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Bring back 1.04 ...
hey so im just writing this to say i think ac needs to bring 1.04 back, its clear not as much people like 1.1 because there are barely any servers full now, i dont think is going to make any difference either. it will never be like old ac with all the crazy maps, and those were the funnest times i think, standard ac maps may be fun but a ton are very boring. when i used to play ac in 1.04 there were tons of servers full, now there is like 20 at max, or if not bring 1.04 back atleast take away the mapping restrictions, these maps are not fun... and i know theres alot of people who agree, but at this rate it looks like ac is dieing.. i really dont even see much old clans anymore, old players i used to play with, ac is not as fun as it used to be. and i think bringing back the old ac will change that, the hackers were annoying but i would rather play with some hackers then be bored every time i play ac, playing the same maps over and over. i know tons of people have asked for 1.04 back and .93 and theres a reason why all these people are saying that, because that was fun and this is not fun. i know you guys have noticed how much players have dissapeard.

thanks BrickSquad
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This has already been discussed before. I agree, 1.0.4 was a great era, just like 0.93 was to many players, but we got to move on. It's not just "I hate this version, let me encourage everyone to make the devs go back to 1.0.4". Just won't happen, mate. Start adapting.
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I agree but this will never happen. There is still a 1.0.4 masterserver run by some clan i think...
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i know you guys are saying it will never happen, but ac is already dieing like i said, so if we keep on doing what were doing then what ac is just going to die?
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or wait for a special surprise :)
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I say if you don't bring the old AC back then at lease get rid of the map restrictions.

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Why don't we just stop working on AC? no more development; we will only make it worse. Flowtron, makke, RandumKiwi, and everyone who has worked on AC since 1.04, you suck. how come you guys didn't realize that AC was perfect, and that there was nothing to be done to improve it? No, instead you went ahead and changed all those things we loved. You guys ought to be ashamed of yourself. Don't even bother working on it any more, you're just going to make it even worse. Better yet, just let Tye and Bricksquad take over, they know whats up. They would totally do a better job than you guys.
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why isnt this closed yet, brick read the other several threads about this same topic. Before you post.
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cool joe, i know bout other topics im not new to forums. im posting cuzz clearly ac sucks now. and it needs to be changed.
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BrickSquad Wrote:it needs to be changed.

that's what the next release is for
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1.0.4 won't go back. AC ain't dying. Your love for it is though, so you better start adapting or we will have another player leaving ;)
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(10 Mar 11, 04:08AM)Fate Wrote:
BrickSquad Wrote:it needs to be changed.

that's what the next release is for

the next release is just changing the guns, it doesnt help with the boring maps lol..
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One less player is no difference.
1.0.4 will not be back, adaption is the way as Wolf said.
If you were around in the day, people would realize that the same thing happened when 0.93 went to 1.0. People raged and left. It will happen everytime, people dont like change.
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(10 Mar 11, 04:35AM)DrauL Wrote: One less player is no difference.
1.0.4 will not be back, adaption is the way as Wolf said.
If you were around in the day, people would realize that the same thing happened when 0.93 went to 1.0. People raged and left. It will happen everytime, people dont like change.

and yet, Obama got voted in as president ;)

as for the thread.... Q_Q
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ok well this is clearly pointless, if the devs dont listen to the players then who are they making the game for..?
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You're right, as usual. the devs pick favorites, and will only listen to the players they like.

And by that, I mean they listen to people who actually contribute constructive thoughts, not people who just whine about how everything sucks. so far, all you have said is that everything sucks; you haven't put forth a single suggestion on how to make it better except "we need to bring back 1.04"
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(10 Mar 11, 03:48AM)Lantry Wrote: Better yet, just let Tye and Bricksquad take over, they know whats up. They would totally do a better job than you guys.

I agree.


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no all im complaining about is the maps suck, never said anything bout the guns or anything, in my post i said "if you dont bring 1.04 back then atleast take away the mapping restrictions" i have no problem with anything else in 1.1, except there are no more fun maps, they are all very very boring, im not whining, im making a post, thats what the ac forums are. to make posts and i can put my opinion in. thats what im doing, putting in my opinion. so clearly you didnt read all my post cuzz i didnt say everything in 1.1 sucks, i said the maps suck and that needs to be changed.
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The fact of the matter is, with each new release, people will cry and whine, and those unable to adapt will leave. Why? Because they don't like "change" or how their favorite weapon has been "nerfed." Various other reasons, that hold much more water are also there, but I can't think of them at this moment.

In my opinion, is better, just simply because there's more regulation on maps, plus Brahma's anticheat system. At the same time, it made me develop other skills except for the sniper.

Adaptability is a trait you must have for AC, elsewise you will lose what attracted you to the game in the first place.
(10 Mar 11, 04:58AM)BrickSquad Wrote: no all im complaining about is the maps suck...

Is that your only reason? The maps now are better than in 1.0, simply BECAUSE we have prerequisites in place so that better, non-WQD intensive maps can be played, making the experience better for the oldie players and the newbie players.

This most likely isn't a case of "sucky maps," it's most likely a case of the maps YOU want not being available for play
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so you're not 'whining', you are 'complaining'. I see.
You have now made one (1) suggestion: remove map regulations. Now, I wasn't around when these restrictions were put in place, but I am going to assume that there was a reason that it was put in place. Of course, it is entirely possible that the devs got bored of all the free time they had to sit around and play ping-pong, and decided to screw with the players, but i find this highly unlikely.

[Image: moron.gif]
saint dogbert protect us!
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just close this topic, cuzz all these fucking idiots just cant stand that someone is saying 1.04 is better then 1.1.

i dont care if you guys dont like me, i dont like any of you lol, so saying all this shit bout me whining and all that is pointless, i do not care what you have to say, if you do not like this topic dont post then.
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The map restrictions are there to make sure bad maps aren't played. Gema, Twintowers, Ezjem, Dust, ect. ect.

You could always vote them in yourself if you wanted
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(10 Mar 11, 05:13AM)BrickSquad Wrote: i made this post about map restrictions if you cant tell thats the main subject of the topic.

Sorry, i was a bit misled by the topic that was shown at the top of this page. And no, any amount of contribution is appreciated. It's just that your contribution was hidden under layers and layers of 'complaining'.
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(10 Mar 11, 05:15AM)Mai Mee Tur Wrote: The map restrictions are there to make sure bad maps aren't played. Gema, Twintowers, Ezjem, Dust, ect. ect.

How is Twintowers and Gemas bad? Just wondering...I like them :)

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Tye,makke general have a new idea for you and and all gamers,you mast dnt possible have your map model and give fun from himself map(ac_douze or somthng,ac_desert family maps etc.)
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This long after 1.1's release and you start this up?
You might as well have posted a big "R.I.P. Michael Jackson" thread.
That would've been closed as well.
Take Joe's advice:
Joe Smith Wrote:read the other several threads about this same topic.
If you had, you would have already found your concerns answered in many different ways.

To be clear, you're getting warning points not for whining about how you miss the good old times, but for asking a question and then calling everyone who answered you "fucking idiots".
Clearly 1.1 is more popular than you think, or let on to think.
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Last thing: if you can't stand the maps, download more or make some yourself. Have you ever seen RifleXCamper/Rifle_Camper_X/etc? If map restrictions are the only thing stopping you from playing 1.1, then make you and your friends a modded private server. Remove the map checks and keep all the other goodness and keep having fun. Of course if you're not willing to put in that little bit of effort, you could:
1. ask someone to do it for you
2. play 1.1 normally

Protip: read the link in my other post
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