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Top 10. The best players in the history of Assault Cube?
(27 Oct 11, 05:16AM)Habluka Wrote: I'm kind of sad that carnifex was only brought up once in this thread
Who´s that 'carnifex'? I thought |carn|iFex was kind of a good player. And |carn|iVore. They definitely raped in all clan matches they played! :D

Btw. i find it funny so many people actually remember Smack.
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(28 Oct 11, 09:55AM)Robtics Wrote: zkarius: but what about melody? :(

:O You're right Robs, forgot Melody and also Medusa, ccpgirly, biia, laura and suzy :D

also funniest guys to play with: Centuri0, Unij00 xD
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best accent player:

1 - Infern0

best english-writing players:

1 - By3|Plenas
2 - Cogu.sj
3 all the others By3
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Infern0 is hilarious. Anyone frequenting TS should listen to his worthy advices.
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I'm the best player ever!
2- chin@
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Wolf. Enough said :D
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1-harps, how the fuck can none of you have named him
2- chin@
3-tenshi (tactically the best ever)
5- Sacerock in 1.0.4
7-Undead in 1.0.4
9- Davitomon

anyone naming vermi, etc (players that can only play auto weapons and have no tactics) should really watch some high level 1.0 demos

* carnifex had the best aim of anyone who's ever played AC but really couldn't perform in cm's and ACWC
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(29 Oct 11, 08:18AM)Foo Wrote: 5- Sacerock in 1.0.4

Still aimbots in
(not really, but 90% headshots <3)

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No Godsmack? He always gets me with that goddamn SMG. Maybe i'm just that bad...
But then again I've played with some of the players listed here the odd time they've played in a pub and a one I happen not to blacklisted on I can honestly say they weren't that much above my level. Certainly they weren't as good as I expected from all the talk that is about them. So maybe Im not that bad and Godsmack is actually phenomenon of ac?
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@ Hellspell. IKR. I've played with a few in pubs that have been named several times already, and they weren't looking too special. :)

@ thread topic. ShadowFlameZ is the best player ever.
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(29 Oct 11, 04:00PM)Hellspell Wrote: Maybe i'm just that bad...

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Publics are just for the lolz though, I know people that use shotgun that normally use AR/SMG in matches ^^^
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Nightmare, Hellspell, care to 1v1 any of us, maybe we can give you a taste of what 'hi-skill' is ;D
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What were the 10 best players on IRC
1 - eQ.|MaiMeeTur
2 - ~TgS~NightHawkd
3 - Woolly
4 - V-Man & V-Wifey
5 - eQ.|Viper
6 - ~TgS~Exia
7 - =SA=ChO
8 - Thrawn
9 - X-Ray_Dog
10 - eQ.|sgtd

10000000 - Gibarix
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Considering gameplay AND tactics ATM:

1. Xiaou
2. BigDaddy
3. Ech0
4. Jorik
5. Newbie
6. Seriffi - best flagger
7. Benson
8. Happy
9. Lucky
10. Etch

(those I play with)
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(27 Oct 11, 09:44PM)Benson Wrote: For me "top player" includes the ability
- to frag fast constantly
- to handle more than just one weapon
- to master (mentally) difficult situations [like 2v2'ing with a bad mate against a good team or a 1v1 where your stats are like 10:25, 5 min remaining]
- to be reliable

Why should a player learn more than one weapon or play well with a bad mate? I've never seen a good player able to carry a bad player against two mid-skills. These abilities come off as rather non-orthogonal and arbitrary.

The game is all about communication, movement, "aim" (where "aim" is adjusted by the proportion of unhits one gets) and consistency.

(29 Oct 11, 11:36PM)SiL3nT Wrote: 4. Jorik

He was good but not very good before he cheated.

(29 Oct 11, 11:36PM)SiL3nT Wrote: 6. Seriffi - best flagger

In higher-skilled games obtaining a flag is not a single effort.

In general I think this thread is meaningless because teams are much more than the sum of their parts. That's why legacy was able to beat MyS and O3 so much in the good old days.
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(30 Oct 11, 12:01AM)Roflcopter Wrote: Why should a player learn more than one weapon or play well with a bad mate? I've never seen a good player able to carry a bad player against two mid-skills. These abilities come off as rather non-orthogonal and arbitrary.


(27 Oct 11, 09:44PM)Benson Wrote: For me ...

That's my opinion. A top player will have to handle sniper and an auto-weapon. Sniper at least for (t)osok.
Just an example in an interclan: 1cap carried me, that we could win MelonE & Al!ve on depot. That's what I mean with it - the ability to play with any mate in any situation.

And before you try to destroy this thread, it's quite entertaining, so it isn't meaningless.
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(30 Oct 11, 12:49AM)Benson Wrote: That's my opinion. A top player will have to handle sniper and an auto-weapon. Sniper at least for (t)osok.
Just an example in an interclan: 1cap carried me, that we could win MelonE & Al!ve on depot. That's what I mean with it - the ability to play with any mate in any situation.

You raise a good point about TOSOK because sadly you have to play multiple modes in AC clan matches.

I already know what you mean, but it's not a good test of a good player.

(30 Oct 11, 12:49AM)Benson Wrote: And before you try to destroy this thread, it's quite entertaining, so it isn't meaningless.

Not trying to destroy anything, just saying that it is meaningless. For instance it's often the case that A+B < X+Y and C+D < X+Y but yet A+C > X+Y and B+D > X+Y (with A, ..., Z all players). Mathematically, trying to isolate a player's skill in a linear way is not possible because it leads to contradictions.
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(29 Oct 11, 08:18AM)Foo Wrote: 1-harps, how the fuck can none of you have named him
2- chin@
3-tenshi (tactically the best ever)
5- Sacerock in 1.0.4
7-Undead in 1.0.4
9- Davitomon

Thanks Foo, I appreciate that someone still remember my best days.

(29 Oct 11, 01:41PM)Nightmare Wrote:
(29 Oct 11, 08:18AM)Foo Wrote: 5- Sacerock in 1.0.4

Still aimbots in
(not really, but 90% headshots <3)

Stop making jokes with my actual shitty aim. Thanks dude ;)

(29 Oct 11, 04:00PM)Hellspell Wrote: No Godsmack? He always gets me with that goddamn SMG.

I'm not sure if anyone here remembers him, he had a really nice smg. Maybe his only and big problem was that he didn't play clanmatches too often. He would be a beast, no doubt with that but he also is a man and has his real life.

(29 Oct 11, 09:39PM)Jason Wrote: Nightmare, Hellspell, care to 1v1 any of us, maybe we can give you a taste of what 'hi-skill' is ;D

Sure :P
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(27 Oct 11, 10:11PM)Habluka Wrote:
(27 Oct 11, 04:08PM)SovietAk47 Wrote: wasnt Drakas a shotgunner? :D

The nice thing about drakas was that depending on the map and how people were playing, he would use different weapons. For the most part, I only remember him using shotgun on more claustrophobic maps like mines, but on those maps, he would just rape people.

Don't remember him as a frag owned, he was just the brain in a match, always in searching of the perfect strat.
Less frags, more flags.
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(29 Oct 11, 11:36PM)SiL3nT Wrote: Considering gameplay AND tactics ATM:

1. Xiaou
2. BigDaddy
3. Ech0
4. Jorik
5. Newbie
6. Seriffi - best flagger
7. Benson
8. Happy
9. Lucky
10. Etch

(those I play with)

i cum on the table
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You're on TS erryday' Sacerock, avoiding matches and whatnot, so message me later, I have no issues with tearing you apart like a chew toy. ^_^ <3
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(29 Oct 11, 09:39PM)Jason Wrote: Nightmare, Hellspell, care to 1v1 any of us, maybe we can give you a taste of what 'hi-skill' is ;D

Im banned on hi-skill >.<
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Ok here's my top players etc who I've played with. They aren't necissarily the best but they are awesome
- |40+|Curado
- Setsuki
- =SA=Me&You
- =SA=Swanvel
- =SA=Mr_Optic
- Fiber optic (or something like that)

- [S4L]Spookyfish
- [S4L]Krull
- |40+|Shad-99

I played games with all of these. Once I played spooky and krull 2 vs 1 and won :-P they don't play anymore. I would like to think I'm a good player too. In tdm on krizzlys funhouse I often get 70 with lots of headshots. In douze osok I'm very good too. But everyone has their own settings in which they are best.
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(30 Oct 11, 12:59PM)D1551D3N7 Wrote: Mappers
- [S4L]Spookyfish
- [S4L]Krull
- |40+|Shad-99

thank you very much for the compliment, D1551D3N.
i'am very pleased. :D
(i paid him for this post;)

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Lol sorry for saying you didn't play anymore >.<
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just kiddding :)
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(30 Oct 11, 12:59PM)D1551D3N7 Wrote: - =SA=Mr_Optic
- Fiber optic (or something like that)


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1. Wolf and MeLonE
2. tenshi
3. harps
4. Smack
5. Horus
6. Panda
7. Benson
8. Marreira
9. Ramb0
10. Chin@

For me these are the best 10 players that i can remember
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