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Whats the first thing you do after connecting to the Master Server?
Hyya! Feeling a´ight? Today a question came to my head and as always it has to do with in-game tendencies...
"What do the rest of ACubbers do when they connect to the Master Server?".
So after pressing "join a server" whats the first thing you do?
My first action varies but as of now I mostly seek for an LSS game to chill out before getting into business. It also happens the servers I "like" tend to disappear from time to time so its a new experience each day!
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The first think i do is add servers with blinking names to the «hate» list (pressing 3).
Then i press «F2».
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*browse le servelist to find a low ping server*
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join a ladder server that seems the most fun.
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* titiPT looks for the depot ctf for easy headshots and sheer fun
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Search for a ladder server with a good ping and a decent amount of players inside.
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Andrez: sort by ping? Press F1 in the serverbrowser pick the sorting method .. by ping should be default though.
paulmuaddibKA: sounds like you might want to sort by gamemode ;-)
titiPT: you should sort by "map name" then

HTH *ggg*

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flowtron, i do that :P
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@DES|OpenSource LMAO.
@flowtron I like server description better, somehow I like things when in Alphabetical order... but thanks!
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* Ronald_Reagan likes ping

But really, who uses the MS anymore?
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Look for {BoB} Ladder servers. :)
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Avoid TOSOK games
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go to the finland servers during the tosok ac_megatwintowers_supercubes!!!!!11111, take admin, ban all the tkillers and start sunset ctf.
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Find a peaceful game of CTF urban, take admin, force megatwintowers_supercubes!!!!111, disable autoteam, and exit AC.
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i usually just sit afk and move occasionally so i dont get kicked :D
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I press F2, and join ladder servers with un known players in them.
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* Cleaner connects, hesitates 10 seconds between ac_douche OSOK, ac_douche LSS and ac_douche TOSOK then disconnects... Switch Milkshape3D on.
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connect to masterserver...try to find a low player'd, low ping, high time remaining game that isnt AC_Douche or AC_Rat'sArse.
Dousnt normally happen though -.-'
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(29 Oct 11, 08:40AM)DES|Cleaner Wrote: * DES|Cleaner connects, hesitates 10 seconds between ac_douche OSOK, ac_douche LSS and ac_douche TOSOK then disconnects... Switch Milkshape3D on.

I press F2 first, and it's Notepad++ instead of Milkshape3D for me, but everything else is the same. :-P
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(29 Oct 11, 09:49AM)MykeGregory Wrote: connect to masterserver...try to find a low player'd, low ping, high time remaining game that isnt AC_Douche or AC_Rat'sArse.
Dousnt normally happen though -.-'

IKR. Without the ladder servers, the game would be 100% douze/camper/towers.

* Nightmare wonders what maps would get overplayed if douze wasn't there.

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(29 Oct 11, 01:50PM)Nightmare Wrote: * Nightmare wonders what maps would get overplayed if douze wasn't there.

Bring back Dust!
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Lol, Desert was at least a better overplayed map than Douze...


I pick the first non-Douze server I see, or just go to my own
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I usually just go to the 40+ server or any Co-op or osok douze. Or just go play zombies if none suits me.
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Searching the only one rare server who could run a basic maprot.
As i said, it's rare.
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I press f3 and stalk certain people. <3
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Look for a server running a decent map - any mode - with lots of time remaining and vote ctf ac_douze or tosok MEGA_TOWERS untill it's passed ;D Usually I just sort by map and look for any new/good custom maps or friends online :)
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visit every server i'm not blacklisted in and desperately search for someone to rag on
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I find a gema, or a good server/map to play on
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See if anyone is on a |NZ| server if not find a good server with an official map on it.

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Look for tdm or ctf games on maps I like lol.
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