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Poll: you want new features in AC? (you can turn on/off in game menu)
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new graphics effects, like shell drops,better explosion, cs contracting crosshairs, blood,bullet impacts...
7 10.45%
head shot for all guns,(head= more damage, torso = normal, extremities= low),
7 10.45%
cod aim = no kickback, good for campers(ctf or tm)
1 1.49%
new weapons(combat pistol?.. or super shotgun/grenade launcher.. ok, a weapon that does not interfere the balance .)
5 7.46%
the possibility of use different skins/models for each team(like cube2, exemple, blue hands x red hands or m4 x ak, wood Smg x black Smg, same weapon, but, different skins), in defalt, both teans use the same weapon/hand skin
4 5.97%
huum, no thanks..
43 64.18%
Total 67 vote(s) 100%
* You voted for this item. [Show Results]

some suggestions for ac(graphic and gameplay)
(18 Aug 11, 07:01AM)wolfbr Wrote: i know, but, i like ac gameplay(like rifle jump) and AC have only 50 MB, other shooter no : D.

ac can have "some" of these things : )

Ah, ok. ;)
You could always learn how to make a game, and create Cube of Duty.
I'd play it. <3
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cube of duty? no, i like dday normandy(q2 mod), but,in dday you cant do rifle jumps, and ac are made to play in small maps(unlike dday), fast and simple gameplay, only intend to improve it, Ac continues still have the same gameplay style, understand?(yes, ac have 50 MB) : D

about cube of duty, you can play AC ES, but, i want something different(something like cube strike 1.6 : P).


.about ironsight, its like ac sniper scope, but, if you use the scope/iron sight = no pushback and less speed;

you can do weapon jumps/run with all primarys(like AR), unscoped sniper has more, and the smg has less;

cs cross like;

damage divided into three types of areas(head>chest>arms/legs = high-normal-low)

slow bullets to improve the competitiveness(like divided damage).

and extra grafical effects(again, shell drops, blood, watersplash and better bullets impacts)

simple : )
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I really do like your ideas wolf. However, for people that run POS macs like me, combined with the relatively low capabilities of the cube engine, this could make the game bulky and inaccessible for a lot of players. You'd be be surprised how much these "extra graphical effects" could really destroy some peoples' already floundering FPS.
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not exactly, many people will still be able to play BC, these improvements are possible in ACs engine, if we want a very good grafics, it is better to move the game to cube2engine.

old games, like quake1 or doom classic have good graphics, effects and graphics that exploit the capacity of the engine and.

for ac, are small effects that improve the game, not something like crysis, rs : ).

about effects, exemple:

whater sphash effect = a simple image animation.
bullet impact effect = a simple smoke effect in the wall(like sniper trail), so you can better see where the shots hit.
blood effects = a simple blood image if you hit a player(like smoke trail, but, usin a blood image, duh).
others effects, like dinamic light/shadowns and water reflections, can tur on/off in game
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(19 Aug 11, 06:18PM)wolfbr Wrote: If we want a very good grafics, it is better to move the game to cube2engine.
Remember back when someone said they were working on that? I mean, not moving the game, "porting" it. *Sigh* Maybe someday a non quake-based OC game will have over 1000 people online at a time.
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yes, maybe in the future, there could be an alternative version of the ac(ac sauer), like urban terror(classic) and urban terror HD(morden grafics), that developers are still supporting the two versions.

I think that most players from BC, have fear of the game becomes heavy with the improvements, but, its not true, "small details" make the game better, not heavy, and as I said, any kind of effect can be disabled in the menu.

exemple: see doomsday or skulltag, good effects and grafics for classic doom, but , low size and run fine in all system.

about cod aim, maybe, only remove kickback and add a small zoom(yes, we are campers : P), is possible to add zoom to all guns using scripts, now, would be official.

maybe, in a pro mod(on/off in a severhost), all cross are removed(like 007-64 or sniper from ac) and you can use mouse 2 to aim, but, in normal game, mouse2 only remove kickback and add some zoom.

see it:
about impact effects, something like it 0:20 to 0:50
about blood, something like 2:42 to ....end?
cool, no?

oficial skulltag trailer
its posible to mace something similar in ac engine, the game still simple, beautiful and "low size"(and run in all machines).

off: AC need a invasion mod : D(with cube's monsters :P)
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There's actualy a good reason not to do that and it's not only a BC thing, even those "little" things can afect the low end computers a lot, don't get me wrong but there's really no need to those mods other than to make it look good.

But remember a lot of us can't play with the graphics at it's top I have the lowest ugliest graphics just to get a decent amount of fps. I understand what you like, but we look at the big picture.
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but maybe some effects can greatly affect(like dinamic shadows/lights, reflections.., but, ac "already" have such effects, and can be disabled in the menu, but, these effecs can be "improved", and you can change the "effect quality").

som extra effects, like blood and bulltes impacs, not significantly affect the game, old 3d games have good effects(like turok1 or quake1) and run in "low end computers".

see the blood effects in doom video, its only a transparent image, like AC sniper trail, same for impacts, do you really think it can affects the performance?
same for explosion effects, its like AC granade with extra particles, anyone can test and see if skulltag runs slow on your pc.
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You missed my point, for many of us having really bad fps I mean I don't even have a sky image to gain some fps but still have a low average
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then you suggest that some people are selfish because they can not enjoy some benefits, why can not all.

all effects can be "on/off" in menu, understand? if you do not like something, just do not use and be happy.
everyone can continue to use the game on low settings(like hl1, you can play usin normal models or usin HD model/textures packs, the game still the same, or like Slow old man's hd models for ACube.)).

different weapons skins for each team(default, blue hand for ct and red for terror, or something like it), how it can reduce your FPS? Currently, there are skins of players for each team, why not different weapons(only the skins, not status) for each team?

or a simple cs crosshair? shell drops destroy your fps? turn it off, simple : ).

something like it:
its AC SE alpha(i like it more,exemple: i dont like the new models, weapon balance and otherss stuffs.. but, cs cross, head shot, and shell drops, AC would be perfect)
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The point is, that those things are useless in AC, besides you I don't see anyone else wanting to modify the game, you need to understand that if those things could or needed to he added they will already be in te game, what's the point of playing a game if you wanna change everything?

I understand what you want but it's not a need for the game.
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I am in favor of democracy, and I think everyone has the dirent to express your opinion(regardless of whether the majority agrees or not).

small detais = everything? you like the fact that firearms will not release shells?(is possible without greatly reduce fps), different models for each team, its make the game more realistic and fun because you can use differents weapons for each team(like mp5 x mac10 or g3c x BAR).

what's the point of not adding such effects? any can be ignored if you do not like. game size? no, the package does not increase more than 10mb(with hd textures and models, but, you can still use old models, exemple- low res{by snake eye}, medium res{defaulf}, high res{slow old man like}, same for textures)., or maybe 5mb(i think);

AC special edition has 51533k with hd models/sounds.

slow down your fps? turn all off and be happy, or, you can turn the quality of the effects in menu.

extra effects could make the game more fun and beautiful, the game continues to run well on older computers.

about head shots, it can make the game more competitive, you need to learn to aim well to kill fast, Besides giving a possibility of survival for those with little life(like 20 HP x 100hp with armor, do busts in head and you can kill faster before die, or one shoot with shotgun in medium range, 4 pistols shots in head or 1 carbine shot in head, helmet can help to protect your head)

about bullets impacts/blood, admit, in Assault Cube is almost impossible to know exactly where the bullets hit, i want something to improve it, not a super mega hyper effect for a simple game made to run in all machines ; ).
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The problem with all those ideas is that someone has to actually implement them, and people will most likely do things such creating new weapons or skins only if they want it themselves.

As for things like headshots with every weapon - it doesn't work that way in AC, and that won't change in the foreseeable future.

Of course you're free to suggest whatever you like, but people will inevitably tell you what they think about it and that most of your ideas have no chance of being implemented.
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I think the poll speak for its self...

huum, no thanks..
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Reload animations
Reload animations
Reload animations
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If I don't remember wrong you also wanted a rocket launcher to be added, and a FAL and a combat pistol there's a reason those things are not in the game
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i think in most people believe that Osama Bin Laden was hiding in a cave.
its true? no, proved everyone wrong ; ).

I think most people who voted against it, afraid of the game becomes too heavy, this is not true, if you can turn on/off everything.

about headshot, I have already explained how it would work in AC, would not be 1 shoot kill..

exemple: before, all complained and still complain, the fact of adding new weapons, but all love the carbine ; )
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* Nightmare hates all the weapons.

* Nightmare wants combat pistol.
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Ok now this is very very strange what's Osama had to do with this? Never the less you are too stubborn to understand what I'm telling you.
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No kickback? Wow. That would be like a Big Mac without that sauce. A small feature, but that's what makes it a Big Mac
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(01 Sep 11, 09:50AM)jAcKRoCk* Wrote: Ok now this is very very strange what's Osama had to do with this?
He's illustrating the difference between opinions and reality. Everyone was so sure that Osama bin Laden was hiding in a cave, but the number of agreeing opinions did not change the fact that he was quivering in some posh mansion.
I suppose he didn't draw the analogy far enough to point out that everyone believing things won't be added into the game doesn't change whether they actually will be added in.

(31 Aug 11, 09:49PM)jAcKRoCk* Wrote: If I don't remember wrong you also wanted a rocket launcher to be added, and a FAL and a combat pistol there's a reason those things are not in the game

weapon.cpp Wrote:pl->weapons[GUN_CPISTOL] = new cpistol(pl);
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The virginity of assault cube has been mildly tainted. :(

I personally love the features in the mod...BUT...would never want my current

AC experience to be replaced with it. If he were to come up with some original content

and release it under a different name...then I'd gladly play both. Part of what makes AC

unique is it's small file size and querky/simple game play...and the changes proposed in this

thread are basically endangering that pleasant cult feeling many of us have towards the

game. Any changes made to the core gameplay of ac should be made exclusively by the

dev team with minimal deviation.

cheers...hauling buckets of flood water...(hurricane)
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Even with our enormous Dev Team, they are busy in other stuff, so I dont think any of these things will be added or not, I honestly hope not.
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(02 Sep 11, 06:58PM)sykes Wrote: The virginity of assault cube has been mildly tainted. :(

I personally love the features in the mod...BUT...would never want my current

AC experience to be replaced with it. If he were to come up with some original content

and release it under a different name...then I'd gladly play both. Part of what makes AC

unique is it's small file size and querky/simple game play...and the changes proposed in this

thread are basically endangering that pleasant cult feeling many of us have towards the

game. Any changes made to the core gameplay of ac should be made exclusively by the

dev team with minimal deviation.

cheers...hauling buckets of flood water...(hurricane)

Off: you write well : P.

on: it is natural that over time, the size of the game increases with time, but, AC still a simple game with small size.

about changes, most require a bit of code, anything that increases the size of the game absurdly(exemple: shell drops, one guy make it in AC ES, and his game still small,the script use shells from AC map's models).

same for effects, is possible to add beautiful effects without affecting the size of the game, and the FPS(skulltag shown as an example, simple and beautiful effects that improve classic doom).

exemple, blood effect = a simple image animation in the body, something simple, like sniper trail effect, same for water splash and bullets impacts, one image for blood effect, one for water effect, one for bullets impacts(like a small smoke), one for water walk... simple things that can make the game more beautiful, without weighing the FPS.

about effects, you can turn it on/off

video settings menu/advanced video settings menu

first person shell drops [x]
third person shell drops [x]
shell time [xx sec.] -(time when the capsules remain on the ground)
water bullet splash [ ]
water walk effects [ ] (the water moves when you walk)
bullets impacts - off, low(like the current AC), normal, high(more particles)
sniper trail - very low, nomal(default), high(more particles)
blood decals [x] (like the current AC)
blood splash [x] (a new blood effect, when you hit someone)

about differents skins for each skins, in default, would be something like it, exemple:
[Image: handsr.jpg]

but, you can use different models(made by the community or extra packs made by devs), exemple, a classic m4 x ak47 : P.

in gameplay settings, you can set the quality of the models(3 packs of different models come in default)


weapon models quality: low(like snake eyes models), medium(default) and high(like slow old man's models).

player models quality(textures): low res, medirum res(default), high res
you can freely add new packs, using scripts, like cube mods,hoo, its cube mod, you can make your low, medium and high models for your mods, there is no requirement to add models to a category, its more for organization, you can add high poly models in low poly category : P. but, in default , low poly, medium poly, and high poly).

I believe these ideas can be tested(alpha, betas.) before they become official : )

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What I don't like is the recurring word "cod" in your posts. I downloaded this game because it was different than most fps I had seen. I don't want it to be a camp-fest now, that's been amalgamated by major pieces of other games.

I do agree with a combat pistol, and a rocket launcher (I have my reasons people!). But iron-sights aren't a good idea. Just get a fov-zoom script, if it's still legal.
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All these proposed changes are already IN other games...you want small games with rockets and aiming down sights...go back to doom and quake(1).

@Wolfbar...what's wrong with my writing :(
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(03 Sep 11, 11:06PM)Cemer Wrote: What I don't like is the recurring word "cod" in your posts. I downloaded this game because it was different than most fps I had seen. I don't want it to be a camp-fest now, that's been amalgamated by major pieces of other games.

I do agree with a combat pistol, and a rocket launcher (I have my reasons people!). But iron-sights aren't a good idea. Just get a fov-zoom script, if it's still legal.

in any game camper is possible, in AC, you can stay in the corners, or use the rifle/shotgun/carbine, but, if you are protecting themselves behind some object, or upon some object, kickback hampers : (.

my suggestion is simple, remove kickback if you use mouse2(no kickback = lyou move more slowly), maybe a adjustable zoom in gamemenu(fov zoom, like sniper), camper is a good tactic in team games, good to protect the spam area, to protect the flag or support his team.

you can aim using the sniper, why should it be different with the other weapons? : )

about rocket launcher, I do not think will happen, "maybe", discussed as if it would work in a game with closed areas(like slow reload, reload every time, low ammo and slow projectile, but, one shot kill)


@sykes ,i just want try to "adapt" good ideas for the AC, not change the nature of the game.

no kickback can work fine in ac, not a spread reducion usin mouse 2, but, you can do kickback jumps using all the weapons(not only the AR), however, with different experiences, exemple: you can glide better with the sub,or jump greater heights with the sniper/carbine, or dodge better with the shotgun, AR is more balanced.
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After reading this entire thread, most people seem to have a misunderstanding at what wolfbr is trying to get at. We've been trained, somehow, to shoot down anything that has CoD in it, Counter Strike, or the illegal AssaultCube: Special Edition. And that's a good thing - it keeps the game from losing its spirit. But, any gameplay changes like changing kickback of weapons, or having headshot for all weapons isn't going to be considered at all.

And please, don't talk about AssaultCube Special Edition. Nobody wants anything to do with it :)

I understand how some would need "beautiful effects", but I believe I speak for a large majority (as evidence by the responses) that most people don't really need reload animations, shell drops, etc. They're not bad ideas. There's just no need for it.

As for shell drops - it's never going to happen. They don't serve much of a purpose, and it doesn't make the game look much "nicer". Water bullet splash has actually be done before, although it was pretty crude at the time. I think it was Mael who did it, but I could be very wrong. That could be implemented, but it's unlikely it will be.

There's been suggestions in the past about using real weapons - it's never going to happen. You can mod your AssaultCube to have real weapons if you wanted to. But they're almost never going to replace or be packaged with AssaultCube.

Quote:different weapons skins for each team(default, blue hand for ct and red for terror, or something like it), how it can reduce your FPS? Currently, there are skins of players for each team, why not different weapons(only the skins, not status) for each team?
Different hand skins for different teams is totally plausible (although I personally wouldn't care). Different "weapons" probably isn't going to happen, and I think most players wouldn't want it to happen either.

Quote:or a simple cs crosshair?
If you're talking about a gradually widening crosshair, I wouldn't mind. It can be done.

Quote:everyone can continue to use the game on low settings(like hl1, you can play usin normal models or usin HD model/textures packs, the game still the same, or like Slow old man's hd models for ACube.)).
This is probably the most plausible idea, and one that is actually worth pursuing.
A few years ago, makkE started work on making high res textures of all the default textures. I'm not sure what happened to that. Perhaps he stopped (as it's a lot of work). But it can be done. And if it becomes too large, we'll probably end up seeing two AssaultCube downloads: standard and hd. Maybe "HD" with just the texture packages. Or something like that.

But really, there's not too much you can do by suggesting ideas without suggesting exactly how they should be implemented (or trying to implement it yourself). I understand you want to help, but if you really want to see something added to the game, you'll have to make it yourself first (unless it's fairly simple).

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(04 Sep 11, 02:48AM)wolfbr Wrote: you can aim using the sniper, why should it be different with the other weapons? : )

Makes it special to the weapon. Like splatter to the shotty, and riflemoving to the AR. XD

Quote:about rocket launcher, I do not think will happen, "maybe", discussed as if it would work in a game with closed areas

Not a one shot kill, maybe a small nade type thing. Would help in support situations.

Kickback is possible in real life, but leaning back, not moving XD. But it makes AC unique.

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Quote:After reading this entire thread, most people seem to have a misunderstanding at what wolfbr is trying to get at. We've been trained, somehow, to shoot down anything that has CoD in it, Counter Strike, or the illegal AssaultCube: Special Edition. And that's a good thing - it keeps the game from losing its spirit. But, any gameplay changes like changing kickback of weapons, or having headshot for all weapons isn't going to be considered at all.

do not forget that games like wolfenstein, Doom, Quake, unreal, couter strike, cod.. served as the basis for many others FPS games(like assault cube), I do not understand the rejection of such "good" games.

Quote:And please, don't talk about AssaultCube Special Edition. Nobody wants anything to do with it :)

Quote:Makes it special to the weapon. Like splatter to the shotty, and riflemoving to the AR. XD

I understand how some would need "beautiful effects", but I believe I speak for a large majority (as evidence by the responses) that most people don't really need reload animations, shell drops, etc. They're not bad ideas. There's just no need for it.

As for shell drops - it's never going to happen. They don't serve much of a purpose, and it doesn't make the game look much "nicer". Water bullet splash has actually be done before, although it was pretty crude at the time. I think it was Mael who did it, but I could be very wrong. That could be implemented, but it's unlikely it will be.

There's been suggestions in the past about using real weapons - it's never going to happen. You can mod your AssaultCube to have real weapons if you wanted to. But they're almost never going to replace or be packaged with AssaultCube.

about AC ES, the game may have several defects, but, in this game, we can see that it is possible to add cool stuff to the game, without compromising the performance and size of the game.

about shell drops, this simple detail can make the game more realistic and fun, I think AC does not use futuristic weapons(laser weapon), So why not make weapons that release shells?

about real weapons, AC use weapons that are inspired by real guns(fn fal = assault rifle).

about reload animations, its only for hd models, not for norma /low res models.

Quote:Makes it special to the weapon. Like splatter to the shotty, and riflemoving to the AR. XD

Kickback is possible in real life, but leaning back, not moving XD. But it makes AC unique.

I suggested something similar above, all weapons have kickback modified, adapted to various situations (jump, run, dodge, fly or balanced..), no kickback is good only for camper, not for rush.

Quote:Not a one shot kill, maybe a small nade type thing. Would help in support situations.

one shot kill, this would be the unique feature of this weapon, a direct hit = kill, like a soldat's rocket launcher, the gun do a little splash damage, but, kill in a direct hit, it is possible to dodge the projectile in certain situations.

shotgun an sniper kill in one shot, but, in certains situations(head shot and close range), about rocket launcher, kill in a direct hit
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