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An apology to all
(25 Feb 12, 02:06PM)paulmuaddibKA Wrote: With great power comes great responsibility.
We are talking about a DES member who has control over blacklist which not only affect their servers, but can also apply to a wider range.
My clan tag, {CoE}, is banned from multitude of servers, even though I am a fair player and have the right to wear it, now I have to use c0e instead.
CoE does not only represent fredrik being an ass (:3) , also Paul and his love for gemas, or J0kk3´s cheerfulness, or Shawllim´s right to play the game.
This is not about CoE, but about what transcend to decisions we partake.
Open Source is in his full right to do what he wants to do, but lets see things as a whole, this is a game, it shouldnt matter if you insulted a random unarmed or a TyD member.
When different criteria is applied to the same fault, then something is not working properly. Just my humble opinion...

1)One Post! http://forum.cubers.net/thread-1-post-78...l#pid78217

2) Second post! http://forum.cubers.net/thread-1-post-86...l#pid86425


Si quieres seguimos buscando entre los dos mas post, sobre abuso, insulto! y muchas mas cosas!, Si quiero te hubiera baneado!, pero no es el caso! para empezar en mis serveres no eh bloqueado el nick! de {CoE}, que tenia que haberlo hecho!, pero soy buena persona!
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Come on, the kid went through a rough patch and was just behaving like kids in his age do, cut him some slack would ya? Let the guy play the game, ffs! And besides, you dudes shouldn't get so worked up about a name on your screen wrinting shit or calling votes.

paulmuaddibKA - I agree with you to some degree. This BL thingy is an ancient problem in AC, some server owners are very personal, uptight and, prepotent when it comes to their Blacklists, that in itiself is their bussiness, the real problem is that lots of others start to use this BLs blindly and that's bad. My sugestion to you paulmuaddibKA is to not play in such servers and convince your mates to do the same. Trust me, their strictness will be equivalent to the popularity of their servers.
In that matter I really miss Drakas, that was a good way to manage a blacklist in a popular ladder!
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Venga ya hombre!!!!!
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calm down.
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(25 Feb 12, 05:18PM)PERROS Wrote: Venga ya hombre!!!!!

Calm down. One ! is enough.
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@Perros! I just know I cant wear the tag in lots of servers, including yours. Maybe an "entry" was added to the blacklist you guys use which also applies to your servers... Im not sure.
I know you are a good person, diligent, hard-worker and that you do your best for making this a good game without troubles, and I respect that a lot.
I just brought the CoE thing to "make a point", not to point in your direction. We already talked about this, and you know my position,
que Fred es gilipollas.
It as Crema says, indiscriminate use of the blacklist can bring to unfair situations or troubles. Just that!

Edit: changed entrance to entry, thx jamz!
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Shame PERROS has left :(

Anywho ontopic: I think this guy has learned his lesson to an extent. That said, he still has a little ways to go before he should be fully reaccepted.
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(25 Feb 12, 05:08PM)ElCrema Wrote: Come on, the kid went through a rough patch and was just behaving like kids in his age do, cut him some slack would ya? Let the guy play the game, ffs! And besides, you dudes shouldn't get so worked up about a name on your screen wrinting shit or calling votes.

This comes down to the server owner, always has always will. You can't argue with a person's individual wishes on what he allows on his server and not. You can argue all you want, but at the end as long as the server maintains the official guidelines of the master server, your opinion as a non server owner isn't considered much.

(25 Feb 12, 05:08PM)ElCrema Wrote: paulmuaddibKA - I agree with you to some degree. This BL thingy is an ancient problem in AC, some server owners are very personal, uptight and, prepotent when it comes to their Blacklists, that in itiself is their bussiness, the real problem is that lots of others start to use this BLs blindly and that's bad. My sugestion to you paulmuaddibKA is to not play in such servers and convince your mates to do the same. Trust me, their strictness will be equivalent to the popularity of their servers.

Don't be so naive! Many server owners use other blacklists simply because they find it trustworthy and they don't want to maintain their own version. If they agree with the individual / clan that provide the blacklist they feel certain to keep bad behavior & cheating away from their servers.

Some of them might be using it blindly, but rest assure that these are not many and not among the most popular servers. However I'm sure they at some point agreed with installing such a blacklist, simply because it was easier.

(25 Feb 12, 05:08PM)ElCrema Wrote: In that matter I really miss Drakas, that was a good way to manage a blacklist in a popular ladder!

What blacklist?..

Oh right, let's not ban those big ranges, so we can keep banning 'cheats' on sight. Because that worked well...

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I'm not arguing anything, just saying that a lot players are blacklisted for no good reason just because the server owner or his friends fell like it or for a behavior that is hardly worthy of a 20 min ban. It's fine by me, your server your rules. I'm not saying you or other sever owners can't do this, I'm just saying that I find wrong and unfortunately, like you said, ppl are lazy and they use this very personal BLs on their servers blindly because it comes with a known clan tag attached to it and they assume is trustworthy.

I have no say in your server rules or BL, I get that. But I do have a say here in this forums and when it come to opinions mine is as good as anyone's, either you like it or not.
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I would like to know who the fudge would write all that and then go back to being the same. And if he did Then just reban. I dont see the problem in unblacklisting temporairly. I also think i played with him today and he didnt do anything wrong :)
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(24 Feb 12, 06:52PM)DES|OpenSource Wrote: Dedicated Elite Soldiers - View topic - I wish to be unblacklisted please
This ban will stay on my server until i see proof for my self that this shitty behavior isnt still going on.

=SA= Clan rules Wrote:Be skilled in shooting is not enough if you're immature or having a bad attitude.
Therefor, it is STRICTLY PROHIBITED to :
have any bad behavior (spam, camp, teamkill, hack, racism etc) in public servers.

[These behaviors will not be tolerated.]
use bad words or bad language in public.

Keep in mind everyone, Skorpion was not an =SA= member when all this occurred an year ago. Currently, he is an =SA= trial member (hence the *); his application is pending on once he has proved to all of our members he has reformed (:

Just to clear things up.


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He will remain BL on my servers at least for another 6 months, my experience of thsi guy has not been good. Several times he has made an appology that looked good then when told no he imediately goes back to trolling, vote abusing, racial slurs it goes on and on. For this reason I can not let him back in until he has actually proven he has changed.

Off topic, I am getting a little bored with people who think that can act like idiots then make an apollogy post and everything is ok, thats not how it works in the real world most of these people go on to do it again and i am fed up with it. NO MORE APPOLOGIES behave well for then come back here and say sorry then I might believe you...
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you removed me last month, and now you are just putting me up now, for nothing?
on the 15th of january you made a post saying.

"Its been a while now, despite his appalling posts (i hate religious references) then my vote is for unblacklisting. It would be conditional on good behavoiur and any return to the old crap would result in permaban."

i have brought you no offensive behaviour since you have made that post. now.... im not arguing with you, the server owner can decide for what he wants.

Also i do not understand why today i am all of a sudden blocked from more servers i do not understand why!

The way i see the ac_Forums (metaphorically) is like a farmer and his herd of sheep
the shepherd represents the reporter/or someone major.
and the sheep represents the server owners.
The farmer says "Blacklist this person here is his ip"
sheep reply "baaaaaaaa blacklist"
and what happens when a sheep doesnt comply, it ends up on the dinner table..
(im not trying to be offensive or agressive anyway.)

In my opinion, blacklists should be only for cheaters,
not for people like me and other people who troll, blacklists are way to harsh
there are many ways we can stop trolls, but everyone is so lazy (including me)

for example, use the white list more often, to stop those clan tag abusing people/trolls enter our servers, that will make em poo out bricks..
do an auto ban (not kick) if kills fall below -3 (or whatever)
for people (like what i did a year ago) who pull more then 6 votes (abusive) should get a ban..
that will teach the trolls to stop trolling.

The only server i find the best "chuck out the rest" is exodus now who ever owns that server is one of the smartest men/woman.
it has auto-ban for hackers
it has a whitelist for noobs who want to troll.
and it has an auto kick for tking trolls.
*Skorpion applauses exodus server owner*

I am not having a go at anyone, this is just my opinion please remember that
and all have a great day.


also to add to exodus is that they have an auto kick excessive offensive language
that server is designed for "anti trolls"
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(27 Feb 12, 04:01AM)RCJD Wrote: Keep in mind everyone, Skorpion was not an =SA= member when all this occurred an year ago. Currently, he is an =SA= trial member (hence the *); his application is pending on once he has proved to all of our members he has reformed (:

Just to clear things up.


Yes, sorry for not making that clear my self in my post.
This is not a =SA= incident.

(27 Feb 12, 09:33AM)Tightsecurity Wrote: In my opinion, blacklists should be only for cheaters,
not for people like me and other people who troll, blacklists are way to harsh
there are many ways we can stop trolls, but everyone is so lazy (including me)
That is your opinion.
You have the right to have that.
This dont mean i agree, or have to agree.

I may have a strict blacklist policy but im getting to old to be called names by a 16 year old.

And since i cant ask their father or mother to lay them over their knee and give them a good hard ass spank, like some should have had a long time a go, i just have one option left and thats to remove the element from my server.
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i see what you did there, you just as bad as me open source,
trying to start an argument with me.. what a troll... xD
well im just going to ignore that post :D just like an mature adult would.

*poof* now all of a sudden i am supposed to be unblacklisted from all the servers in DES| because in your forums you said, "if you act like an mature adult then il un-blacklist you".

i have shown no negative attitude and aggressive attitude thus un-blacklisting me because i did what you promised.

Thank you for the test DES|
i nearly got angry, but then i realised no. :D

Problem? i think not :D have a nice day DES|, thanks for the unblacklist xD
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(27 Feb 12, 10:25AM)Tightsecurity Wrote: Opensource..
i see what you did there, you just as bad as me open source,
trying to start an argument with me.. what a troll... xD
well im just going to ignore that post :D just like an mature adult would.

*poof* now all of a sudden i am supposed to be unblacklisted from all the servers in DES| because in your forums you said, "if you act like an mature adult then il un-blacklist you".

i have shown no negative attitude and aggressive attitude thus un-blacklisting me because i did what you promised.

Thank you for the test DES|
i nearly got angry, but then i realised no. :D

Problem? i think not :D have a nice day DES|, thanks for the unblacklist xD

[Image: demotivationalpostersowned1-vi-th.jpg]
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|HP|, please do not encourage this,
if the bully is going to try and hit me in the face then i am going to try to hit back as well.
or the quote "an eye for an eye"
a good friend of mine said to me,
Skorpion: RCDJ, you are more superior then me, you have a higher ranks.
RCJD: we have ranks but we are all equal.
what i am trying to say is that...

just because Opensource is in the Almighty powerful DES| clan, does mean he has a high reputation.
However i will not tolerate, someone who thinks they are superior (the bully) and abuse the blacklist and the bully phase "everything i say must happen".

I know what i have done, i went through a tough stage, i should have gotten help, and i should not have reacted like that previously, but i have "done the crime, done the time".1 year i have been blacklisted from 90% of the server! does this satisfy you as the bully? This bullying thing and blacklist abusing is just intolerable.

In my opinion, overall server owners do abuse the blacklist a little, by putting big ranges so the poor and innocent are blacklisted, (but that could also to do with lazyness, but still is abuse)

Do not take this to offence,
Regards Skorpion.
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(27 Feb 12, 09:33AM)Tightsecurity Wrote: In my opinion, blacklists should be only for cheaters,
not for people like me and other people who troll, blacklists are way to harsh
there are many ways we can stop trolls, but everyone is so lazy (including me)

After I read this all I can say is that you should stay on the blacklist, since you don't understand what you did.

I don't like to play with morons. And I think a lot of others players think the same.

If a troll would get only kicked/banned from a server for tk, vote abuse, or whatever he would just move to another server and he would begin to act again as a troll.
So, in my opinion, you are wrong.

Also if you were 12 years old you should've notice that you weren't doing good stuff, that kicking people was annoying for other players and that putting stupid reasons was even more immature. Also if people were "lazy" and F1'd all your votes.

I don't care if you are at home sitting in front of your PC or if you are talking "in person" with other people, for me, respect must be given to everyone, in every circumstance.

Also I know many =SA= guys and I really wonder why they would recruit a guy with a so nice past.
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you dont understand what i am trying to say.. I know what i did wrong, i know it is intolerable,

Respect... you talk about it alot, I RESPECTED my prison sentence, my punishment for not playing ac for a year.. and tell me, how would you feel to be blacklisted for a year in your favourite game.

when a troll is banned from a server, it takes him a long time for him to come back to the server, that is why servers need a troll ban, otherwise blacklists will be forgetful and harmful, expecially for the innocent people in the blacklist for the trolls. so blacklist have alot of flaws.

please do not question =SA= , they are wise/not stupid, they know about my background, and i have exposed everything, and i told them already about my previous blacklists.

Mitixx, i am not angry with you, but rather discussing :D
so please dont take this to offence :D

"expecially for the innocent people in the blacklist for the trolls. so blacklist have alot of flaws."
rewritten "expecially for the innocent people in the blacklist range for the trolls. so blacklists do have a lot of flaws.
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Shit Tightsecurity , it seemed an easier task to build your own Cube game than to appeal this blacklist report.
Its my believing that if you, by chance, do wrong with the wrong person, will get blacklisted faster than a douze vote passes on "Your mom house" server; meanwhile, if you are an ass with the 90 % rest of the players, then no one will give a fuk.
Al Bundy: teamkilling in gema maps everyfuckingday ruining the experience of lots of players. A CB offense, IMO, much worse than insulting or trying to kick someone. But who cares, its gema!
So, Tightsecurity, Its normal that after being a douche for the millionth time people find it difficult to lift the ban, what I guess would be the real issue is to find how many server owners outside the DES team read this post and actually erase the entrance. Good luck with that brah!

Edit: Underlined part is just to make a point, I love tea bagging that fucker... Theres even a SK 6 Al Bundy edition!
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(24 Feb 12, 11:26PM)Felix-The-Ghost Wrote:
Sarin Wrote:your wrong
Lol. You're wrong.

Also, I can identify with this behavior, if it were up to me I'd
unblacklist him/her.

Thx for the correction i got what you ment to say...
But next time PM me because i consider this to be a personal attack
and will not tolerate such actions and will have to blacklist you from
my super awesome, 1 slot server, on which you never wanted to play on
in the first place :D

Quote:And since i cant ask their father or mother to lay them over their
knee and give them a good hard ass spank, like some should have had a
long time a go, i just have one option left and thats to remove the
element from my server.


Not to mention that he blacklisted me for sarcasm/irony...
what more should one say about this person?
I know he is allowed to do it, that still doesnt make it right.

Now im bored of this thread cya
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(27 Feb 12, 11:49AM)Mitixx Wrote: for me, respect must be given to everyone, in every circumstance.

(27 Feb 12, 11:49AM)Mitixx Wrote: Also I know many =SA= guys and I really wonder why they would recruit a guy with a so nice past.

Ain't questioning a clans choice of players to recruit rather disrespectful?
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(27 Feb 12, 06:11PM)RealViking Wrote: Ain't questioning a clans choice of players to recruit rather disrespectful?

His past is known, like yours. And as I said I like SA clan: many good and nice players.
So what I wrote isen't disrespectful, at least for me. And I didn't said anything wrong.
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used to be but most of em left :|
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Guys once again just reminding you :D
this is just my opinion, there are so many flaws with the game but i love the game entirely! <3
I would like to apologise for my previous comment, paulmuaddibKA. you are right and i believe i went too far making a game is a lot simpler saying it then done it. although those were just opinions, "Lazy" was not the right term, once again sorry :/ , but there could be other ways then blacklisting trolls.. although this is about my unblacklist.

You all keep forgetting how i feel, the whole reason why i write these lengthy paragraph's.

Oh Skorpion is blacklisted, oh thats ok we will add just more years and months.
You all realise he does have emotion's too, and you guys feel nothing.
"Time goes faster when you are having fun" thus the reason on why you go...
Skorpion pffft blacklisted for a year, its not really long.

I believe some blacklisting abusing is going on, and i will give you an real life example

a criminal, does a crime of theft, he accepts his fate for 20years in jail.
but at the end the police hold him back for another years, just because they dont like him.
tell me do you think it is wrong?
The man wants to be with his family,
just like me how i would like to join my friends in the other servers.
i cant join my friends because the police abuse their rights because they think they are superior.

I know a lot of people hate me, but that should not be the reason i should still be blacklisted,it is illegal to keep prisoner behind bars just because you dont like him.
please consider this under your calculation.

just an explanation on what i feel,
hope you all have a splendid day, Love from <3
Skorpion. :D

i have resigned from, =SA= for reputational reasonings, and i did not want to get them involved in my past history.no pl
now please dont ridicule me and correct everything i say, this is just an opinion.
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Will a MOD please close this thread. I believe this thread has run it's course and it's just fanning the fire.

This tread turned into a poo flinging contest.

I think everyone needs to try and leave their hate for things behind. Whether it be hate for clans, players, blacklists, etc.

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@tightsecurity Man, join CoE! Gema misfits, "bad" reputation, lust for team play, hardcore love for AC (and girls [specially sisters]), n00bs (like me) and a clan dictator.
So much fun...
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Closed. I concur, MCS.
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