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Teamspeak Server for AC
Yes. they /could/ trust me... i had full rights on their teamspeak when i was a member... but.. yeah..
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(27 May 11, 10:35AM)Xenon Wrote: Maybe RR. Infact there are quite a few admins but they are all european times :X

your behavior on TS :P

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(27 May 11, 10:35AM)Xenon Wrote: Maybe RR. Infact there are quite a few admins but they are all european times :X

Yes, hence me suggesting adding others in different timezones. :P
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My behaviour? You mean stop kill AR noob?
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There's no problem of behavior, just about knowledge of can/cannot be added. But it will change soon I think, don't worry :)
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please update me in a pm if the IRC add-on for TS starts working. would be awesome.
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I didn't try it.

Welcome =SA= & |TaS_ clan on Teamspeak !
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We appreciate your help sanzo. Thank you very much. I strongly suggest that everybody take advantage of this great opportunity provided by w00p. It is a great thing and I look forward to talking to everyone :D
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Haha, TS3 is growing! :D
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Thanks Sanzo, as Waffles said we appreciate it.
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(30 May 11, 10:34AM)Xenon Wrote: Haha, TS3 is growing! :D

Yup I remember when TS3 was in beta and it only had 180 max clients in its public server, about 1.5 yrs ago. Now it is up to 2030
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(31 May 11, 11:39PM)CharlyMurphie Wrote: Yup I remember when TS3 was in beta and it only had 180 max clients in its public server, about 1.5 yrs ago. Now it is up to 2030

WAIT TILL IT IS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Well, come there if you wanna be kicked or banned by unable admins or blacktalked and be insulted.
These guys don't know what respect means.
Btw if they don't like you they'll insult your clan for free.
Legacy I dunno why you're still there they don't like you and you know what is following.

Oh I'm already seeing abusers coming and trying to find excuses :)
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<18:47:55> ‎"‎‪DαrKɴoT‎‬‎‎"‎ connected
<18:48:05> ‎"‎‪sqlυт‎‬‎‎"‎ was banned for 1 hour from the server by ‎"‎‪DαrKɴoT‎‬‎‎"‎ (pewp)
Bye sir, "AC Veteran"
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(19 Jun 11, 06:13PM)DarKnoT Wrote: Well, come there if you wanna be kicked or banned by unable admins or blacktalked and be insulted.
These guys don't know what respect means.
Btw if they don't like you they'll insult your clan for free.
Legacy I dunno why you're still there they don't like you and you know what is following.

Oh I'm already seeing abusers coming and trying to find excuses :)

No, yesterday i was banned with a totally just cause.

Oh wait..

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(19 Jun 11, 06:13PM)DarKnoT Wrote: Well, come there if you wanna be kicked or banned by unable admins or blacktalked and be insulted.
These guys don't know what respect means.
Btw if they don't like you they'll insult your clan for free.
Legacy I dunno why you're still there they don't like you and you know what is following.

Oh I'm already seeing abusers coming and trying to find excuses :)

You are an "AC veteran" and you made everyone know it...
It don't give you rights to insult my mother , i banned you 1 hour.
And it don't give you rights to ban me for this reason:Reason: "pewp".
Now if you want to add fuel in the flamewar , do it i wait you.
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AHah lucas, cuz he banned me after annoying myself,
bye sir abuser
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I close this thread, nothing more to say. The DNS / port have been given. That's what the thread was made for.
If you want to complain, then just contact us; darknot, bye.
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