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Poll: Allow @camper (and similar) maps in a server's maprotation?
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36 39.56%
55 60.44%
Total 91 vote(s) 100%
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Maprotation Quality
Exactly. And why are you so dedicated to seeing them go away? As I checked the server list right now, the first 22 servers all ran official maps. That should be more than enough for you and everyone else to play on. Let the noobs play on their shitty maps.
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I don't enjoy or play these maps because I haven't played AC in months. I don't even know what OWS(One-way-shooting?) means. I support players' choice to play what they want to play. I don't invite them to play these maps; they don't need my instruction.

Years ago I enjoyed ac_italy_deluxe which had hidden tunnels(The hallmark of poor maps), but no one way shooting.

I don't believe I opposed the existence of maps like Ezjemville. I definitely opposed the servers that pushed it 24/7.

There's already two faces to AC; the side that prefers[Note: "prefers" NOT "enjoys"] quality maps, and the side that enjoys[Note: "enjoys" NOT "prefers"] everything else. You already choose not to play these maps because you don't like them. Disallowing others to play the maps they want to play under any [realistic]circumstance is indefensible.

I would be careful about calling them "noobs" and their maps of choice "shitty". I used to do it too but it subverts that section of the community. They're not going away, nor should they, and there's no reason for us to insult them.
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(28 May 11, 10:58PM)vern Wrote: Just imagine, allowing any map, any rotation, get ready for 24/ 365 servers. Get ready for only camper servers.

Let's take a deep breath and put down our torches and pitchforks.
If that really is a problem, let the devs worry about it.
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Here's another if for you vern:

"If you don't like the maps, DON'T PLAY THEM."

Let me do what I want to do and you can do what you want to do.
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Slow down vern. You're questioning people on issues that aren't relevant.

I haven't been playing because my computer is fucked. I can't run AC. I've been playing this game pretty consistently for around 4 years now. I'm well aware of what's going on.

I made a suggestion to remove servers running customs maps from the server list while those maps were in play and placing them back on when they came back to an official map. I was informed of complications with such a solution. I thought about it some more when I read this thread and I think this permutation is the most appropriate answer for now. Client side filtering gives users the option to view the hidden list if they choose. Quality gameplay is promoted through the default list without killing off the other half[Arguably much more than half] of the community that enjoys the rest of the maps.
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I love custom maps, and the fact that in assault cube anyone can make a map. The fact that the engine is so simple and easy to learn that gives everyone the chance to make maps. Which gives us so many versatile and very different creations.

Now I'm not saying all these maps are good, or should even be played on a regular basis or even at all..but the fact that a 8 year old kid can download assault cube and within 15mins create his "own world" is just awesome. I'm not familiar with this "@camper" map but I am familiar with the maps that people have in mind when they talk about limiting & making restrictions for map-making.

And I'll have to admit, being a mapper, I dislike most of these..but if people really want to fucking play them they should be able to. As you guys say there are plenty of official and good custom maps being played, and the user can control whats on his own list and definitely what he joins..so I don't see the problem here.

Also Vern, editing out all your posts causes for a fragmented topic..if you want to delete your posts then I can for you..but either way it makes the topic harder to read and understand, when people are responding and going off of what you have said.
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I believe users can delete their own posts, can't they?
EDIT: nope, I guess not.

@vern: there is no reason to have a tantrum. Just don't play on those maps. I don't know what sort of personal vendetta you have against those maps, but you aren't going to win, especially if you keep arguing this way. If the @camper maps killed your family, you should probably talk to someone about that, instead of holding a grudge.
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(30 May 11, 12:22AM)Lantry Wrote: If the @camper maps killed your family, you should probably talk to someone about that, instead of holding a grudge.

Wait what? Did they try to jump out of a 10th story window? Did they try to run through a wall?
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I agree wholeheartedly with Mael. Part of what drew me into the game was the "official" gameplay. However, to deprive a person of something they enjoy (if it falls within the map requisites and does not negatively impact the game itself) seems wrong to me. This will be bring up the argument about what is "negative impact." If you're drawing people into the game and retaining new members, a helping hand and dulcet tones are all that is required to convert the less assimilated.
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I have an idea: why don't we organize groups of people to go into servers playing @camper maps and force votes of good maps through, thus converting them to the right way of thinking. I already tried creating a map which kept the basic @camper format (long hallway) but removed the OWS, hidden doorways, and other "distasteful" features (as well as including an experimental anti-spawn camping technique). They would vote it in, thinking it was a new @camper map, (it is named anti@camper) but when they saw it they would immediately go back to a regular @camper, so it didn't help at all.
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Just introduce a map quality rating
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Threads that talk about maps, being over played do now good. Devs and server owners will do nothing unless there is an uprising. Douze should be gone, maps that do not fit the overall aspect of AC should be banned from MS. Like said in many of the same threads, yes players like to play them, but they attract unwanted people in ac. ( not everyone who plays them are unwanted, but you know what i mean). Also Quality maps do not get played cuz there are 15 servers playing @camper and nothing else, along with douze etc.

just my opinions.

Also as i said in the ideas thread ( which i think most of them get over looked ) there should be something implemented to where you can only vote the same map twice in a row, and after that if cant be voted again until another map is played. This should not have an on and off switch it should be permanent. This would force players to have to choice another map. you can even go as far as adding a time period on the map before it can be allowed to be played again.
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(31 May 11, 10:59PM)Joe Smith Wrote: Like said in many of the same threads, yes players like to play them, but they attract unwanted people in ac. ( not everyone who plays them are unwanted, but you know what i mean).

I'd love to know how you plan to substantiate such a claim. Many people play these maps. There will be a greater frequency of inappropriate behavior and cheating on a particular map if that map is played more than any other.

Even if it's true, what makes anyone believe removing those maps will remove those "unwanted" players? What does "unwanted" mean? Are we more concerned with removing these players, setting them "straight", or assimilating them into the rest of the community?

Can anyone provide any evidence that shows more cheating, etc. on a map because it is different from official maps or that these maps attract anything?
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(31 May 11, 11:51PM)Mael Wrote: Can anyone provide any evidence that shows more cheating, etc. on a map because it is different from official maps or that these maps attract anything?

I can't (but it's me!). That's a really good point, Mael. There should be an "AC study" :D
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(31 May 11, 11:51PM)Mael Wrote:
(31 May 11, 10:59PM)Joe Smith Wrote: Like said in many of the same threads, yes players like to play them, but they attract unwanted people in ac. ( not everyone who plays them are unwanted, but you know what i mean).

I'd love to know how you plan to substantiate such a claim. Many people play these maps. There will be a greater frequency of inappropriate behavior and cheating on a particular map if that map is played more than any other.

Even if it's true, what makes anyone believe removing those maps will remove those "unwanted" players? What does "unwanted" mean? Are we more concerned with removing these players, setting them "straight", or assimilating them into the rest of the community?

Can anyone provide any evidence that shows more cheating, etc. on a map because it is different from official maps or that these maps attract anything?

Quote:" There will be a greater frequency of inappropriate behavior and cheating on a particular map if that map is played more than any other"
That basically what i said. Cheaters and inappropriate behavior is what is unwanted.
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I believe the community hopefully agrees with me that we want to set these players straight, not remove them. Just like many of us, I started playing like one of those "unwanted" players. I used to only play custom maps in TOSOK and just hated the idea of playing an official map or any other mode.

As time passed, I set myself straight and began to explore other modes and play a more varied set of maps. I think this is something that people learn by themselves, you can't force someone to love something(map/mode) that they don't like. There will always be those players that will forever stay in their bubble and never change or "set themselves straight", but we just can't simply keep adding more and more restrictions to what these players love.

If I would be one of them right now, and I would be taken something like my favorite custom maps that I always play because of some restrictions, I would maybe try to play any other maps that are playable, but believe me, my enthusiasm to play AC would lessen and I would probably quit.

Just my opinion.
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One mention is that I can imagine excitement stemming from multiple versions of a map such like @campers and oldvillage and ezgemville. You know the basic form, but it is always exciting to see something new thrown at you. Something I would love to see with "good" maps right now.

* Ronald_Reagan sighs and thinks back to the ignorant days where forum'er elitest society didn't exist or matter to him. aka hanze days.
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Hey guys, i have few things to say about official maps. Pls, remove ac_aqueos, pls don't redo it, just delete it. I appreciate the artwork that can be used for some future map. Its bad to spotlight just one bad map, so i will add 2 more for trash-bean: ac_douze and ac_depot. And if ur fingers are itching for delete button u should consider ac_desert as well. That's all from me. :)
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(01 Jun 11, 03:45AM)RAMPAGE Wrote: Hey guys, i have few things to say about official maps. Pls, remove ac_aqueos, pls don't redo it, just delete it. I appreciate the artwork that can be used for some future map. Its bad to spotlight just one bad map, so i will add 2 more for trash-bean: ac_douze and ac_depot. And if ur fingers are itching for delete button u should consider ac_desert as well. That's all from me. :)

Err... why the f**k would the devs? There is NO SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE OR IDEAS FROM YOUR POST. READ THE HEADER!

The tl;dr was "No offtopic posts will be destroyed" This sir, is offtopic. Are they @camper maps, no. Make a new thread.


If you want to discuss why they should be scrapped, give some F**KING REASONS WHY.

Edit: Bukz, I give you all power to trash my comment. If it doesn't fit, so be it.
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(01 Jun 11, 03:45AM)RAMPAGE Wrote: Hey guys, i have few things to say about official maps. Pls, remove ac_aqueos, pls don't redo it, just delete it. I appreciate the artwork that can be used for some future map. Its bad to spotlight just one bad map, so i will add 2 more for trash-bean: ac_douze and ac_depot. And if ur fingers are itching for delete button u should consider ac_desert as well. That's all from me. :)

I'm pretty sure the devs might give your post a second thought if you'd elaborate a bit more than "______ is bad, you should delete it."
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aaaanyway, I would like to state that I started AC on poolcarnage (best map ever) and that I still enjoy "fun" maps as much as "official" maps. We don't want to get rid of the people who play these maps, we want to assimilate them/set them straight, and the way I see it, there is no hurry. There are still plenty (a couple, but how many do you need?) of servers that run good maps, and even if those servers would be taken over by @camper, the players would simply move to a new server. There are plenty of servers that control what maps they run. While seeing a couple @camper/hscity servers may be uncomfortable, just mark those servers as bad and move on.
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(01 Jun 11, 02:30AM)|BC|Wolf Wrote: I believe the community hopefully agrees with me that we want to set these players straight, not remove them. Just like many of us, I started playing like one of those "unwanted" players. I used to only play custom maps in TOSOK and just hated the idea of playing an official map or any other mode.

As time passed, I set myself straight and began to explore other modes and play a more varied set of maps. I think this is something that people learn by themselves, you can't force someone to love something(map/mode) that they don't like. There will always be those players that will forever stay in their bubble and never change or "set themselves straight", but we just can't simply keep adding more and more restrictions to what these players love.

If I would be one of them right now, and I would be taken something like my favorite custom maps that I always play because of some restrictions, I would maybe try to play any other maps that are playable, but believe me, my enthusiasm to play AC would lessen and I would probably quit.

Just my opinion.

ok so saying unwanted was a wrong usage of word, but i hope that people understand what i was talking about, with out have to dig deep it to the "word"
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(01 Jun 11, 04:35AM)VenteX Wrote: I'm pretty sure the devs might give your post a second thought if you'd elaborate a bit more than "______ is bad, you should delete it."
I thought that ppl that play this game know why they are bad as I said. But here it goes:
ac_aqueous - not playable in most of the modes (except maybe htf or tktf), but still highly unfair in clan matches (for those that play them that fact maybe important).
ac_douze - was a fine map till someone decided to play it 24/7 and to abuse the AR flying on it, bad spawning places and huge open space is why i say its a bad map.
ac_depot - i think that AC mapping evolved and we have great mappers now, and its time to move on, 2 way map (one short & one long) is not the best solution imho, i call it a sniper paradise and that's all it is.
ac_desert - i guess its the most simple map we have, tosok map :(

P.S. I would like that ppl whose only purpose in life is to spam AC forum by trashing other ppl's posts find other occupation. :D
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ac_aqueous: I have played a few decent (public) matches on this map, regardless of its unfairness.
ac_douze: It would seem that this map is going out of annoying popularity. @campers and twin towers remakes are taking over that part of AC. You seem to be focussing solely on the servers that DO flog it 24/7 on modes that don't suit it, and not really looking at it just as a map.
ac_depot: Can't be too bad; it's still often picked for various kinds of private matches and pubs also.
ac_desert: Just no. You can't claim a map is bad just because it is popular in a mode that you don't particularly like. Additionally, how is it more simple than douze? Douze is a large hole in the ground with a dozen doors placed around it.

The only one of these opinions that I agree with is the first about ac_aqueous, and then only partially.
Nothing against you personally of course :]
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(01 Jun 11, 11:31AM)Frogulis Wrote: The only one of these opinions that I agree with is the first about ac_aqueous, and then only partially.
Nothing against you personally of course :]

Ty Frogulis, no offense taken of course. I am just saying that if we want to improve map rotation we should substitute some older maps with the new ones. There are a lot of good new maps that cannot be seen because of the old ones. For good map to get into game's map package takes forever (read more than 2 years), and there are quite a few that deserve that place. If we wanna improve our game we need to innovate more and maps in that sense are crucial. I am one of the guys that plays clan matches, and ppl don't hesitate to choose aqueous as CLA justifying it with the fact that is an official map. Thanks for reading :)
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I see your point about clan matches and it's quite a good justification for not liking aqueous, or at least not wanting it in the officially released maps.
Just a question to anyone that has been around since the olden days of AC: Have any official maps ever been removed from the game?
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ac_aqueous - I like your points. :)
ac_douze - My favorite map <3 It will improve in the future. ;)
ac_depot - Every time we do a clan match, the other team picks this thing. Only 2 main ways, only one part that connects these paths. Boring map, imo.
ac_desert - pretty solid, no complaints from me. I actually don't like it as a tosok map though.
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Oh wait, you said ac_aqueous?

F1 (for "scrapping")
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The problem with most of these are not the maps themselves, but more the fact that they're either played in a wrong mode (flags don't mean it's a good CTF map, goddamit) or just plain overplayed (TOSOK@desert, CTF@shine etc.) Yes, aqueous is slightly unbalanced in CTF, but arid is worse. For desert, I just don't play that map any more, period.
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Can't you remove flags from the "unbalanced ctf" maps, tempest?
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