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(11 May 12, 01:03AM)ShadowFlameZ Wrote: And it's not so much as us being "trolls" than you being stubborn as hell and keep spamming the entire forum.
And I knew that was the title of your song. You might not know this, but I never actually said I didn't listen to your music when you posted it, I (and others) just wish you'd keep it all in one thread. I think it's your turn to listen ;)


It's a shame that someone with talent who can write decent music has such little maturity.
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*Posts thread in offtopic*
*Expects ontopic comments*
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When I post my song's on the old thread by editing it , it does not even show up in the new posts. Therefore NO one gives feed back. All I want is comments relating to my music.

(11 May 12, 07:26AM)Orynge Wrote: *Posts thread in offtopic*
*Expects ontopic comments*

* retard posts useless post *
* thinks he's funny but actually whole thread is dedicated to a man's music progression and desire for feedback.*

* Still decides to be an asswipe and think he's amusing.*
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Ok, what Ory said wasn't rude, yet you respond with rudeness. I'm tired of your belligerent behavior. What they said is valid points. I don't enjoy getting new threads for each new song you made, that would be appropriate in a different forum that was more focused to you or music. You need to stop being hostile to anyone who posts in this thread that doesn't say "gj", kay? And I haven't seen any "trolling" in here. There have been some flames here and there, but not much more than a BIC lighter.

These forums are for AssaultCube. If you don't get feedback, deal. Go join some music forums and see what they say, they will give you much more meaningful feedback, I guarantee.

(11 May 12, 09:01PM)XKluTcHM0nSt3RX Wrote: When I post my song's on the old thread by editing it , it does not even show up in the new posts. Therefore NO one gives feed back. All I want is comments relating to my music.

This makes no sense by the way.

Now, if you decide to go all huffy with me because of this post, suck it up.
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(11 May 12, 09:01PM)XKluTcHM0nSt3RX Wrote: When I post my song's on the old thread by editing it , it does not even show up in the new posts. Therefore NO one gives feed back.

Bump them, and stop acting like everyone's against you. Most of us are here for the AC, not for your music, so don't assume we care.

Also, from the Forum Rules thread,
6. If you are not browsing in the off-topic forum, don't post something that is entirely off-topic to the thread.

So, how's the weather?
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Bitch, bitch, bitch. Long story short: this is a gaming forum, not a music forum - either deal with it or GTFO. Getting aggressive at everyone and their grandmother won't help your cause either.
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Man, most of you are jerks.
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I wouldn't say that. I'd say most of us are annoyed.
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Track was nice, your drops have gotten a lot tighter.
How does that jingle go? "It's okay to not like things/It's okay/But don't be a dick about it./It's okay to not like things/But don't be a dick about the things you don't like." I think some people should take these words to heart.
I dig this guy's tracks so I post in the thread, if I didn't dig the work then I wouldn't post.
I guess some feel the need to air their displeasure, which is amateur in my opinion.
Maybe seeing the Offtopic forum as a way of getting to know fellow players, chat about hobbies and et cetera is a wrong way of looking at it. Maybe every thread should be about spread reduction or some other game mechanic.
Sorry for being a jerk and mudding up your thread.
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er, I don't think you get the issue. He can keep this to one thread and get all of the same comments that he gets in the other thread if people want to make the posts. And thus far quite a number of people have voiced displeasure about his making several threads. For one, when he started these threads. For two on this thread. And you have to take into account that one person voicing displeasure is the most active contributor to the codebase right now, and another is a mod.

By the way, I'll take your opinion more seriously when you decide to have more than five posts outside of offtopic.
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You just see me as some random, eh?
That's fine.
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(11 May 12, 09:01PM)XKluTcHM0nSt3RX Wrote: When I post my song's on the old thread by editing it , it does not even show up in the new posts. Therefore NO one gives feed back. All I want is comments relating to my music.
Helpful hint:
[Image: screenshot20120511at825.jpg]
Notice the "New Reply" button.
If necessary, make a double post in the same thread. Double posts are much less annoying than multiple threads about one topic.

(11 May 12, 09:10PM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: I'm tired of your belligerent behavior.
This ^^

(11 May 12, 09:10PM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: Go join some music forums and see what they say, they will give you much more meaningful feedback, I guarantee.
Which brings us to helpful hint #2!
After a random google search, I have come to the conclusion that you should try posting your music here or here here, or maybe even here!


(11 May 12, 09:10PM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: There have been some flames here and there, but not much more than a BIC lighter.

Needs moar lighters.
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(12 May 12, 12:38AM)fernando Wrote: Man, most of you are jerks.

Perhaps you haven't read the many other posts and threads to understand the context. Understand the situation first before judging?

And I wouldn't be surprised if this "fernando" was actually...

Ronald Reagan really summed up my thoughts. And yes, I am annoyed:
Someone posts something off-topic in a gaming forum. Well, that's fine. That's why we have an Off-Topic section. But to make so many threads after being asked to stick with one?! Is it that hard?

You want this community to give honest feedback on your music. There's no obligation or expectation that we have to give feedback - after all, this is a gaming forum. You are basically asking this community a favour. Yet you rudely insult members of this community. So it only makes sense they won't be returning the favour you asked.

ShadowZ listed some solutions. Yes, he and others may have made some posts with a bit of attitude to stir you up before. But if you had ignored them instead of writing replies far worse than their posts, things wouldn't have escalated to this point.

More than once have I praised you for your creative works. But I am now having a hard time enjoying the music knowing the kind of person who created it ):

I think it's about time we all stopped wasting time on this threads. I mean, these threadS.
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