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Not sure if i have been banned from AC. MRTOAST i was using a headshot thing not really knowing it was ban material. Is there a way from getting unbanned?

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#2 // [2011-11-24] - MRTOAST - hitbox switch - http://marley.ac-ladder.com/demos/Marley...3_1047.dmo

You can't plead ignorance and expect mercy. You may not have known that you could be banned for using it and you may not have known that anyone enforces any type of policy here but it was your decision not to know.
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(14 Dec 11, 04:10PM)Mael Wrote: // [2011-11-24] - MRTOAST - hitbox switch - http://marley.ac-ladder.com/demos/Marley...3_1047.dmo

You can't plead ignorance and expect mercy. You may not have known that you could be banned for using it and you may not have known that anyone enforces any type of policy here but it was your decision not to know.

Good on you... How do you load the link above ?

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Download the .dmo file.
Put it in the demos folder.
Start Assaultcube -> press Esc -> Demo
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Ignorance is not an excuse.
sorry, but how can you think this would be acceptable on any level?
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My guess is that cheating in other games and not getting banned will lead you to think that its okey to cheat in a open source game where you can do whatever to the code.
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(14 Dec 11, 04:45PM)MykeGregory Wrote: Ignorance is not an excuse.
sorry, but how can you think this would be acceptable on any level?

Not really a gamer, and when i was looking for the zoom function for the rifle i came across easy shoot thing. If im banned im banned. Not much i can do about it now.
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Are you banned on all servers?
If so my guess its a CB (central blacklist/ban) and this will last about 3 months.

If you are not banned on all servers then you need to contact the server owners of the servers you are banned on and appeal for it to be removed.

Server Admin Contact Thread
Not all servers are in that thread but there are some, and maybe the best to play at. ;)
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(14 Dec 11, 04:51PM)Mrtoast Wrote: Not really a gamer, and when i was looking for the zoom function for the rifle i came across easy shoot thing. If im banned im banned. Not much i can do about it now.

Yeah but the game does not come with cheats.
Right clicking does not switch the hitboxes, you would have had to have downloaded the cheat at some point.

I miss-read your post. point is you still Downloaded cheats which is wrong in my eyes.
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You guys are missing the point...
(14 Dec 11, 04:03PM)Mrtoast Wrote: Is there a way from getting unbanned?

Yes -- stop using cheats, and wait until your ban expires.
I also recommend changing your name to further distance yourself from your cheating past.
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Mrtoast Wrote:Banned?


I fail to see how a headshot thingy is even remotely distant from ban material.
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(14 Dec 11, 04:51PM)Mrtoast Wrote:
(14 Dec 11, 04:45PM)MykeGregory Wrote: Ignorance is not an excuse.
sorry, but how can you think this would be acceptable on any level?

Not really a gamer, and when i was looking for the zoom function for the rifle i came across easy shoot thing. If im banned im banned. Not much i can do about it now.

You seem like a reasonably nice guy. It's too bad you didn't know =/

You should come back once your ban has expired. AC is fun :)
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In most servers/places this is unacceptable, if you want to add more zoom to your sniper use this: http://www.akimbo.in/files/index.php?act=view&id=626
Or this:
//ZoomWheel-Script by Kirin
if (checkalias dscopefov) [] [
dscopefov = $scopefov;
echo (c 0) Zoom Script by (c X) Kirin (c 0) successfully injected!
autoscopesens 1
scopefov $dscopefov
alias delta_game_zoomwh [-= scopefov (* 10 $arg1)]
alias altaction_5 [ domodifier zoomwh; scopefov $dscopefov; setscope 1; onrelease [ setscope 0 ] ] // Sniper
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He said zoom for his rifle, not for the sniper

And for the sniper, the command is /scopefov

There's a smoothzoom script out there by V-Man for the other weapons
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It... is being debugged for SVN. u_u
But, since it works for,
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(02 Jan 12, 07:53PM)Mai Mee Tur Wrote: There's a smoothzoom script out there by V-Man for the other weapons
Yes, and I posted a link to that Smoothzoom Script. http://www.akimbo.in/files/index.php?act=view&id=626
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