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Introduction // recent opinions...
Hey guys.

Hey Benson, nice topic you've got there :D.

Just 1 sentence: I can't judge about tipper, whenever I saw him playing on the same server with me, he was silent, and just played his game.

Just wanted to say: Tipper, if the server is hosted by you, okay, a ban doesn't need a reason, because it's your server and you can do what you want. You do not have any responsibilitys because it is YOUR server. Though it is NOT okay to ban people if you are admin on other servers. Servers which aren't hosted by you.

Example: A few days ago I joined the MyS Finland Server (hosted by Seriffi=MyS=) under an alias, wanted to test my new mouse. playing there for a few minutes till I got teamkiller by a random guy by intention (pure intention). So I voted to kick with the reason "teamkiller on purpose". After a few second it was 7:1, when DES|PERROS took admin rights in 'my'(our) clan server, and denied the vote. I was a bit shocked and just said: "Nice admin abuse there, Perros". 3 seconds later I got kicked by him. Totally angry I came back, but I didn't kick/ban him. Just put on my MyS tag and said something like "Wanna do it again, Perros"?. He didn't say anything and left. This behaviour doesn't represent one of the most famous clan, DES.

He/you can do that in your own server, but don't abuse your admin rights in other servers. Because in other servers you've got some responsibility, abusing the power is very very wrong there.

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had to have downloaded the demo:) because you wanted teamkiller made ​​only made ​​one and you can not kick people so the server, oh and as usual with hidden name that is for the girls:) oh and I do not speak English if not wise
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I do not understand your post untill the "oh and usual with hidden [...]"

I don't care if it is for girls or not, and even if it is, who cares?!.

I have been testing my new mouse and caught you abusing your power in MyS servers. If he does intentionally teamkill me, I have the right to vote for a kick. Doesn't mind if he did once or twice. I don't have to kick him, but I am allowed.

But anyway, there are a bunch of people complaining about your abusive behaviour.

For me, this 'problem' is solved. I told Seriffi and also Panda to remove your Password (dunno if they already did). So that's it. Just wanted to post this. DES| does normally show a better behaviour. What you did/do is not DES-like
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Don't go offtopic, please. Discuss Melone's ban in private. We're reaching a discussion about the game's state.
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The cheating discusion that came up here happened long time ago in the old forums, and we didn't get to any conclusion, so it's worthless to discuss again, the game is the way it is and there are people working on it to make it better.

Concerning to the thread, IMO it wasn't necessary to bring this personal issue up here to this public forum as stated in the rules.
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(19 Jul 11, 06:54PM)Z-karIuS Wrote: so it's worthless to discuss again

Discussion should always be welcomed. People are here that weren't around in the old forums.
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I agree.
The old forums were read only by old people... the community is full of new players that deserve such discussion again (even if does not bring any result). But I believe it already brought results.
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@ titi. It wasn't offtopic at all :D. Also, I didn't get banned and im also not here to cry about this. Im just saying that some DES guys are strange these days. The Perros thing was an example
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Real maturity is when you don't say that you are mature.
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exodus if this post goes to me: I didn't say that I am mature, I know I'm not, so I don't try to be, thats the difference :p
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It goes to everybody. Some players who were here before us think they have something more than you. I can give some names in public but this topic isn't in "offtopic" part and i won't get 50% more to say what i think.


Some players are cheating because :
-they want to be strong and will use cheats smoothly.
-they want to destroy a game and fuck-off assaultcube (100%geek).
-they want to try it.
-they want to "have fun"/own the game.

The blacklist and public opinions should take part of this, a lot of bl'd just tried (i see people say: "Hey! If everyone try omg..." blablabla).
Also, "good players" who cheated and played a lot of matchs with cheats (are in a clan play inters play the ladder etc) are worst than "game ruiners".
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Community elite at it's finest
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The personal things between tipper and Benson, may be a little bit too much to be handle in the public forums I think, as for the cheating dudes, I honestly think like once BC|Wolf told me, of you play against them as a legitimate player, your skills will get a lot better, without the need of cheating, if anything most of them will eventually leave the game because they are "too good" for it.
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Benson <3
too good that you joined =MyS=, with your experience and your respectability of the game you completed our line up in a lovely way.
Too bad that some AC known players still think that some MyS are cheaters, but don't care them, think about all the players that greet you when you enter a server, the players that like to talk and fight with you, the players that accept the defeat without complaining ^_^
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