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Banned from the 3K Server
Hey at all,

iam from Germany and my english is not so good.

I play Assault Cube - but today i have been banned from the 3K Server. Why?

I love the maps snipervscamper and the others. I dont cheat and other things....

please help me
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3k server, has probably admin abusers.
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Yeah don't worry about it, bans only last 20 or 30 mins, I forget which. They are limited to that server only. You should be able to rejoin right about now, if the timing is correct.
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Thx guys. puhh i have to practise my english.

I have a lot of fun with the game. And the server works again.

But on maps sniper camper.....i and other players camped on the enemy base. User (Keithlemon) called me a cheater....(70 - 10) and started a vote.
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Nah it isn't a problem. If admin abuse there becomes a problem, report it in the Blacklist thread.

BTW your English is pretty good (I'm English myself so I would know).
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Thx....but my english is terrible. In my work i dont need english....so my school english is bad and the gramatic too
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(26 Jan 12, 04:23PM)Vanqu!sh Wrote: BTW your English is pretty good (I'm English myself so I would know).

(26 Jan 12, 04:32PM)Bennyle Wrote: Thx....but my english is terrible.

Fight fight ^^

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(26 Jan 12, 04:07PM)Bennyle Wrote: User (Keithlemon) called me a cheater....(70 - 10) and started a vote.

New players or unskilled players tend to see a lot of cheating that isnt actually even there. Smile, nod, say no I don't, and then find a server where skill isnt banned.
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(26 Jan 12, 05:00PM)MCS Wrote: New players tend to see a lot of cheating that isnt actually even there.

Acctually the old players sees it the most. No names. Brett Brett Brett.

(26 Jan 12, 05:00PM)MCS Wrote: Unskilled players tend to see a lot of cheating that isnt actually even there.

U got it.
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Mach dir mal keine Platte wegen den Votes.. Auf diesen @camper-Maps tummeln sich ziemlich viele Idioten, Trolle usw., die sich nen Spaß daraus machen, irgendjemanden ohne Grund zu kicken oder zu bannen. Wenn du mit nem Vote gebannt wirst, hält der nur 20 Minuten, danach kannst du wieder auf diesen Server (alternativ hilft ein Router-Neustart). Anders sieht es aus, wenn auf ner Blacklist landest, dann solltest du den Server-Besitzer kontaktieren.
Wenn du permanent von jemandem gebannt oder gekickt wirst, tippe "/whois cn" (cn siehste aufm Scoreboard), mach nen Screen davon, zieh die die Demo (F10 nachdem die Runde vorbei ist oder im Menü) und poste es in diesem Thread (auf die Vorlage achten), dann wird derjenige auf ner Blacklist landen.
Noch ein Tipp: Spiel auf offiziellen Maps und auf Ladder-Servern, dann begegnest du nicht so oft solchen Typen. ;)

PS: Dein Englisch ist okay. :P
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"Please help me, i'm from Germany!"

Good luck, play AR and apply =MyS= !! :D
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(26 Jan 12, 04:07PM)Bennyle Wrote: Thx guys. puhh i have to practise my english.

I have a lot of fun with the game. And the server works again.

But on maps sniper camper.....i and other players camped on the enemy base. User (Keithlemon) called me a cheater....(70 - 10) and started a vote.

lol bad english? you are doing great so far with it!
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Mien deutch shlekt.

^^ i know thats not quite right. xD
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I thought his name was Iam O o
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Yes and sorry....the Thread Title is bad ;-)
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Thread title changed.
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well sorry benyble about that tall me the name of who banned who and i will talk whit him
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and Jg99 =3K=| its not a noob clan like yours =AoW= you are a noob so shut up u come here for talk about everthing but you're a noob so shut up
my clan is not noob and dont have admin abusers so shut up and wake up and see the world KID
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Taking. Evasive. Action...
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