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Anyone remember this map?
sigh... I want to play these maps now... I hate being nooby...

I think I did play the HeadShotCity_001. Is that the original? Cuz 003 ain't about headshots anymore.

VOTE: Who thinks they should rename HeadShotCity_003 to:

a) SplatterCity


I wanna play these maps
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Headshot_City (the original) is teh best.
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Original two towers. Even though I only played it once, it was EPIC!
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I'm suprised I haven't seen anyone mention oldvillage yet <3
That map is way beyond the 1.1 size limitations, but it just felt right with the game unlike most of the gigantic custom maps.

I also have fond memories of 3m_airportfinal and that "zombie_invasion!" map.
I wonder if 3m_airportfinal will fly in 1.1.
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I miss twin_towers dead hard. When I started ac, tdm Twin_Towers was it

I don't know why I never see it anymore, but I'm tired of CTF 24/7 sometimes ;)
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Maps that i must play when i see them in the serverlist:



LSS BRASIL (no minimap, the one where everyone spawn in the same corner)
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Ezjemville. Now.
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^I cry for that map. I owned :(
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(13 Mar 11, 07:37AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote:
(13 Mar 11, 07:17AM)Giggletron Wrote: Ezjemville = best map ever. back "in the day" of Hanze.

False, I really liked Rabins_Oasis.

That's why they are both in my botmaps ;)

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I had a map with Twin_Towers in the title.
It was just a shitton of wooden crates, but I loved it.
Of course, I only played it with bots, but jumping into pit was fun.
Is that the one people keep talking about?
Oh, I also did a GEMA the other day.
I nice one too.
Weird though. . . .

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Yes I think you got the right Twin_Towers with the wooden crates. It's basically wooden crates over two buildings (each building is a team), and in the middle there is like a 1 km fall.
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Yeah, that'd be it.
On one side there's this secret passage that leads to the other side over the drop.
I don't know if that's in the one they mention.

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Asian porn.
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The best damn kind.
As it turns out, I'm not half bad at TOSOK.

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(14 Mar 11, 11:33AM)Lightning Wrote: Asian porn.
Haha, oh god that map. I probably still have it in my old 1.04 maps folder, unless I already went in and deleted it.

Didn't an entire clan get banned for making it?
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i got all maps from ac 1.0 to ac 1.1 but alot can not be played cause of requirements but i have them ;) just finding a specific one is hard now O.o
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(23 Feb 11, 06:55AM)DrauL Wrote: ...

Isn't this in the official package?

I still don't see how it significantly differs from ac_depot. One of the bases has a shorter ceiling, that much I notice, but that's it.

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Different pickup placement, in first place.
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Wait, Asian porn is a map? Crap.

Sounds fun.

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(15 Mar 11, 10:17PM)ChaoticToSayTheLeast Wrote: Wait, Asian porn is a map? Crap.

Sounds fun.

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dl to Asian Porn?

I played a map the first time I got online called DDDLightning, and it was amazing, freaky, but amazing. And I haven't seen it since, I also lost the cgz file when I had to reinstall windows 7 :(

Anyone heard of/got it?
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yes, i can give a download link if you want.
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If he doesn't, I do!

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PM or this thread is a goner.
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(16 Mar 11, 01:22PM)V-Man Wrote: PM or this thread is a goner.


pm you?
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(16 Mar 11, 01:22PM)V-Man Wrote: PM or this thread is a goner.

thats no fun...
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[Image: camiseta.jpg]
I saw V-Man add this to his shopping cart when he posted that.
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Hey! I found the magical source of the ticking sound! It's a pipe bomb. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!
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