--> -->
(15 Jul 12, 07:33AM)W@rr!0r Wrote:
(15 Jul 12, 04:47AM)Foo Wrote:
(15 Jul 12, 04:28AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: dumbass, it is in the next version of AC. As far as I know, there is nothing you could use to easily work around it.

cmon, no need to insult him

dumbass, is the players name....
yes xD
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Overly basic SP stuff (ok, it's just a bot teleporting function).
Requires some small source modification.
I was going to attempt to bring back the old Cube triggers to some degree but I got lost when I tried to figure out how they're implemented.
I tried following all of the paths from Cube's main function and I couldn't find the code that actually did the relevant stuff. Damn.

//a sample SP 'level'
//sp_test is just a simple map that I made for the purposes of trying this out
sp_test = [
idlebots 1

mode 7; map sp_test

if [!= team RVSF] [team RVSF] [sleep 0]
//this if isn't correct, is it?

addbot CLA best jim
addbot CLA best sentry1
addbot CLA best sentry2

movebot jim 39 41
movebot sentry1 18 24
movebot sentry2 19 24

idlebots 0

Code to be added to botmanager.cpp:
void movebot(char* name, char* x, char* y)
    float fx = float(atoi(x));
    float fy = float(atoi(y));

        if (!bots[i] || !bots[i]->pBot) continue;
        if (strcmp(bots[i]->name, name) == 0) {
            bots[i]->newpos.x = fx;
            bots[i]->newpos.y = fy;
            bots[i]->newpos.z = world[int(fy * pow(2,sfactor) + fx)].floor;
    conoutf("Couldn't find the specified bot");

COMMAND(movebot, ARG_3STR);

void moveallbots(int x, int y)
    float fx = float(x);
    float fy = float(y);
        if (!bots[i] || !bots[i]->pBot) continue;
        bots[i]->newpos.x = fx;
        bots[i]->newpos.y = fy;
        bots[i]->newpos.z = world[int(fy * pow(2,sfactor) + fx)].floor;

COMMAND(moveallbots, ARG_2INT);
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Good idea froggy. :)
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Auto sorry

alias "mapstartalways" [say [Hello];sleep 3000 [control]]              
alias "control" [ if ((strstr (at $conline 2) "teammate") && (strstr (at $conline 0) "you"))  [say %Sorry: (at $conline 3)];sleep 25 [control]]

Script which allows to avoid to hear the change of his weapon

bind "MOUSE3" [mutesound 46 0;weapon;onrelease [mutesound 46 1]]
bind "MOUSE4" [mutesound 46 0;universaldelta  1;mutesound 46 1]
bind "MOUSE5" [mutesound 46 0;universaldelta -1;mutesound 46 1]
bind "MOUSE2"  [mutesound 46 0;altaction;mutesound 46 1]

Script which allows to avoid to hear your shoot

alias "arme"  [
    if (= (curweapon) 6) [mutesound 18 0;onrelease [mutesound 18 1] ]
    if (= (curweapon) 4) [mutesound 14 0;onrelease [mutesound 14 1] ]
    if (= (curweapon) 1) [mutesound 8 0;onrelease  [mutesound 8 1 ] ]
    if (= (curweapon) 2) [mutesound 10 0;onrelease [mutesound 10 1] ]
    if (= (curweapon) 5) [mutesound 16 0;onrelease [mutesound 16 1] ]

bind "MOUSE1" [attack; arme]

Script which allows you to unmute the sound when you drop the flag
bind "E" [mutesound 37 0;dropflag;onrelease [mutesound 37 1]]
Several script

bind "SPACE" [jump;mutesound 0 0;onrelease  [mutesound 0 1]]

bind "A" [mutesound 57 0;mutesound 58 0;crouch;onrelease [mutesound 57 1;sleep 1 [mutesound 58 1]]]

bind "R" [mutesound 9 0;mutesound 13 0;mutesound 15 0;mutesound 17 0;mutesound 19;reload;onrelease [mutesound 9 1;mutesound 13 1;mutesound 15 1;mutesound 17 1;mutesound 19 1]]
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Crosshair for sniper

This must be modified depending on your screen .

alias "speed" [ loop i 30 [ echo  ];echo [                                                                         +];sleep 1 [speed]]
bind j [speed]

Tu dois modifier les variables:
-le nombre de loop et les espace avant les +
Pour faire en sorte que le + affiché soit à la place du curseur .
Pour lancer le script ,il suffit d'appuyer sur j .
En esperant que les devellopeurs se rendent compte que cacher le crosshair du sniper est inutile .
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(29 Aug 12, 06:00PM)888 Wrote: En esperant que les devellopeurs se rendent compte que cacher le crosshair du sniper est inutile .
And I hope you will understand that cheating is for lamers.
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It's genius!
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hahahahahahaha this is awesome :p

Fix that in next version?
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The better solution would be to give the unscoped sniper rifle a crosshair by default, which I have been advocating for a while now.

People don't need a script to make one.
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well I just tested the sniper with this scope crossahir (modified the script a bit) and it give such an unfair advantage. With this, 99% will use sniper even in CTF :p

But it is rather easy to see if someone is using it. The guy will never scope and will be really accurate. Wanna see me rapin in tosok?
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Two things are sad about this:
1) People using it.
2) The fact that those willing to use it didn't have the same idea, like, ages ago. I mean, it's not even the first time this comes up.
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Also, you should be able to snipe w/o the crosshair if you are good. I can snipe without the crosshair. Tbh, a lot of my no scope misses are because of the spread (depends on the map ofc).
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(29 Aug 12, 10:16PM)Bukz Wrote: The better solution would be to give the unscoped sniper rifle a crosshair by default, which I have been advocating for a while now.

People don't need a script to make one.


Or possibly making the spread on unscoped shots much worse so a crosshair, or sticking a dot on the middle of your screen, won't help. Would like to see one or the other included. :3
Thanks given by:
(30 Aug 12, 12:01PM)Nightmare Wrote:
(29 Aug 12, 10:16PM)Bukz Wrote: The better solution would be to give the unscoped sniper rifle a crosshair by default, which I have been advocating for a while now.

People don't need a script to make one.


Or possibly making the spread on unscoped shots much worse so a crosshair, or sticking a dot on the middle of your screen, won't help. Would like to see one or the other included. :3
no. then the unscoped shot just wouldn't be used. if you're going to make it random then just go ahead and remove it altogether.
Thanks given by:
Obviously the majority of the community is confused about this subject. In the current version of AssaultCube, you have lots of 'bad apples' using a script or other homemade methods of creating a crosshair for the unscoped sniper rifle.

Then you have your legitimate players that just play the game how it was meant to be played.

As it sits, the current version of AC is technically biased towards these players who are willing to take advantage of the system. (since it allows such things)

I suggested an rather simple fix (add a unscoped crosshair by default, increase the unscoped spread) - a lot of community members seem to be against such a thing.

Until we're willing to change, it probably won't change. So your 'bad apples' in the community will continue to take adavantage of you in-game.
Thanks given by:
(01 Sep 12, 03:44AM)Bukz Wrote: Obviously the majority of the community is confused about this subject. In the current version of AssaultCube, you have lots of 'bad apples' using a script or other homemade methods of creating a crosshair for the unscoped sniper rifle.

Then you have your legitimate players that just play the game how it was meant to be played.

As it sits, the current version of AC is technically biased towards these players who are willing to take advantage of the system. (since it allows such things)

I suggested an rather simple fix (add a unscoped crosshair by default, increase the unscoped spread) - a lot of community members seem to be against such a thing.

Until we're willing to change, it probably won't change. So your 'bad apples' in the community will continue to take adavantage of you in-game.


Zoom attack

stop = 0
alias "zoomarme" [fov (- $fov 1) ;if (= $stop 0) [sleep 100 [zoomarme]]]
bind MOUSE1 [stop = 0 ;attack;zoomarme;onrelease [stop = 1 ; fov 120]]

Akimbo time

bind "F" [echo [akimbo pris];sleep 30000 [akimbo]]
alias "akimbo" [echo [akimbo terminer];sleep 26000 [sound 86]]

http://clan-online.125mb.com/viewforum.php?f=25 explain the scripts in french .
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"akimbo terminé" et non pas "terminer"
sinon on est obligé d'appuyer sur une bind pour declencher le timer? ya pas moyens de l'automatiser comme ici : http://www.akimbo.in/files/index.php?act=view&id=775 ?
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J'ai apporté quelques modifications.
Dès que vous prenez l'akimbo ,le script se lance tous seul .
Je me suis inspiré du script du vman pour le chronometre .
La touche f permet toujours de lancer le script quand votre adversaire prend l'akimbo a votre place .
Je ne pense pas qu'il est possible d'automatiser le script quand l'adversaire prend l'akimbo .ptstat_weap pourrrait me donner une information sur un joueur qui tire à l'akimbo mais je ne saurai pas quand il l'a pris ...

akimbo time improved
alias "mapstartalways" [say [Hello];checkgun]
testcheckgun = 1
rebelote = 1
alias checkgun [ if ($testcheckgun) [if (= (curweapon) 9) [rebelote = 1 ;echo [akimbo pris];alias fdtime (millis);flagcountdown]];sleep 1 [checkgun]]

alias flagcountdown [
testcheckgun = 0

  alias flagtime (- 30 (div (- (millis) $fdtime) 1000))
  echo (c (fc)) $flagtime
if ( > $flagtime 0) [sleep 1000 [flagcountdown]][retourakimbo;rebelote = 0]]


alias retourakimbo [alias fdtime (millis);if ($rebelote) [flagcountdown][echo [akimbo libre];testcheckgun = 1]]
alias fc [if (>= (flagtime) 20) [result 0] [if (&& (< (flagtime) 20) (>= (flagtime) 10)) [result 9] [result 3]]]

bind "F" [rebelote = 1 ;echo [akimbo pris];alias fdtime (millis);flagcountdown;]
Thanks given by:
Very simple version of the Quick Knife script

bind "Q" [melee ; attack]

Thanks given by: +f0r3v3r+
english : maybe you should speak in English because other forum users could help you. btw awesome script.

tu devrais parler en anglais pour que les autres utilisateurs puissent t'aider. gg pour le script mec
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Is it possible to automate the script when the enemy takes akimbo ?

Else , i have seen on the website akimbo .He is possible to know the position player .
What is the variable ?

Resetsleep is in the documation of assault cube but he does not work ..

Grenade timer + grenade no-suicide +crosshair[no bug]+ reload time
crossline = +
alias "speed" [loop i 30 [ echo  ];echo "                                                                        "$crossline ;loop i 2 [echo [ ]];echo (magcontent 1) "/" (magreserve 1) ;echo (magcontent (currentprimary)) "/" (magreserve (currentprimary));  sleep 1 [speed]]
bind j [speed]

reload_assaultrifle = 18
reload_subgun = 17
reload_sniper = 20  
reload_pistol = 11
grenade_timer = 20

bind "MOUSE2"  [if (= (curweapon) 8 ) [alias fdtime (millis);attack;grenadetime]       [altaction] ]

alias "supergun" [if (= (curweapon) 8) [result $grenade_timer] [if (= (curweapon) 6) [result $reload_assaultrifle] [if (= (curweapon) 1) [result $reload_pistol] [if (= (curweapon) 5) [result $reload_sniper][if (= (curweapon) 4) [result $reload_subgun]]]]   ]  ]

alias grenadetime [

  alias flagtime (- (supergun) (div (- (millis) $fdtime) 100))
  crossline = $flagtime
if ( > $flagtime 2) [sleep 100 [grenadetime]][attack;crossline = +]]


bind "R" [mutesound 9 0;mutesound 13 0;mutesound 15 0;mutesound 17 0;mutesound 19;alias fdtime (millis);reload;grenadetime;onrelease [mutesound 9 1;mutesound 13 1;mutesound 15 1;mutesound 17 1;mutesound 19 1]]

edit:il manquait une partie du script
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EDIT: nvm my problem is fixed
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guys i want a script that when i join a server it says Hi or something like that for i edit the message can someone help me?
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(08 Sep 12, 03:32PM)HarDZi!nN+ Wrote: guys i want a script that when i join a server it says Hi or something like that for i edit the message can someone help me?

[cubescript]if (! (checkalias mapstartalways)) [ mapstartalways = "" ]
if (! (strstr $mapstartalways onconnectmsg)) [ add2alias mapstartalways [ if $connected onconnectmsg ] ]

onconnectmsg = [ say "Theres a snake in my boots." ][/cubescript]
Thanks given by:
thanks dude i know more simple whitout using a script /mapstartalways = [say "Hi"]

but now i need a menu for chose my nickname's can someone help just for 2 nicks plz!
Thanks given by:
(09 Sep 12, 06:01PM)HarDZi!nN+ Wrote: thanks dude i know more simple whitout using a script /mapstartalways = [say "Hi"]
That was a script.
And now whatever was in mapstartalways before you defined it is gone.

Quote:but now i need a menu for chose my nickname's can someone help just for 2 nicks plz!

newmenu [Nicknames]
menuitem [HarDZi!nN] [name HarDZi!nN]
menuitem [unarmed] [name unarmed]
menuitem [Cancel] []

And if you want to add that into your main menu,

newmenu main
menuitem [Pick nick] [showmenu Nicknames]
Thanks given by:
crosshair sniper with menu
No need script

[cubescript]bind "O" [showmenu allowing-crosshair-sniper]

newmenu allowing-crosshair-sniper 1 1

menuitem " " [showmenu "Team Replies"]
menuitem " " [showmenu "Team Replies"]
menuitem " | |" [showmenu "Team Replies"]
menuitem " " [showmenu "Team Replies"]
menuitem " " [showmenu "Team Replies"]
menuitem "" [showmenu "Public Talk"]
menuitem "" [showmenu "Public Talk"][/cubescript]
Thanks given by:
(09 Sep 12, 06:01PM)HarDZi!nN+ Wrote: but now i need a menu for chose my nickname's can someone help just for 2 nicks plz!

Just use mine here.
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(15 Sep 12, 12:44AM)888 Wrote: crosshair sniper with menu
No need script

[cubescript]bind "O" [showmenu allowing-crosshair-sniper]

newmenu allowing-crosshair-sniper 1 1

menuitem " " [showmenu "Team Replies"]
menuitem " " [showmenu "Team Replies"]
menuitem " | |" [showmenu "Team Replies"]
menuitem " " [showmenu "Team Replies"]
menuitem " " [showmenu "Team Replies"]
menuitem "" [showmenu "Public Talk"]
menuitem "" [showmenu "Public Talk"][/cubescript]

Hmm you shouldn't post this ^^
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Actually its OK that he posts it; people were using it/other methods of getting a crosshair for the sniper anyways. Its something that needs to be addressed/fixed in the next version of AC.

Any ideas that don't involve adding a crosshair by default are welcome. (since its already been suggested)
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