Script Contest
Hello and welcome to the Script Contest. If you'd like to enter a script please note the following:

There will be three categories: One-liner, 5 and Under, and Limitless.

Some of the above categories have requirements for all entries. They are as follows:

1. One-liner - All scripts entered in this category must be one line long and no more than 150 characters(Not including spaces or excess verbage**). The emphasis is on clarity and simplicity.
2. 5 and Under - All scripts entered in this category must be 5 lines or less, and no more than 750 characters(Not including spaces or excess verbage**). The emphasis remains on simplicity however you are given more room to create.
3. Limitless - Scripts entered in this category may be of any length.

The winner of each category will be decided via a public poll on this site so be sure to tell your friends to vote.

You may enter as many scripts as you like. They can be solo or collaborative works.

More information available here:
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Epic saga
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Hmmm. Ima give this a try :D
Though im against V-Man.... Ahhh crap.
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My entires (will edit this post with more later :D):

One-Liner #1

alias start_intermission [if (= $connected 1) [sleep 10 [say "gg! :)"]; sleep 5000 [screenshot]] []]

Auto-say "gg" / take screenshot one-liner for AC 1.0.4 by DES|Bukz
Does nothing if you are playing against bots. :)

One-Liner #2

alias aq [if (= (alive) 1) [suicide; sleep 1000 [aq]] [echo "Auto-quit in 15 seconds!"; sleep 7500 [say "bb"; sleep 4500 [echo "...3"; sleep 1000 [echo "...2"; sleep 1000 [echo "...1"; sleep 1000 [quit]]]]]]]

Auto-quit script for AC by DES|Bukz
The idea is to have this bound to a key and if you ever need to quickly leave your computer for whatever reason, you can just press the key, leave the room, and forget about it - it says goodbye (as well as gives other people on the server a chance to respond - only useful if you do client logging :P) and quits AC automatically for you after 15 seconds.
If you are alive when the script is executed, it will force you to suicide - so those pesky enemies don't get any cheap AFK kills on you. 7 and 1/2 seconds into the scripts execution it will say a custom goodbye message to the others on the server - say "bb" - and you'll get a nice little countdown towards the end of it's execution before finally automatically quitting.

Bind it to a key like so:

bind "KEY" [aq]

One-Liner #3

alias magcheck [if (= (magcontent (currentprimary)) 0) [if (= (magcontent 6) 0) [secondary] [grenades]] []]

Auto-weapon switch if out of ammo script for AC 1.0.4 by DES|Bukz
Auto-switch to grenades/secondary weapon if your current primary weapon has no ammo in it.
If you do not have any grenades it will auto-switch to pistol/akimbo.
If you have any grenades it will switch to them.
However, for this script to work, you must bind the magcheck alias to MOUSE1 - like so:

bind "MOUSE1" [attack; magcheck]

One-Liner #4

bind "B" [if $editing [if (= $fullbright 1) [fullbright 0] [fullbright 1]][showmenu Weapons]]

Nothing special here just a simple bind that checks if you are editing - if so - when you repeatedly press B it will toggle fullbright on/off - and if you're not editing it will show the weapons menu like the default bind.

One-Liner #5

bind "KEY" [if $editing [if (= $flrceil 2) [equalize 2] [equalize 0]]] // Level the geometry of the floor or ceiling quickly based on where you are currently looking (yaw)

A simple editing bind that allows you to quickly level the geometry of the selected cubes - and choose which cubes to level (floor/ceiling) based on where you are currently looking (at the ceiling or at the floor) - convenient for quickly undo'ing heightfields, areas with lots of elevation that needs to be reworked, etc.

5-Liner #1

alias stbots [
numbots = $arg1; skillbots = $arg2; teambots = (div $numbots 2)
if (= (curteam 0)) [claplayer = 1; rvsfplayer = 0] [rvsfplayer = 1; claplayer = 0]
addnbot (- $teambots $rvsfplayer) RVSF $skillbots; addnbot (- $teambots $claplayer) CLA $skillbots

Auto-create bots script for AC 1.0.4 by DES|Bukz (debug help from R4zor)
Typing /stbots 10 bad while in a bot compatible TEAM mode will fill the map with 9 other bots and assign their teams evenly (4 for your team - 5 for the other).

Some optional in-game documentation stuff you could add to your autoexec.cfg or docs.cfg:

docsection [Misc]
docident [stbots] [Adds multiple bots to a map.];
docremark [Automatically adds the specified number of bots to the map, and assign their teams evenly.];
docargument [N] [Total number of bots to add.] [] [0];
docargument [S] [Skill level of the bots. (best, good, medium, worse OR bad)] [] [0];
docexample [stbots 10 bad] [Result: 4 bots assigned to your team, 5 bots assigned to the enemy team.];

5-Liner #2

alias noobthemap [
select 8 8 496 496 // Select EVERYTHING on a size 9 map.
sleep 20 [solid 0; equalize 0; equalize 2; say "ASHUASHUASHAUH"]
sleep 100 [edittoggle]]

Only use it on people you don't like or in singleplayer for some O_o's - :D

Limitless #1

Nice menu for quickly and easily selecting entire maps - based off default map sizes (AND locations).

Bind it to a key like so:

bind "KEY" [showmenu "Select"]
Thanks given by:
GG Bukz :D
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Why can't i view those? Don't make me sign up on oNe forums just to see them :(
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I think you have to.
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Sign up, it's worth it!
Then you can represent!
[Image: Fat_Joe_Da_Gangsta_-_Represent_-_1993_-_Front.jpg]
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Since people are already linking their scripts here you might as well just post them here. Download links are ideal.
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alias vertigo [
bind "W" [if (= (rnd 2) 1) [forward] [backward]]
bind "S" [if (= (rnd 2) 1) [backward] [forward]]
bind "A" [if (= (rnd 2) 1) [left] [right]]
bind "D" [if (= (rnd 2) 1) [right] [left]]]

This is my l33t "4w350m3 f00tw0rx" H4x!!!1eleventy-oNe!1! D0n'T t3LL BR4HMa!!!1

Made with help from Foo and Lightning. Awesome :D
T4Nx B01Z UR T3h W1N!!!
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Please tell the noob (me) what it does.
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It simulates drunkenness. XD
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drunk = [maxroll 20]
alias vertigo [
bind "W" [if (= (rnd 2) 1) [forward] [backward]]
bind "S" [if (= (rnd 2) 1) [backward] [forward]]
bind "A" [if (= (rnd 2) 1) [left; drunk] [right; drunk]]
bind "D" [if (= (rnd 2) 1) [right; drunk] [left; drunk]]]
V-Man: I had to make this more trippy, i will take it down if you want, no problem.
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^: I think it works, depends on what you're trying to do.
EDIT: That made me sick. I'll go and throw up now.
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OK well if you win this contest, you share the prize money with me. :-P
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drunken script FTW lol
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This neat script allows you to cancel a vote of yes or no within five seconds. To cancel, press the opposite vote key. If you wish to skip the delay and vote straight away press the key twice. The best part is, if you cancel your vote you can still change your mind! Now, DES|GeneralDisarray made more than half of this but the basic idea is mine :D
//Delayed vote script by DES|GeneralDisarray and Gibstick

// Reset the aliases just in case
cancelallvotes = [ votingno = 0; votingyes = 0; votetimestamp = 0]

vote_exec1 = [ vote 1; echo " 0You voted yes"; cancelallvotes ]
vote_exec2 = [ vote 2; echo " 3You voted no"; cancelallvotes ]

// $arg1 = millis
delayed_vote = [
    // only bother if we're actually due
    if (= ($votetimestamp) ($arg1) ) [
        if (= ($votingyes) 1) [ vote_exec1 ]
        if (= ($votingno) 1) [ vote_exec2 ]
    ] [
        echo "All this wait for nothing..."

delayed_vote_start = [ votetimestamp = (millis); sleep 5000 [ delayed_vote votetimestamp ] ]

delayvote1 = [
    if (= ($votingyes) 1) [
        // voting yes when already have voted yes, do it immediately
    ] [
        if (= ($votingno) 1) [
            // changed mind, cancel
            echo " 6You cancelled your F2"; cancelallvotes
        ] [
            // normal/first vote
            echo "Voting YES in five seconds!"; votingyes = 1; delayed_vote_start

delayvote2 = [
    if (= ($votingno) 1) [
        // voting no when already have voted no, do it immediately
    ] [
        if (= ($votingyes) 1) [
            // changed mind, cancel
            echo " 6You cancelled your F1"; cancelallvotes
        ] [
            // normal/first vote
            echo "Voting NO in five seconds!"; votingno = 1; delayed_vote_start
bind "F1" [delayvote1]
bind "F2" [delayvote2]

//Useless technical notes
//Script uses alias variables to determine the current voting state. If one is changed then the action is different, that is how the vote is "cancelled". But it is impossible to cancel a sleep and we ran into this problem. So GD came up with the miraculous and ingenious solution to use a timestamp to associate one F1/F2 with another. :D
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Randommatch Script. (Limitless)
This script makes a completely random game from a (random) official map and (random) mode. :D

rdmmde = ["2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "9" "10" "11" "13" "14" "15"]
//Maps here can be edited. If adding more, you need to increase the number from 19 to the amount you have.
//map (at $tdmmap (rnd 19)) <-- 19 needs to be edited.
rdmmap = ["ac_aqueous" "ac_arctic" "ac_complex" "ac_depot" "ac_desert" "ac_desert2" "ac_desert3" "ac_elevation" "ac_gothic" "ac_keller" "ac_mines" "ac_power" "ac_scaffold" "ac_shine" "ac_snow" "ac_sunset" "ac_toxic" "ac_urban" "ac_wasteland"]
randommatch = [
mode (at $rdmmde (rnd 11))
sleep 300
map (at $tdmmap (rnd 19)) //Edit this number 19.

Random Slap (5 Liner)

This script is a fun little plaything for ingame.
//The slaps can be edited to anything you want. :) Just remember to edit the rnd number.
slap = [say slaps $arg1(at $randomslap (rnd 5))]
randomslap = [ "with a rusty salmon" "with a donkey flop" "with a Sniper Rifle" "with a Cactus" "with a Spleen" ]

Random Alias (5 Liner)
Set your aliases and it will change them randomly ^^
Best used if binded to a key :P

//Put all your aliases here that you want to select at random
namelist = "One Two Three Four"
//The number "4" in the next line has to be edited to the number of names in the namelist.
aliasme = [name (at $namelist (rnd 4))]

Note: My scripts are purely for fun. There isnt a real purpose to 'em and if you find a purpose, i will be wondering how the hell you did. HF.
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infinite liner.
alias drunkloop [
(scalelights 99 1337);
(fov (+ (rnd 45) 75))
(sleep 500 [drunkloop])]

alias soberup [push drunkloop [fullysober]]
alias fullysober [bind A "left";
bind S "backward";
bind W "forward";
bind D "right"
fov $get_fov;
maxroll $get_maxroll]
alias yesdrunk [pop drunkloop]

drunk = [maxroll 20]

alias vertigo [
bind "W" [if (= (rnd 2) 1) [forward] [backward]]
bind "S" [if (= (rnd 2) 1) [backward] [forward]]
bind "A" [if (= (rnd 2) 1) [left; drunk] [right; drunk]]
bind "D" [if (= (rnd 2) 1) [right; drunk] [left; drunk]]]

alias pissassdrunk [
alias get_fov $fov;
alias get_maxroll $maxroll;
yesdrunk; drunkloop; drunk; vertigo]
I couldn't resist, it is a even better script than drauls modified V-Man script. Basically fixes your settings afterwards, and allows you to pop out of the loop with ease (/soberup). assuming that you used the command /pissassdrunk
man, I guess I have to split the rewards with two other people now...
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RR. Sweet bro! :)
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Nice now i will go puke :p
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I actually have screenshots of me beating a player "Lucas" with all of this turned on, along with the rave script. This was before I made the ability to turn it off. DES|V-Man started a legacy it seems.
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Link! Post it up! :D
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I think we need to have a 'Drunk Party', where we all use it and try to frag a round or two.
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Random map/mode script + drunk script = random drunk fun?
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set a date/time.
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(27 Jul 10, 05:09AM)Dreamer Wrote: I think we need to have a 'Drunk Party', where we all use it and try to frag a round or two.
I think that's a jolly good idea.
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I have to post this one, I'm really proud of it.
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Ok, here is my game against lucas, its in a url because I dont want to take up extra space with a post not relevant to the topic. We should do a drunk game. Give me the date and time.
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AC Calculator (5 Liner):
acadd = [say ($arg1) bullets in the gun plus ($arg2) from a ammo box equals (+ $arg1 $arg2) bullets total]
acsub = [say ($arg1) bullets in the gun minus ($arg2) that you fired equals (- $arg1 $arg2) bullets left]
acdiv = [say ($arg1) soldiers in the batte divided by ($arg2) teams equals (div $arg1 $arg2) enemies.]
acmul = [say ($arg1) soldiers in the battle with ($arg2) bullets each equals (* $arg1 $arg2) bullets in the fight.]
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