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External Server IP multiplies with wrong ports. help?
Whenever I start mt server, it does this


*this is not my server, but it does the same thing

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I remember someone else had this problem, but I don't remember how he fixed it :|
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Im also not sure if other people can see the server on the masterserver list. Its very difficult to solve these problems
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If it's your external ip, others can see it, generally
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The master server has had several registrations from your IP address (I guess you keep restarting it, to see if it's fixed), but only on three ports - 28763, 28456 and 28787, and these were not at similar times. The thread you linked to concerned actual server registrations, whereas it would seem that your duplicates are visible only to you.
Like Gibstick (and, as I said in IRC), I've seen this exact issue on here before, but I can't find it. If someone's bored enough to have a good search through old threads, that could be your first help. Is it possible you've altered the source at all?
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The different ports are because I used restarted it using different ports to see if that worked. There are 20 different ports that appear on my list

Thanks for clearing up that I am the only one to see these duplicates though

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Well found! I would suggest PM'ing SpiRiT, but it seems he's disappeared from AC again. Since there weren't any hard solutions on that one, you'll be lucky if you get one here, but you never know; sometimes the right person just isn't paying attention at the right time.
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Hint: Spirit = Anvil
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It doesn't help if you run an outdated server - the last two registrations I see are for servers, before that it was a (proper) Please stick with the
It would be interesting to see whether or not your config/servers.cfg contains any multiples for that IP (and the different ports you mentioned to boot) in it.
I can't see any duplicates in the list presented by the masterserver, there shouldn't be any. Could you please check your local config/servers.cfg directly when you re-encounter this problem - simply quit regularly and check the file. Thanks!
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Im going to have to bump this because I NEED HELP!!! lol
No duplicates of my ip are in the servers.cfg file.
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I have a problem EXACTLY the same as in this thread


Can anyone help? thanks
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I understand how much you want to fix your problem, but there's no need to create multiple threads. I'll merge your old thread.

O hey, can you describe to us your exact portforward setup, or take a screenshot of it?
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(06 Apr 11, 12:40PM)|LULZ|UmadBRO? Wrote: There are 20 different ports that appear on my list

doesnt that kind of give it away? i would say you have an internal port forwarding problem, or some NAT settings f*cked up. what is your router model? like gibstick said, take a screenshot and host it at http://imageshack.us/

http://forum.cubers.net/thread-597.html <-i cant believe i wrote that ._.
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http://img851.imageshack.us/i/unled1zv.jpg/ this is my retarded belkin router. The model is F5D8236-4v1(01)

I hope this helps
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Has anyone looked at my settings yet ^^^
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Yeah, I had the same problem

I don't know why but your internal ip servers show up as well as your external
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Its my external IP that shows up multiple times. My LAN address only shows once
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Does the problem persist even after updating the list from the master server?
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This happens to me as well. It would appear as though the MS is registering my server (obviously) so i see the server with my external IP and is showing the server as an LAN in my serverlist. It causes no harm so i don't exactly care. Maybe a bug idk?
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(11 Apr 11, 10:33PM)Viper Wrote: This happens to me as well. It would appear as though the MS is registering my server (obviously) so i see the server with my external IP and is showing the server as an LAN in my serverlist. It causes no harm so i don't exactly care. Maybe a bug idk?

In addition to the multiplying servers, other people cannot see it on the serverlist. My ports ARE forwarded correctly, as others can connect by using the commandline
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This sounds to me like faulty hardware. Some network device of yours - the card/chip in your PC, or the router - if possible try another machine to see if it happens on it too, then it'd be the router at fault.
You've not told us your OS yet, it would help give you more clear "do this"-type-of-comments if we knew if it's a linux, a Mac, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows Vista or Windows 7. If you're on a 32bit machine or a 64bit one.

I can definitely see only a regular amount of registrations from your IP, and thanks for using :-)

Are you also sure you've not got some weird scripting that may be causing this!?
Trying a clean configuration (client!) may be insightful - I'd suggest simply passing it an alternative (new) game-home parameter (--home) .. or (temporarily!) removing both config/autoexec.cfg and config/saved.cfg.

Oh .. and please don't keep double-posting - we can all understand that you're anxious for resolving this irritation, but I bet you prefer helpful replies to a ton of heartfelt condolences! ;-)
You can edit your own posts if you notice your last post needs more details after having hit submit.
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(12 Apr 11, 11:11AM)flowtron Wrote: You've not told us your OS yet...

I am on vista, but this happens on all computers in my network. I think it may be my router, but I cannot understand why it would do that
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(11 Apr 11, 04:30PM)tempest Wrote: Does the problem persist even after updating the list from the master server (EDIT: or restarting the client)?

Please answer my question, because if that's not the case (i.e. if those additional servers disappear once you reload the list), it's just because they're stored in the client.
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Yes, it still doesnt work when I restart
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Most of you probebly know this by now, but for the people who may experience the same problem, I HAVE A SOLUTION!!!!!!!!

It was my NAT settings. My retarded Belkin router doesnt have an option for NAT settings, but it does have a DMZ option which excludes a local computer from the NAT firewall. This fixed my problem right away.

Thanks to everyone on this forum who helped me to fix this problem :)
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Thank you for posting back the solution.
And yes, "retarded Belkin" is slightly redundant.
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Having a computer, that you might want to use, running in a DMZ is not what you might call 'safe', unless you're going to put a decent software firewall on it.
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