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[mapmodel] Crow
Here are 2 new mapmodels you can use in your maps.

You can place them on other mapmodels eg. a fence, a tree or a wire.
Ofc you can place them on the ground or a wall too.

[Image: kraehenbaum_263_1279539926.png]

1. The standing/jumping Crow:

This mapmodels stays on his place and jumps a bit, waves his wings etc.
(Thanks to AndreONEz for uploading it)

2. The flying Crow:

As the name says, this crow flys a bit returns to his place, jumps a bit and repeads it.

PS. you can't shoot them
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LoL, i fail. -nvm-
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Cool, very nice work. Cant wait to see them in a map.

I had to laugh at this tho

Quote:PS. you can't shoot them

Be nice if you could gib them, lol.
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(19 Jul 10, 01:17PM)DrauL Wrote: Download link pl0x.

See the blue sentences? ;)
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the only proper response to your question.
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Nice model and animations!

What's not so nice: You are using a 1024x1096 texture.
Memory-wise, this is the same as a 2048x2048...
Always use powers of 2 !!

You are completly wasting about 12mb(!) of texture memory by doing this. Those 12mb could hold 60(!) 256x256 images. Remember, memory usage goes up exponentially with every next step. For someone playing with a 64mb card or even less, this is sheer nightmare.

Seeing how you only use about 35% of the image as actual skin, this is even more wasteful. You could arrange all that on a 512² and save heaps of texture memory, without any quality loss..

I would think about adding this model to the game, but not in it's current state.
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Ok, the skin is 512x512 now.
I've used a new unwraping + skinning thing, so please tell me if its better or worse
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Kind of reminds me of the minimap for apollo_arabicnight1.4 -- you can tell it started as a size 8 or 9 map. XD
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Well, it's better and you're on the right track actually.

But, now you'd arrange those UV's smarter, in order to make it easier to work with them. For instance, try to keep connected meshes also connected as UV's in order to avoid seams and such. Btw, since the model is perfectly mirrored along the center, you'd simply unwrap one side and use it (the unwrapped meshes) for the other (copy, flip handness, paste). You won't have to unwrap the second side again then. This way you'd need only half the size of the UV map and therefore can have double resolution at same picture-size. ;)

I guess I'm repeating myself, but since you are very talented and doing a lot of stuff, why don't you just spend some money on a professional unwrapping-tool like Ultimate Unwrap 3D? Everything you do is fine, except the damn unwrapping and UV-map...
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In general I'd try it out, but right now I'm trying to get used to the "hidden" blender unwraping/texturizing tools,
like this here and other useful things.
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Okay, the texture size is ok now.
Floppy is right. :)

The problem with blender is, that it's uv tools are catered more towards high poly models, and some tools for low-poly stuff are either missing or overly complicated.
If you have a fairly high poly model with perfect edge loops, it works great. But this is rarely the case within the specs AC wants.

The bigger problem though is the blender community who neglects these facts. They are always saying "Unwrapping? Mark your seams and press "unwrap"! Blender rules!" :)
This is partly due to them being the first to develop LSCM mapping, and they are very proud of that.

I can only recommend UU3D, really. It will help you understand what uv-mapping is really about, just from using it you will learn a lot. It taught me to "lscm" by hand :P
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(20 Jul 10, 03:56PM)makkE Wrote: "Unwrapping? Mark your seams and press "unwrap"! Blender rules!"
No need of seaming anymore! Blender rules!
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That's even worse, lol.
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Can someone tell me how to do the mapmodels and out them into game!
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Download them.
Unzip the packages in your AC-file.
Then it'll automaticly copy&paste it in the right directory (I hope)

Make a map call it like "ac_test" or something.
Go to your "Assaultcube->config" file and copy&paste the "default_map_settings.cfg" in your "Assaultcube->packages->maps" and rename it to "ac_test.cfg".
Open it and scroll down till "mapmodel 1 2 0 0 "toca/treetrunk1" // 130" its the last line of the mapmodel-list.
Copy&paste that and change a few things or just type:
"mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "a_slow_old_man/crow" // 131
"mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "a_slow_old_man/crow_flying" //132

Then open AC type "/mode 1; map ac_test" or however you open your map,
And type "/newent mapmodel 131" for the crow and "/newent mapmodel 132" for the flying crow.
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