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Are they cheating or are we soo noobs?
Hi all,

I already know the answer for the second question :)

Yesterday we made a clan match with an unknown group called WrA
(yes, my mom always said me not to match vs unknown teams :)
and soon me and my teammate smell something wrong.

It happen we matched against bob, m|a, ar and we can recognize strong players (not cheaters), so I think the bad feeling of these matches are more than an impression.

Could you please watch the demos and tell me if something is wrong?

Thank you,
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You have the demos, have you not seen them? From what I can see, there is nothing special... It seems as if it is a regular match for me. As for the title's question, the WrA does not cheat, and perhaps, you guys are n00bs. But I could be wrong.
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I watched 2 mins of the first demo then closed assaultcube
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Quote:...and perhaps, you guys are n00bs. But I could be wrong.
yeah right that's it. [/sarcasm], honestly if you suspect of someone cheating look at he demo 3 or 4 times to make sure what you see isn't normal, or gave it to someone who knows what he's doing.

Never the less you can also post it in the bl thread with a partial ip, and let the server owners to decide.
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(20 Apr 11, 10:12AM)610|Zac Wrote: Could you please watch the demos and tell me if something is wrong?

Per questi frequentatori del forum...la domanda è mal posta...o la risposta è (pur)troppo evidente...mah
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(20 Apr 11, 12:36PM)Yarukinasu Wrote: You have the demos, have you not seen them?

Yes I have watched the demos. In the first it seems to me that they hit us even if not shooting at body, and just behind corners.

In the depot demo they are able to easy kill us from far with the SMG...like there were no spread or no recoil...

I have no problems in stating I am noob, and I even think that playing against cheaters is a training in worst conditions to better improve.

The fact that concerned me was that after the match I searched information about the group, and I found just some posts in a cheaters forum where a person with the same nickname of one of our adversaries was distributing C++ hacks for AC (no URL here for obvious reasons).

So I needed some help here to analyze the demos for cheating...but since nothing is wrong I can record it as a regular defeat.

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I looked at the demo from gothic and it looks like one of them is getting a lot of strange smg hits from behind walls and with the aim far off target, but his ping is almost 400 so you shouldn't read too much into it.
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maybe it is just some fake guys ;)
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well, when i see this kind of demos: lagging players with extreme skillz, i usually think that they are strange. like strange are Cogu of team Sj, or Marreira, and so on. you will never understand if they cheat from demos, cause they lag too much.
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That is why impOrtant matches should be played on proper servers or only Europe vs Europe etc.

You can halt your net...

You can decrease spread without notice...

You can increase recoil without notice...

You can modify weapons without notice...

You can play with hitboxes...

It just continues...

A game like Ac is for fun or education, or even for meeting new friends ;). There is no point in chasing cheaters, like many do, as Ac can be modified easily and this can lead to misunderstandings.

Come play CoD if u want to play, if you want to enjoy and play vs ur friends stay with us :)
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I can't believe this has gone on so long without the other team having something to say. There is nothing here of any worth; it's just two of legacy clan. One of the clan has probably had his first orgasm over this thread.
...and, surprisingly, what SiL3nT said.
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gj my alias'ed brothers - if it really is you :p !
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(20 Apr 11, 10:12AM)610|Zac Wrote: It happen we matched against bob, m|a, ar and we can recognize strong players (not cheaters)

It's a pleasure to see that you have played against strong clans like {BoB} or #M|A#.
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Oh god, we played against WrA once and got absolutely slaughtered.

We were convinced they were cheating, but a look at the demos said otherwise...
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I saw the two demos and I do not think they are cheaters, they are a good players. I think that the players of 610 team must improve the way they play (they play too lonely, without cooperation)
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(21 Apr 11, 10:04AM)610|$up3rB!K3 Wrote: 610 team must improve the way they play (they play too lonely, without cooperation)

Look who's talking


Thanks to all posters for their interest and suggestions.
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(21 Apr 11, 01:07PM)610|GibbOne Wrote: Look who's talking

including me, OK?
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Please guys, don't rage between your clan ;) you look silly doing that.
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(21 Apr 11, 01:37PM)Shorty Wrote: Please guys, don't rage between your clan ;) you look silly doing that.

noooo, no anger, we are just kidding ;-)
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Ok, this thread can be closed now ^^
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I think so.
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