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Poll: you want new features in AC? (you can turn on/off in game menu)
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new graphics effects, like shell drops,better explosion, cs contracting crosshairs, blood,bullet impacts...
7 10.45%
head shot for all guns,(head= more damage, torso = normal, extremities= low),
7 10.45%
cod aim = no kickback, good for campers(ctf or tm)
1 1.49%
new weapons(combat pistol?.. or super shotgun/grenade launcher.. ok, a weapon that does not interfere the balance .)
5 7.46%
the possibility of use different skins/models for each team(like cube2, exemple, blue hands x red hands or m4 x ak, wood Smg x black Smg, same weapon, but, different skins), in defalt, both teans use the same weapon/hand skin
4 5.97%
huum, no thanks..
43 64.18%
Total 67 vote(s) 100%
* You voted for this item. [Show Results]

some suggestions for ac(graphic and gameplay)
(04 Sep 11, 04:02AM)wolfbr Wrote:
Quote:Not a one shot kill, maybe a small nade type thing. Would help in support situations.

one shot kill, this would be the unique feature of this weapon, a direct hit = kill, like a soldat's rocket launcher, the gun do a little splash damage, but, kill in a direct hit, it is possible to dodge the projectile in certain situations.

shotgun an sniper kill in one shot, but, in certains situations(head shot and close range), about rocket launcher, kill in a direct hit

Oh jeez. I misinterpreted it XD Sorry.
But if the rockets big, it'll hit easily, so it'll noob it up. :P
So a small direct hit zone.

Slow moving, maybe slightly lower than the grenades speed .
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Why is this discussion still on? Just look at the poll.
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(04 Sep 11, 02:50AM)Syntax Wrote: I understand how some would need "beautiful effects", but I believe I speak for a large majority (as evidence by the responses) that most people don't really need reload animations, shell drops, etc. They're not bad ideas. There's just no need for it.
Exactly. I don't even think there would be much resistance if we were to implement that, but...
(04 Sep 11, 02:50AM)Syntax Wrote: really, there's not too much you can do by suggesting ideas without suggesting exactly how they should be implemented (or trying to implement it yourself). I understand you want to help, but if you really want to see something added to the game, you'll have to make it yourself first (unless it's fairly simple).
The code for a feature like reloading animations would take 5 minutes, but someone has to do the animations. The thing is, no one wants to do much work for a feature they'd consider "quite nice" but don't actually want or need.

Oh, and if you really want to make AC look a lot better, you can help Makke with those high-res textures :P
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(04 Sep 11, 04:02AM)wolfbr Wrote: do not forget that games like wolfenstein, Doom, Quake, unreal, couter strike, cod.. served as the basis for many others FPS games(like assault cube), I do not understand the rejection of such "good" games.
CoD serving as the basis of many other FPSes? No way. The first three or four, maybe. Saying that CoD was the basis of AssaultCube is a very dubious claim.

People don't reject them. They just don't want AssaultCube to turn into one. If you want to play CoD, play CoD. AssaultCube is about purity and simplicity - arcade with blazing guns and raw glory.

Quote:about AC ES, the game may have several defects, but, in this game, we can see that it is possible to add cool stuff to the game, without compromising the performance and size of the game.
Yes, it is totally possible to add cool stuff to the game, but we knew that long before AC SE was an idea in that dude's head.

Quote:about shell drops, this simple detail can make the game more realistic and fun, I think AC does not use futuristic weapons(laser weapon), So why not make weapons that release shells?
Again, there's nothing wrong with it. It's just not necessary. If you want to do it, go ahead.

Quote:about real weapons, AC use weapons that are inspired by real guns(fn fal = assault rifle).
I don't think you should be lecturing anyone on using "real weapons". I've been here for years. It's been suggested at least a hundred times.

The answer was always no.

Quote:about reload animations, its only for hd models, not for norma /low res models.
If you want reload animations, go make them. I don't mind having reload animations. I'll admit it - I think it'll be a good addition to the game. But I'm definite that it won't be a goal the devs will try to accomplish. If you really want to see reload animations, go animate them.

Quote:one shot kill, this would be the unique feature of this weapon, a direct hit = kill, like a soldat's rocket launcher, the gun do a little splash damage, but, kill in a direct hit, it is possible to dodge the projectile in certain situations.
Play the game more (including you, Cemer! :p)
There is no place for a rocket launcher. Imagine running around with one in an inter. It doesn't make sense.

Hey, I don't want to sound discouraging, though! If you have free time on your hands, you could probably make a mod of AssaultCube with a rocket launcher weapon. The original Cube had a rocket launcher.

(04 Sep 11, 08:00AM)|BC|Wolf Wrote: Why is this discussion still on? Just look at the poll.
Because it's ultimately good discussion. Of course, there probably isn't any direct worth, but it's become a thread to stimulate dialogue about these topics. AssaultCube has been a game where changes often are contested (and that's a good thing).

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(04 Sep 11, 08:00AM)|BC|Wolf Wrote: Why is this discussion still on? Just look at the poll.

I saw the poll, I thought ... I will continue discussing : P

Quote:CoD serving as the basis of many other FPSes? No way. The first three or four, maybe. Saying that CoD was the basis of AssaultCube is a very dubious claim.

People don't reject them. They just don't want AssaultCube to turn into one. If you want to play CoD, play CoD. AssaultCube is about purity and simplicity - arcade with blazing guns and raw glory.

AC has a semi-realistic gameplay, like counter strike or cod, and yes, cod serving as the basis of many games(cross+iron sigh)- exemple?- Medal of honor, true combat elite, AA3, insurgency hl2, crysis, the new goldeneye (the new game, not the n64 or ps2/xbox) version, operation 7, battlefield series, Then, several games were inspired by cod.

AC seems to be more a mix of quake and counter strike.

Quote:arcade with blazing guns and raw glory.

- like soldat, fear, babo violent 2, urban terror or counter strike(but, the difference is that the idea of ​​choosing the weapons at the beginning of the round were adapted to these games).

Quote:about AC ES, the game may have several defects, but, in this game, we can see that it is possible to add cool stuff to the game, without compromising the performance and size of the game.
regardless of who is playing, you can watch some of these ideas into action, like shell drops.

Quote:Again, there's nothing wrong with it. It's just not necessary. If you want to do it, go ahead.
bit of realism is not necessary for you?
if the problem is the frame rate could have a choice option.

2D shell drops [] (like duke nuke 3d, or turok 1/2, this is a good example of the effect, which probably will not weigh on the computer of anyone)

Quote:I don't think you should be lecturing anyone on using "real weapons". I've been here for years. It's been suggested at least a hundred times.

The answer was always no.
I never said to add real weapons, said that the weapon of AC are inspired by real guns(like AR are inspired by FN fal, not AR is fn fan).

Quote:If you want reload animations, go make them. I don't mind having reload animations. I'll admit it - I think it'll be a good addition to the game. But I'm definite that it won't be a goal the devs will try to accomplish. If you really want to see reload animations, go animate them.

I do not do animations : P, but, in the forum, it is possible to find good artists, whether devs request, I think they would without problems.

Quote:There is no place for a rocket launcher. Imagine running around with one in an inter. It doesn't make sense.

Hey, I don't want to sound discouraging, though! If you have free time on your hands, you could probably make a mod of AssaultCube with a rocket launcher weapon. The original Cube had a rocket launcher.

like the shotgun? especially the old version(a overpowerd version, rip everything in medium/close range... if they add a weapon will not be as powerful as this : P), or the sniper headshot, its make no sense for you?.

cubes rockets are overpowerd, and tedius, a nob weapon, i want something different. as I suggested, would have been a nob gun.

the gun kills with one shot, however, you are vulnerable after shooting(you need cover or support of your team).
yes, we need rocket jumps : D (rocket jump + pistol or rocket impulse+ knive = coolll : D).

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Syntax Wrote:
Quote:one shot kill, this would be the unique feature of this weapon, a direct hit = kill, like a soldat's rocket launcher, the gun do a little splash damage, but, kill in a direct hit, it is possible to dodge the projectile in certain situations.
Play the game more (including you, Cemer! :p)
There is no place for a rocket launcher. Imagine running around with one in an inter. It doesn't make sense.

True. They would be awkward. And as I said before, noobs would overuse it.

Syntax has made me seen the light.

LOL At BC|Wolf. Bahahaha true facts.
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Cube of Duty <3
New game, please.

* Nightmare jumps around with killstreaks.
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sniper have scope, its not a cube of duty : D.

iron sigh would have more value for fun, its something like scope for all guns(iron sign), we love stagib because it is fun aim to shoot : D

but, for all other guns, it remove kickback, maybe a small zoom, nothing more ; )

the number of campers will not increase or decrease with it, the difference is that you can Camper in all places.

off: cod for poor peoples(doom modern warface) : P


good effects for a simple/old game engine ; )
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The only idea i agree with is to change the skins in different teams (weapons, players , hands..). I would find it great, and it would accentuate the difference between CLA (terrorists)
and RVSF ( police / Anti-terrorists), which is right now only the color of the vest / trouser
( Blue / Red )
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@wolfbr: You still don't get it, do you? This is not about the engine's capabilities. It's about whether or not someone actually sits down and does all the stuff you're asking for. And since so far no one has shown much interest in doing so, you should slowly start to realize that it won't happen. Not because everyone is totally against it, but because no one is both able and willing to do it (or willing to learn how to do it) - including you!
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(04 Sep 11, 04:54PM)tempest Wrote: Not because everyone is totally against it, but because no one is both able and willing to do it (or willing to learn how to do it) - including you!

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Quote:@wolfbr: You still don't get it, do you? This is not about the engine's capabilities. It's about whether or not someone actually sits down and does all the stuff you're asking for. And since so far no one has shown much interest in doing so, you should slowly start to realize that it won't happen. Not because everyone is totally against it, but because no one is both able and willing to do it (or willing to learn how to do it) - including you!

some guys add shell drops in the models, but, maybe, because they do not know how to add scripts using shells(like ac es), each one helps or attempts, the way it can.

better effects help in gameplay, because you can see better where the shots hit(thing that does not happen, same for the spread, we need something like cs aim), graphic changes are not only to make the game more beautiful, serve to improve the gameplay.

any idea can be debated and "tested" before becoming official, more than the devs have competence to do so, up there suggested that some scripts do not even take 5 minutes to be programmed, and somes scripts can be takes from AC ES(shell drops, reload..)

some changes that seem radical, can be tested in beta, to see if they work in practice(like the carbine, but, players are still complaining when it comes to adding new things to the game, "including you!").
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About adding the combat pistol...

What exactly is the combat pistol supposed to look like? I mean, if it just looks like a regular pistol, how are we going to make it significantly distinguishable from the secondary pistol? O_O
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It doesn't look like anything yet as no model has been made for it yet. Also, notice that all of the talk of adding the C-Pistol hasn't been from any devs :| The devs made it code, but afaik, they aren't planning on using it.
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Quote:AC has a semi-realistic gameplay, like counter strike or cod, and yes, cod serving as the basis of many games(cross+iron sigh)- exemple?- Medal of honor, true combat elite, AA3, insurgency hl2, crysis, the new goldeneye (the new game, not the n64 or ps2/xbox) version, operation 7, battlefield series, Then, several games were inspired by cod.

AC seems to be more a mix of quake and counter strike.
AC was never intended to be a mix of anything. It's a perfectly fine game in its own, independent right.

Quote:- like soldat, fear, babo violent 2, urban terror or counter strike(but, the difference is that the idea of ​​choosing the weapons at the beginning of the round were adapted to these games).
None of these games - except Soldat - have the same doctrine of fast paced arcade style gameplay. Sure, they might be arcade-like - but AssaultCube is literally a game where you kill things with no metagame. Urban Terror tries to add too much forced depth with concepts such as weight of items, medics, and wall jumping. AssaultCube's simplicity gives it a certain depth which develops around players, not a depth that players try to develop around.

Quote:bit of realism is not necessary for you?
if the problem is the frame rate could have a choice option.

2D shell drops [] (like duke nuke 3d, or turok 1/2, this is a good example of the effect, which probably will not weigh on the computer of anyone)
Yes, a bit of realism is not necessary for me. The game is realistic enough. Heck, the game isn't even meant to be realistic. It's meant to be real-like.

Again, I don't mind having 2D shell drops. Go ahead. But don't come making suggestions if you aren't going to contribute at all into making them.

Quote:I never said to add real weapons, said that the weapon of AC are inspired by real guns(like AR are inspired by FN fal, not AR is fn fan).
That's cool. I respect that. Why did you even bring it up, then?

Quote:I do not do animations : P, but, in the forum, it is possible to find good artists, whether devs request, I think they would without problems.
If reload animations really needed to be done...
...They would be done.

Quote:like the shotgun? especially the old version(a overpowerd version, rip everything in medium/close range... if they add a weapon will not be as powerful as this : P), or the sniper headshot, its make no sense for you?.

cubes rockets are overpowerd, and tedius, a nob weapon, i want something different. as I suggested, would have been a nob gun.

the gun kills with one shot, however, you are vulnerable after shooting(you need cover or support of your team).
yes, we need rocket jumps : D (rocket jump + pistol or rocket impulse+ knive = coolll : D).


Did you ever hear about this: http://woop.us/what-makes-the-games-suck#newcomers

People don't pass that link around because it's not a very nice thing to do. But there was a time when it was very common for this to just be posted, and the discussion ended.

This pretty much sums up how I feel about this:
Quote:Okay... so if you are giving those suggestions, you really want to them to happen, if you're going to stick around the game for longer? So why not do these things yourself? Ah, you can't do it! Well, why not? Surely those things are all do-able with some effort. But you don't want to put any effort in. So why should your suggestion be even considered if you're not willing to put anything in?

Look, it's not that you have bad ideas. I honestly don't mind seeing shell drops, or reload animations. In fact, if someone decided to make them and post about it, they would be lauded. If someone spent time making a rocket launcher and posted a mod about it, they would be praised (not that it would be official).

Tempest also put it well:
(04 Sep 11, 04:54PM)tempest Wrote: @wolfbr: You still don't get it, do you? This is not about the engine's capabilities. It's about whether or not someone actually sits down and does all the stuff you're asking for. And since so far no one has shown much interest in doing so, you should slowly start to realize that it won't happen. Not because everyone is totally against it, but because no one is both able and willing to do it (or willing to learn how to do it) - including you!

(04 Sep 11, 07:45PM)wolfbr Wrote:
Quote:@wolfbr: You still don't get it, do you? This is not about the engine's capabilities. It's about whether or not someone actually sits down and does all the stuff you're asking for. And since so far no one has shown much interest in doing so, you should slowly start to realize that it won't happen. Not because everyone is totally against it, but because no one is both able and willing to do it (or willing to learn how to do it) - including you!

some changes that seem radical, can be tested in beta, to see if they work in practice(like the carbine, but, players are still complaining when it comes to adding new things to the game, "including you!").

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Walls of text. D:

Walljumping+Combat Pistol <3
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I read all of it; So proud of myself ^_^
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Quote:AC was never intended to be a mix of anything. It's a perfectly fine game in its own, independent right.
however, obviously the devs were inspired by something to make the game ; ).
nothing is created, everything is copied

Quote:None of these games - except Soldat - have the same doctrine of fast paced arcade style gameplay. Sure, they might be arcade-like - but AssaultCube is literally a game where you kill things with no metagame. Urban Terror tries to add too much forced depth with concepts such as weight of items, medics, and wall jumping. AssaultCube's simplicity gives it a certain depth which develops around players, not a depth that players try to develop around.
fast paced? are you serius? there are games out there a lot faster(quake 3, urban terror, nexuiz) compared in speed, I think the baboo violent is more like ac(slow speed, kickback, Strafe running, weapon menu, enclosed areas..), the difference is that the game is in 2d, you kill balls and some extra weapons like rocket launcher, molotov and laser : P.
I think AC is more like semi-realistic/arcade game, a mix of both).

Fear is a bit like AC with the fact that the maps are enclosed.
conter strike, ok, almost all current fps received some inspiration from this game(semi arcade/realistic gameplay, with teamwork)

off: in urban terror weight not interfere with anything, you move quickly with any weapon(like quake 3), you just choose the items from spam, but nothing prevents you from stealing items from the dead players.
and in AC, you can not fly like soldat, only if you is cheater : P.

off: about soldat and babbo, both have balanced explosive weapons and lmgs, and the game still fun and fast paced ; ).

Quote:Yes, a bit of realism is not necessary for me. The game is realistic enough. Heck, the game isn't even meant to be realistic. It's meant to be real-like.

Again, I don't mind having 2D shell drops. Go ahead. But don't come making suggestions if you aren't going to contribute at all into making them.
ok, remove the firearms and add brooms, pots, cucumbers, bananas and dildos as weapons.
remove the humans players models and add chickens and rename the game for LSD chickencube. you do not care about realism, yes?


Did you ever hear about this: http://woop.us/what-makes-the-games-suck#newcomers

People don't pass that link around because it's not a very nice thing to do. But there was a time when it was very common for this to just be posted, and the discussion ended.

This pretty much sums up how I feel about this:
I play AC since before it was a carbine in the game, and SMG was more accurate, and the shotgun was too powerful(I do not remember the version).

Random jokes links is not an argument.

Quote:Look, it's not that you have bad ideas. I honestly don't mind seeing shell drops, or reload animations. In fact, if someone decided to make them and post about it, they would be lauded. If someone spent time making a rocket launcher and posted a mod about it, they would be praised (not that it would be official).
I suggested using some effects from AC ES, about rocket, a programmer can use the code of the cube(open source, duh), the hardest would be the gun balance, however, this can be worked.

principle of authority/Principle of Influence? : D (google it)
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(06 Sep 11, 05:13AM)wolfbr Wrote: nothing is created, everything is copied
That is not an excuse for trying to make a game more like another game when it doesn't need to be.

Quote:fast paced? are you serius? there are games out there a lot faster(quake 3, urban terror, nexuiz) compared in speed, I think the baboo violent is more like ac(slow speed, kickback, Strafe running, weapon menu, enclosed areas..), the difference is that the game is in 2d, you kill balls and some extra weapons like rocket launcher, molotov and laser : P.
I think AC is more like semi-realistic/arcade game, a mix of both).
I AM TOTALLY AWARE THAT ASSAULTCUBE IS NOT THE FASTEST PACED GAME ON THE PLANET. However, it isn't a slow one in terms of the amount of action and the time it takes to die. Play some Sauerbraten. That game is pretty fast.

Yes, AC is much more like a semi-realistic/arcade game. That's exactly what I implied, if not stated rather explicitly.

Quote:Fear is a bit like AC with the fact that the maps are enclosed.
conter strike, ok, almost all current fps received some inspiration from this game(semi arcade/realistic gameplay, with teamwork)
What does that have to do with AssaultCube?

Quote:off: in urban terror weight not interfere with anything, you move quickly with any weapon(like quake 3), you just choose the items from spam, but nothing prevents you from stealing items from the dead players.
and in AC, you can not fly like soldat, only if you is cheater : P.
Again, I'm totally aware of that. I've played them before. Plenty of times. I don't think you understand my point at all. AssaultCube isn't ANY of those games. It's AssaultCube.

Quote:off: about soldat and babbo, both have balanced explosive weapons and lmgs, and the game still fun and fast paced ; ).
K, I've lost all hope in you.

Quote:ok, remove the firearms and add brooms, pots, cucumbers, bananas and dildos as weapons.
remove the humans players models and add chickens and rename the game for LSD chickencube. you do not care about realism, yes?
Stop straw manning. I never said I did not care about realism. I clearly stated "realistic enough". Gameplay is far more important than realism.

And yes, makkE has said that before.
Quote:I play AC since before it was a carbine in the game, and SMG was more accurate, and the shotgun was too powerful(I do not remember the version).
1. You don't play enough.
2. You don't know how to play.

I've been playing AC since 2007. The version where the shotgun was too powerful was

Quote:Random jokes links is not an argument.
I was trying to get my point across. It seems like I failed. Also, twisting up my words to mean something else isn't a real, valid argument either.

Quote:I suggested using some effects from AC ES, about rocket, a programmer can use the code of the cube(open source, duh), the hardest would be the gun balance, however, this can be worked.
Okay, go and do it. Don't come to the forums asking for things to be done for you. If you think you're so intelligent, do it yourself.

principle of authority/Principle of Influence? : D (google it)
So, you're suggesting these ideas for the devs to listen in and follow through on - but if they don't like it, wouldn't that mean anything?

You obviously don't get what any of us are trying to say, and you obviously haven't played in the competitive side of the game.

I hope I don't come off sounding arrogant and mean, I'm just being really blunt here.
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How 'bout we all calm down, and eat some nice, fluffy cake?

* Cemer F1's
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Quote:That is not an excuse for trying to make a game more like another game when it doesn't need to be.
ideas that can be adapted to the AC, and work well in the game ; )

Quote:owever, it isn't a slow one in terms of the amount of action and the time it takes to die. Play some Sauerbraten. That game is pretty fast.

Yes, AC is much more like a semi-realistic/arcade game. That's exactly what I implied, if not stated rather explicitly.

i like sauer 2, i like more the single player, or stagib in multiplayer(i dont like no reload weapons XD).
for ac, I suggest something different

Quote:What does that have to do with AssaultCube?
simple, I have no problem in getting "some" ideas of CS in AC(like cs aim, or diferent damage location for head/chest/arms-legs, all can be adapted for AC, exemple: head shot = more damage, not necessarily 1 hit kill)

Quote:AssaultCube isn't ANY of those games. It's AssaultCube.
some ideas can be adapted for AC

Quote:K, I've lost all hope in you.
just do not lose faith in yourself XD

Quote:Stop straw manning. I never said I did not care about realism. I clearly stated "realistic enough". Gameplay is far more important than realism.

[quote]And yes, makkE has said that before.
Gameplay is important, but also a bit of realism is important, and not talk about graphics, I talk about details(exemple, firearms drop shells, yes?)

Quote:1. You don't play enough.
2. You don't know how to play.

I've been playing AC since 2007. The version where the shotgun was too powerful was
I played enough to have some ideas that can improve the game, just ask to be analyzed and tested, i playing a short time, I get good scores on the servers.

Quote:Okay, go and do it. Don't come to the forums asking for things to be done for you. If you think you're so intelligent, do it yourself.
no, im sexy

Quote:So, you're suggesting these ideas for the devs to listen in and follow through on - but if they don't like it, wouldn't that mean anything?

You obviously don't get what any of us are trying to say, and you obviously haven't played in the competitive side of the game.

I hope I don't come off sounding arrogant and mean, I'm just being really blunt here.
means they are not convinced of something, that does not mean they can not change your mind(they have added rifle, and they said that would not add new weapons).

everything can be debated or discussed. something like a explosive weapon, may be something totally new to the game, which would help improve the game in its simplicity.

see the exemple of baboo violent(assaut cube 2d with ballls : P), 3 explosives weapons work fine in this game(rocket launcher, grenade and molotov).

maybe, a grenade launcher that fires nades a long distance can be a good idea.

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Alright, first of all, forgive me if I sounded rude. I didn't mean to. I forgot that I actually suggested similar ideas years ago when I started playing the game. I'll try and be a more thoughtful about your thoughts ;D

(07 Sep 11, 03:26AM)wolfbr Wrote: ideas that can be adapted to the AC, and work well in the game ; )
Certainly some ideas can be adapted into the game, but gameplay altering-ones shouldn't be. Many of us here have played the game for years, and we've reacted harshly with any changes to the gameplay. During the transition from 1.04 to 1.1, there was a lot of controversy due to weapon balance and armour changes. I assume that you haven't gotten into the competitive scene yet, and that you play on public servers whether by preference or because you're still fairly new. But for the players that do, every little number and edge counts. Hopefully that might shed light onto why so many of us don't like too many changes.

As for cosmetic changes, that doesn't matter as much - but I must continue to stress that it's better to try and start making them yourself rather than asking for it. If you don't know how, you could always learn how.

Quote:i like sauer 2, i like more the single player, or stagib in multiplayer(i dont like no reload weapons XD).
for ac, I suggest something different
There was an instagib ctf mod for AC that was made about two years ago...I'm not sure if anyone still has it. It was pretty fun.

Quote:simple, I have no problem in getting "some" ideas of CS in AC(like cs aim, or diferent damage location for head/chest/arms-legs, all can be adapted for AC, exemple: head shot = more damage, not necessarily 1 hit kill)
Well, I've already sorta answered this earlier in this post. It'll change too much.

It's not a bad idea. It's a good one - but AC has some sacrosanct virginity that shouldn't be destroyed. Maybe you could get some people together and develop your own game ;D

Quote:Gameplay is important, but also a bit of realism is important, and not talk about graphics, I talk about details(exemple, firearms drop shells, yes?)
I think there was a misunderstanding. I have nothing against reload animations and drop shells - but the developers will likely not spend time trying to animate reload animations, etc. It might happen. It's actually been suggested for a long time now, but someone from the community would have to attempt to create reload animations and release 'em. That's the most likely way that it'll ever be added. afaik, the devs have their attention focused on other things.

Quote:I played enough to have some ideas that can improve the game, just ask to be analyzed and tested, i playing a short time, I get good scores on the servers.
That is exactly what I mean - you have only been playing on pubs. There is nothing wrong with people playing on pubs, it's the only way you can really start playing the game. If I ever see you sometime in a server, and I feel like playing an inter, I might pull you over ;) And take your pub-virginity.

I didn't know the true depth of AssaultCube until someone pulled me over to play in an interclan match. After that, my view on the game changed completely.

Quote:no, im sexy
That's not an excuse to ask for something to be done without trying to do help out on actually doing it ;) But if you really think that'll lower your sex appeal...welll...

Quote:means they are not convinced of something, that does not mean they can not change your mind(they have added rifle, and they said that would not add new weapons).
The carbine is rarely used in comparison with the other weapons anyway. It was also part of the controversy when 1.04 shifted over to 1.1. Ultimately it didn't turn out to be that big of a deal because it wasn't commonly used.

Quote:everything can be debated or discussed. something like a explosive weapon, may be something totally new to the game, which would help improve the game in its simplicity. see the exemple of baboo violent(assaut cube 2d with ballls : P), 3 explosives weapons work fine in this game(rocket launcher, grenade and molotov).

maybe, a grenade launcher that fires nades a long distance can be a good idea.
I've already addressed this above, so I'm not going to repeat myself :)

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walls of text, calm down. xD
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(04 Sep 11, 02:13PM)wolfbr Wrote:
Quote:If you want reload animations, go make them. I don't mind having reload animations. I'll admit it - I think it'll be a good addition to the game. But I'm definite that it won't be a goal the devs will try to accomplish. If you really want to see reload animations, go animate them.
I do not do animations : P
Right there. Now how about learning how to do it, if you really want that feature so badly, in the time that you otherwise waste writing walls of text here. If you give us nice reloading animations for the existing weapons, we can write the necessary C++ code in no time.
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Quote:Certainly some ideas can be adapted into the game, but gameplay altering-ones shouldn't be. Many of us here have played the game for years, and we've reacted harshly with any changes to the gameplay. During the transition from 1.04 to 1.1, there was a lot of controversy due to weapon balance and armour changes. I assume that you haven't gotten into the competitive scene yet, and that you play on public servers whether by preference or because you're still fairly new. But for the players that do, every little number and edge counts. Hopefully that might shed light onto why so many of us don't like too many changes.

As for cosmetic changes, that doesn't matter as much - but I must continue to stress that it's better to try and start making them yourself rather than asking for it. If you don't know how, you could always learn how.
I know, but most are casual players, play more for fun.
sometimes changes are needed, the world evolves, why should it be different with a game?

Quote:There was an instagib ctf mod for AC that was made about two years ago...I'm not sure if anyone still has it. It was pretty fun.
now, sometimes, I prefer the stagib in cube2, because with limitations for AC maps stagib play is bad because it is legal to play on large maps. but, still fun in AC(i like the scope).

Quote:Well, I've already sorta answered this earlier in this post. It'll change too much.

It's not a bad idea. It's a good one - but AC has some sacrosanct virginity that shouldn't be destroyed. Maybe you could get some people together and develop your own game ;D
another of manys cs clone? no, thanks, it is better to try to improve existing games XD.
the main change would be that everyone would learn to aim better, and players are rewarded with better aim.
do headshots to kill fast, sometimes it's weird when you are behind a wall, and you die with one sniper shot in the arm : (

Quote:I think there was a misunderstanding. I have nothing against reload animations and drop shells - but the developers will likely not spend time trying to animate reload animations, etc. It might happen. It's actually been suggested for a long time now, but someone from the community would have to attempt to create reload animations and release 'em. That's the most likely way that it'll ever be added. afaik, the devs have their attention focused on other things.

understand, but it's strange, it has many talented people in comu(models, programers,design.) and they could do, if the devs wanted to add something in the game.

Quote:Certainly some ideas can be adapted into the game, but gameplay altering-ones shouldn't be. Many of us here have played the game for years, and we've reacted harshly with any changes to the gameplay. During the transition from 1.04 to 1.1, there was a lot of controversy due to weapon balance and armour changes. I assume that you haven't gotten into the competitive scene yet, and that you play on public servers whether by preference or because you're still fairly new. But for the players that do, every little number and edge counts. Hopefully that might shed light onto why so many of us don't like too many changes.

As for cosmetic changes, that doesn't matter as much - but I must continue to stress that it's better to try and start making them yourself rather than asking for it. If you don't know how, you could always learn how.
I am casual gamer, as most. maybe, the devs can make 2 weapons balance(pro mode and normal mode, like cs pro mod or wolfet pro mod)

Quote:That's not an excuse to ask for something to be done without trying to do help out on actually doing it ;) But if you really think that'll lower your sex appeal...welll...
maybe if I send some pictures of me, the devs to make some changes : P

Quote:The carbine is rarely used in comparison with the other weapons anyway. It was also part of the controversy when 1.04 shifted over to 1.1. Ultimately it didn't turn out to be that big of a deal because it wasn't commonly used.
I use when I want to play seriously, because you need to learn to aim well, kill with the rifle faster than any other weapon(ok, in some situations, shotgun or sniper is better, for fun, i like more AR, and rarely i use the sub, In general, the carbine is better for me)

Quote:wall of texts calm down.
Quote:Right there. Now how about learning how to do it, if you really want that feature so badly, in the time that you otherwise waste writing walls of text here. If you give us nice reloading animations for the existing weapons, we can write the necessary C++ code in no time.
I'm not a game developer, I'm in a forum that allows me to suggest ideas.
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(07 Sep 11, 02:34PM)tempest Wrote: Right there. Now how about learning how to do it, if you really want that feature so badly, in the time that you otherwise waste writing walls of text here. If you give us nice reloading animations for the existing weapons, we can write the necessary C++ code in no time.

* Ronald_Reagan has tinkered with this.
Its actually removing C++, not writing ;)
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Does the current reloading "animation" just involve moving the hudgun out of view?
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(08 Sep 11, 10:00AM)Frogulis Wrote: Does the current reloading "animation" just involve moving the hudgun out of view?

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Quote:I use when I want to play seriously, because you need to learn to aim well, kill with the rifle faster than any other weapon(ok, in some situations, shotgun or sniper is better, for fun, i like more AR, and rarely i use the sub, In general, the carbine is better for me)
If you had good aim, you would actually use the sniper. You talk about playing seriously, but you've never played in an inter before.

Also, if every weapon dealt more damage for shooting at the head, people will die wayyyy too fast. The heads in AssaultCube are huge. It's already very easy to run away headshotting people with the sniper. Seriously - you can already run around in a pub and rack up 60 or 70 kills with a sniper while only dying like 20 times, lol.
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BTW, the poll option with:
Quote:a weapon that does not interfere the balance
would be very hard to do.
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