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WW2 Skin Contest
Hello and welcome to the World War 2 RVSF/CLA skin contest. Your goal is to make a WW2 skins for both RVSF and CLA.

1. RVSF must be U.S. army
2. CLA must be German (sorry no swastikas)
3. All skins must look realistic
4. min. of 3 different skins
5. must turn in screenshots or demos after you qualify

Point system
5 points for realism
5 points for being above the min. of skins required
5 points for texture
if you get all 15 points you automatically in the finals

Post entree in this thread
All entrees must be received by August 3rd, Then I will name off the people that entered, and all mods must received by August 20th unless all mods have been turned in. Finals will be on the 21st of August.
I will post all results in a different thread, please post download in that thread

NOTE: If you qualified Send Me a PM and I will give you my E-Mail then you will E-mail me the mods AND the download.

Good luck and have fun!

if i missed any thing please post

(this post has been edited)
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(27 Jul 10, 05:05PM){MST}SuperSniper Wrote: 2. CLA must be German (I will allow swastikas to a point, don't over do it)

Uff... Please guys, leave those swastikas out completely. Use a plain cross instead, for instance. Otherwise this will cause a lot of trouble in here.


(27 Jul 10, 05:40PM)RIPBillyMays Wrote: What to you mean "no Mac users?" It's the same files and same directories regardless of platform.

True. It's platform-independent. What does that tell us...
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What to you mean "no Mac users?" It's the same files and same directories regardless of platform.
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It's just that he hates mac users ;)

By the way is there anything to win or just for fun?
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Sorry then no swastikas and macs can enter
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contest ended no entrees
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Close please
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GG winner!

Oh wait.
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:( I was going to try this out.
It's just an awkward time, with 1.1 coming out.
Try again later.
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(07 Aug 10, 07:09PM)DES|V-Man Wrote: :( I was going to try this out.
It's just an awkward time, with 1.1 coming out.
Try again later.

.....well....maybe you can still make one
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