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[WIP] New Playermodels
@ MakkE: There are four reasons why it looks "off"

1. It's an angle shot
2. I used perspektive mode
3. I overdid it with the "heading for lowpoly"
4. This is the "texturize" model and not the real ingame one.

Btw. I used refpictures of a real human for this, so it "should" be biometrical.

Here you can see it without angle&perspektive

Yeah... the packs... Maybe I'll flatten them a bit :/

@ flowtron: If you make it possible to use 2 or more different playermodels at the same time, I'll do them! ;D
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Anyone made women models???
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Here is the CLA prototype.

C&C is very appreciated :)
[Image: claprototype.jpg]
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Looking good! I don't know why, but it appears slightly disproportioned. Maybe the arms should be longer? Or maybe it's just the "hands"... :D
So, I can't really tell you anything helpful until you get those done :)
(PS: I know how hard it is, and again, gj so far!)
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(28 Mar 11, 05:01PM)flowtron Wrote: Hasn't anybody requested a female model yet?
YES, like, everyone who ever posted in the ideas thread, ever.

That looks great! I'd prefer to have something like a red bandanna on their head or arms, to help noobs like meself be sure that they're CLA!
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Right some arm... bandanna ^^

I'll add it :)
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Looks good.

Just a suggestion, if you want a more accurate anatomy.
[Image: bCQRM.jpg]
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(29 Mar 11, 03:05AM)protox Wrote: ***snipped***
Just a suggestion, if you want a more accurate anatomy.

Nerd. Just kidding of course.
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I have a new problem :(

I finshed all but one skin and now this problem popped up:

[Image: blaw.jpg]

The skin on the right is how the brightness should be (if its important I used 04.jpg for it)

And the left one (01/02.jpg) is as if its "fullbrighten". I tried to reduce the brightness of the skin a lot, but it didnt changed...

Please help me... :/
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That's odd, how are you reducing brightness? Use levels for proper brightness control. If you want to post the skin I can reduce it for you.
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no no, its not the skin. I used the same skin for the right one. The jpg look same, but ingame its fulbrighten
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Heh. brightskin filter rebound?
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Realy noone who knows how I can fix this? :(

(30 Mar 11, 02:16PM)a_slow_old_man Wrote: [Image: blaw.jpg]

The skin on the right is how the brightness should be (if its important I used 04.jpg for it)

And the left one (01/02.jpg) is as if its "fullbrighten". I tried to reduce the brightness of the skin a lot, but it didnt changed...

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No clue, but try a vanilla install of AC and see if that still happens could be a configuration problem?

Otherwise for the default player model there is md2.cfg & a shadows.dat inside the playermodels folder, I'm not entirely sure what they do but could they be they be the culprit?

Under md2.cfg there is the following:
mdlscale 155
mdltrans 2 2 24
mdlshadowdist 20
mdlcachelimit 16
md2tag tag_head 215 223 188 188

Any clue what mdltrans and mdlshadowdist do? I noticed mdlshadowdist is set to 8 for weapon models and 20 for player but changing it doesn't seem to have an effect. EDIT: mdlshadowdist appears to control the position of the model.

If the skin is a PNG file there could be something odd with the alpha channels? For example if you created a new alpha channel with a white fill. But I doubt you are using PNG format for the skins.
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Hmmm.... nope
Just this skin is fullbright :/

I have no idea what could cause this :(
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Then it either the model itself or a setting in AC.
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protox: mdltrans controls the position of the model. Sometimes it's handy to have a means to shove a model around without having to touch the model file itself.

slow_old_man: You could pack it up and have someone test it, to determine if it's your install/system, or if it occurs everywhere. It indeed sounds weird.
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Well here is the pre-alpha download link:

Here it is

Just copy&backup your playermodel and weapon file and extract the download files in the weapon and playermdoel one.

If it's alright at your PC/mac/whatever please tell and/or post a screenshot :)

If not... maybe you know how to fix it ^^
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[Image: 20110331204031acdouzebt.jpg]
[Image: 20110331204052acdouzebt.jpg]

Those guys look the same, but one is fullbright. I didn't update the weapon models.

Win 7 x64
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Hmmm.... still no clue how this happend :(
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Copy paste one skin file into another?
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Maybe the brightskins filter is spazzing.
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I noticed the skins are really bright in general compared to the originals. It seems to me that that specific skin becomes full bright only when it comes into direct light, it could be that everything is fine but that specific skin is just sensitive to light due to the overall brightness of the skin and the colors used.

Also the model's feet tend to sink into the floor.
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Maybe that the other skins are getting fullbright filtered out, and this one isn't. Try darkening the other skins.
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