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List of Recruiting Clans Redux
World United Team
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WuT added
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|RKOD| - Rapid Killers of Destruction - International - http://www.rkod.webs.com
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*|ARG|* -- Webaddress is wrong , clanargento.com.ar - AG3 Is dead :(
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Added RKOD, removed AG3
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|TURK| - Turkish Cubers - Turkey - http://www.turkishcubers.tr.gg
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Added TURK
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-enS- - enSpired. - International - http://ens-clan.weebly.com/ - We use teamspeak
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Added, enS
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AvX> - AvitoX - Denmark/Danish - http://www.AvitoX.net/ - Using ventrilo
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Added, AvX
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domain change http://clanenspired.com/ -enS-
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Domain change noted
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|LN| - LimoNade - International - http://limonade.xobor.de/ - No IRC but we all use Skype.
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.aG* - AfterShock Gaming - International - http://aftershock-gaming.com - #AfterShock @ gamesurge
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Ah, was wondering when aG would post here.

Added, aG, LN.
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Pi_ - Paradox Infinity - International - http://paradoxinfinity.net/ - #ParadoxInfinity @ gamesurge

Pi is currently looking for a few members (2-4 at most), we are looking for active community members as well as active playing members
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Added, 3.14 guys
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Cmon guys, how you forgot w00p? :D
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Lol so I think it's time to post mine, although it's not listed on the wiki since most people are a little inactive.

// Clan Name: Special Unit 7th
// Clan Tag: |SU7|
// Location: International
// Clan Website: http://su7th.clannow.com
// Clan IRC: #su7-clan on irc.gamesurge.net (GameSurge)
// We are looking for: Active (both in-game and on IRC) and decently skilled people.

Edited, by Mai Mee Tur's "recommendation", kind of.
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I find that to be uncopy and pasteable.. but nevertheless, I'll add it
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Wait, isn't that the format for blacklist entries?
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That is the format for BL entries XD
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xD yes it is, but I found it to be somewhat more organized to post, so I did it this way :P
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(07 Dec 11, 09:14PM).EL. Wrote: Cmon guys, how you forgot w00p? :D

are they recruiting lol?

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(08 Dec 11, 06:15PM)YourSister Wrote:
(07 Dec 11, 09:14PM).EL. Wrote: Cmon guys, how you forgot w00p? :D

are they recruiting lol?

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Might be more organized, but then it makes it harder for me to put it in, as opposed to the preferred format, where I just copy and paste and add bits of BBcode.

And I haven't added w00p because they can post here themselves, I shan't go hunting down every clan that decides to start recruiting.
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#LC* ???
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What about LC?
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