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Feedback/Bug-Reports for AssaultCube v1.1
we can't play on acka and BC servers depot and power

where's mistake?
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Bad server/map version.
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How about setting date and time first in demo names, then mode and map?
Or date - mode - map - time (clock)?
Its kinda hard to find right demo in folder as it is now.
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I (Mac OSX user) don't have the "don't shoot the teammate" crosshair i had in 1103, the one i have now is a larger red version of my normal crosshair.
Adding "loadcrosshair teammate.png teammate" to my saved.cfg fixed it (thanks jamz)

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(19 Nov 10, 01:12PM)Medusa Wrote: ...Adding "loadcrosshair teammate.png teammate" to my saved.cfg fixed it...
The correct way to do this would be to type it in-game. Editing saved.cfg is for crazy people. Medusa also said that her scope crosshair entry was missing from saved.cfg:
/loadcrosshair teammate.png teammate
/loadcrosshair red_dot.png scope
in-game will fix them.
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my simple suggestion:
different hand skins for each team(like cube2 or UrbanTerror)
exemple: blue hands for blue team, red hands for red team and Green hands for neutral(DM, htf) like cube 2 Sauerbraten.

would be interesting if it was possible to use different weapons for each team(weapons skins only, not weapon status), like wolfet or q2 dday : )
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Why change something that works?

IMO is close to perfect.
Some changes to weapon balance is needed but its looks, feels and works real good.

Keep up the great work you all do for this great game.

Lets get the weapon balance «perfect» and we are «home free».

Cheers to the DEVS for keeping up with our shit.
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How about bonus damage for backstab?
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Ok here's one very frustrating thing that keeps happening: the AR, when firing, sometimes just seems to skip shots by itself. I haven't noticed the same thing with the SMG. I'm still not quite 100% sure if it's just the sound not playing, but it definitely feels like it's actually not shooting at all, though the game is a little too fast for me to tell for sure.
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The missing sounds is one of my most hated bugs in 1.1; any sound can be affected (eg pickups, nades exploding, hitsound). Weirdly enough, seems to have good days (when it's not very noticeable) and really bad days (eg SMG spraying next to you with no sound at all). Reported on XP and Ubuntu so not a setup-specific issue.

(yes i have /soundsatonce 64 etc etc)
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Thought I mentioned this, have they tried OpenAL-soft?
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I've mentioned lag handling earlier in #assaultcube but not many where there to discuss...

Quote:11:28 < apanda> clearly lag is a huge problem in AC
11:28 < apanda> especially the fact that you get an advantage by lagging
11:28 < apanda> neatly demonstrated by the latest speedhacks
11:32 < apanda> i see two obvious ways to solve that.. first is to discard
lagged packets and the 2nd is to actively counteract anything
that lag does, e.g. moving too fast, fireing too much etc.
11:33 <@jamz> auto-kick anyone with a ping over 60
11:33 <@jamz> 60 is fair
11:34 < apanda> but the fact that you can send lagged information about what
you supposedly have done.. while the other player cant hit you
because you are either blinking or jumping around like crazy,
is a bit insane
11:35 < apanda> jamz i know its supposed to be funny, but 500 would maybe be
"fair" while keeping all normal players able to play
11:36 <@jamz> I fully agree. When I see a player saluting or warping, I rifle
sprint out of there

In addition to that I think a stable ping for players should be established and everything that is > max(x%, y ms) away from that should be treated as lag by a method still to discuss and implement.
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Double posting here because of a "new" issue.

The alt-tab bug on ATI is still there (using Win XP). Sometimes the gamma just goes down (fixable), but sometimes the compass will go half-blank and the third stage is what you see here:

[Image: 20101205_06.49.05_ac_arctic_DM.jpg]

with some textures blacked out.

(The sky is not a bug.)
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(19 Nov 10, 01:12PM)Medusa Wrote: I (Mac OSX user) don't have the "don't shoot the teammate" crosshair i had in 1103, the one i have now is a larger red version of my normal crosshair.
Adding "loadcrosshair teammate.png teammate" to my saved.cfg fixed it (thanks jamz)

You aren't the first one to have that odd problem. Which may or may not be a coincidence. Dunno.
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@sound - yes, this is an issue that's been bugging me a lot - although I haven't noticed it myself actually - I've been doing some test-coding but haven't gotten anywhere (really) with that .. so it'll sadly still be a while before we may have a solution there.

@alt-tab-bug - I'm not familiar with it, do you mean you get texture problems when switching to-and-from desktop/game .. well, I get some problems with my radar-image if I spawn close to the edge and start the game in windowed-mode .. toggling fullscreen or - if all else fails - running resetgl should fix any issue .. but ATI drivers have been bugging the cube-community practically from day-#1 .. not that we've not seen some serious problems with nvidia's drivers too - there used to be a nasty freeze-up-the-game bug related to those 3-4 years back.

@crosshair: please check your config/defaults.cfg - it should have exactly the line you mentioned in it. (line 6)
loadcrosshair teammate.png teammate     // Teammate crosshair.
And do not edit your config/saved.cfg .. it says so at the top *sigh* .. if needed personal settings should be inside your game-home:config/autoexec.cfg.
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Sometimes i go to servers (TyD, MyS) and i can't spawn in certain maps like Arabian, Depot, Toxicity, in some servers the message is that my client it's not updated.
Idk what to do :S
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jAcKRoCk*, check which version you're using (/version in-game). If it's not 1104, update. If it is, download all the official maps for 1104 from sourceforge (link to 1MB tar.gz file), and unzip them into /packages/maps
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I've had this error a couple times (toxic and arabian afaik) and I always assumed it was because I had been using the SVN. I have not yet checked to see if these maps were ever updated.
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Ok i will thanks jamz and btw it is y have to download the maps then
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The issue is server-side - the server needs to be 1104.
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I'd assumed that at first flowtron, but people were saying it was happening on my (1104) server.
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and BC are 1104 also, since MacAdress had that issue on my server
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Well, before we released we had this issue with mixed SVN-versions between client & server .. the maps in question had been indeed updated (I remember ac_arabian especially) - once both sides use exactly the same map-revision (see console output when loading the map) it works fine. Please ensure those servers are actually using the same file.
Example for CLI comparison:
5e85ce7a72f5855a4b78c379779f8d18  /
66ef31cb20ae04f50044c2cc5cec679b  /
Interestingely enough my local 1103 seems to share the same MD5sum with 1104 for ac_arabian .. so .. maybe this is still not quite the solution - if so, I'm very sorry - but it was what I'd established after some testing with Ärkefiende's server and local combinations prior to the release.
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My server has 66ef31cb20ae04f50044c2cc5cec679b
but more worryingly, ac_arabian.cgz MD5s for each release:
66ef31cb20ae04f50044c2cc5cec679b - Windows
66ef31cb20ae04f50044c2cc5cec679b - Linux
127cbe3b8b6325c75fe09c142c6b1c7c - Mac
The Mac version is 27030 bytes (revision 5807), the others are 27037 (revision 5696).
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Oh dear .. that would explain it. Thanks for getting this data together jamz!
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Every 5 or so seconds it kicks everybody in my server for lag kick we all no you can't vote that much so it's not me but it only happens in co-op edit. Everybody always assumes admin (me) but i cannot kick 10 people in less than 5 seconds. Obviously it's some kinda of bug.
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Hey, I've noticed that bots equipped with carbines don't shoot. It only happens when a bot is eqiupped with the carbine.

Also, I think the multiplayer game modes should be playable with bots as single player modes.

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The bots A.I ain't that good yet, so don't expect CTF on bots any time soon. Hehe they het stucked to eachother (kinda funny to watch).
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Just a quick reminder for the devs: when adding new weapons, the AI code should be updated.
At least in this line
m_pMyEnt->nextprimary = 2 + rnd(4);
rnd(4) has to be changed to rnd(5) for the carbine to be selected at all.
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Carbine is selected but the bots won't shoot it.
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