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Two Topics
I have two questions.

One: How can you call a vote to kick or ban a player? [/font]I can never find where I can exercise that option for I see people do that a lot.
Two: How can you set up your own server space and create your own game?
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(09 Feb 12, 12:44AM)KingKris1994 Wrote: I have two questions.

One: How can you call a vote to kick or ban a player? [/font]I can never find where I can exercise that option for I see people do that a lot.
Two: How can you set up your own server space and create your own game?

First: you can use the console to kick/ban a player, to do that first you need to know the Client Number or cn in the score board. Then you need to have a valid reason to kick/ban the player:

/kick X(X is the client number) "intentional team killer"

To use more than one word you type it like that, many servers won't let you ban keep that in mind.

As for the Server part you can surely browse this forums since there's a whole sub-forum dedicated to servers, or read the docs that came with AC.
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(09 Feb 12, 12:44AM)KingKris1994 Wrote: I have two questions.

One: How can you call a vote to kick or ban a player? [/font]I can never find where I can exercise that option for I see people do that a lot.
Two: How can you set up your own server space and create your own game?

First: /kick or /ban "cn number" "reason"

Second: Read the Docs and use the WiKi
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Oh and I also have a notification too.
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What sort of notification?
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I've seen two racists on the game. I couldn't ban or kick them because I didn't know how and I'm trying to figure that out and still don't know how.


The bottom one I saw today but he was on sporadically and the other I saw a couple of weeks ago. I've also been call the N word a couple of times by one person when I fragged him but they booted him off for me.
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If this happens, get a partial IP address with the
/whois cn
Then, at the end of the game, try to get a demo too (press F10 IIRC).
Nobody wants racism here. Getting and posting (on the blacklist thread) this information could help to remove them :)
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Honestly KingKris1994 I suggest you to get a lot more acquainted with the AC documentations and the whole bunch of commands before even thinking of setting up a server of your own (they are way too many servers already anyway).
You'll obviously will need to secure it, run it smoothly, check logs, report all sorts of unacceptable behaviours aso aso, you will certainly find players eager to give you an helping hand but in all it is still a tough job to run a decent and respectable server.

Edit: Thanks to DES|Opensource for providing (in next post) the link I forgot to add :p
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AssaultCube Documentation
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(09 Feb 12, 10:24AM)KingKris1994 Wrote: ...RacistNiggerKKK
Already dealt with here

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Okay I still need some help with the kicking/banning part.
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Which part of jAcKRoCk's reply didn't you understand?
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I understand but how do type it? Is there a certain feature I need to have, a button/ shortcut keyboard move? That's the hard part.
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Type into chat. Don't forget the '/' :)
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First you may wanna press TAB to look at scoreboard and cn for the player you wanna kick/ban.

Then press T to enter chat.
/kick cn "add reason for kick vote here"
/ban cn "add reason for ban vote here".

Like: /kick 7 "intentional teamkiller and racist"
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You put the slash the same way you do normally, just put it in front of everything press T and inmediately type your kick/ban as OS told you.
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Okay I'll keep this page up for next time I play the game. Thanks for the clarification.
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Alternatively you can press the tilde button to open up the console, then type in the kick procedure that has been clarified numerous times above.

Welcome to AC, sorry that you ran into people like this. Rest assured that most people in this community think the way you do, and want to rid this game of trolls, mean beans, and racists.
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Don't forget the intentional team killers, laggers, spambots, and aimbots.
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And the occasional nade from me even if you're on my team lol
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Welcome to AC!
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(24 Feb 12, 12:56AM)CaptainAhab Wrote: trolls [and] mean beans.


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Still having trouble.
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What is the tilde button?
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Well they're back.
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Still can't get it to work.
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What can't you get to work?
We need lots of information about your problem.
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Perhaps you need to read the docs dude, every copy of AC comes with a HTML file you can read and learn tons of stuff.

How hard is to get to know this:

/kick or ban cn "Valid Reason"

That's all you need to kick someone, as we already told you you can find the client number just to the right of the player's name.

Like this:

Name ping/pj Client Number Frags Deaths

Unarmed 98/0 6 1000 0
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