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Unwritten Rules of Assault Cube
Sports, any type of game, and everyday living, etc. These all have unwritten rules, that people generally accept and follow.

Definition of unwritten rules:

:::A rule, usually concerning social behavior, which is known by all but spoken by none. This rule is neither official nor written down. It just is.

Now i know unwritten rules are well unwritten but there is nothing that says they cant be.

Unwritten rules for AC can range from, how clans should act in clan matches, or what is accepted or unaccepted in IRC's, or how one should or shouldn't act within games, etc. There is a long list of unwritten rules, that some people know and a lot that dont.

Having a list of unwritten rules could help newcomers ( but not limited to), become more familiar with AC, with out having to ask people over and over again, well what if i do this, or how should i go about do that, etc.

Below list one unwritten rule you think people should know about.

Keep in mind these rules are not official, and you do not have to agree or follow by them.

This is for fun, but in a serious way.

The more rules that get posted ill update the list. (useful rules will be added, try not to repeat rules)

The Unwritten, Written Rules of Assault Cube.

1)If there isn't a screen shot of a match, it never happened.

2)Even though everyone else on the server is screaming at you because of it, you SHOULD stay in that camp spot you just found

3)Excessive vulgar language is unneeded and unwanted

4)It's not ok to spam voicecoms

5)It is not acceptable (but fun) to stand next to an afk enemy of a TOSOK game –not shooting them– making it unbearably long for some other members of the game.

6)Always stand still in doorways and block as many teammates from getting by as possible. They LOVE it! (sarcasm, dont really do it)

7)Camping in the well in ac_desert is unacceptable D:<

8) Don't always assume your ass is getting kicked by a dude.

9)Rifle jumping your way across Douze for 10 flags, with 1 kill and 15 deaths is permitted but doesn't make you the greatest AC player ever to have lived (bragging rights are forfeited).

10)Clan spam-advertising in games shall be punishable by death.

11)Scoring with the flag because the teammate carrying it died mere inches away from your own flag is okay. It's a TEAM game people.

12)Hiding in any well, on any map is unacceptable.

13)Sniping is not camping, its sniping

14)Playing on your own server is "unfair"

15)Always teabag V-man when you kill him. Trust me you won't get many chances

16)Being on a server is a privilege, not a right.

17)Block all gemas from your server.

18)When you're playing on a map with "gema" or any derivative of the word in it's title, shoot EVERYTHING you see. It is the main objective for these maps. (sarcasm)

19)If someone appears to be afk in tosok (still in base, not moving) knifing is mandatory.

20)It's okay to disconnect if you're going to be AFK so that your team doesn't get raped because of being one player short.

21)Racism is unacceptable.

22)Rifle jumping over teammates may not be the best idea.

23)Any mode voted on Douze is not a match.

24)Using a shotgun in a clan match is to be shunned.

25)T-bagging is a privilege not a right!

26)If someone saves a flag for you, do your best to help them out when the time comes. A human shield is an underrated weapon.

27)Work together, that means try to be support for you teammates even if they might get the point you want. I've seen to many people with hardly any health left try to sacrifice their teammates instead. If you can't make it and they can, then it's you job to help them do it.

28)Wait till someone is clan less before asking them to join your clan.

29) Do not give admin passwords to those you do not know

30) 3 shuffles for inters, to decide teams.
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2) Even though everyone else on the server is screaming at you because of it, you SHOULD stay in that camp spot you just found.
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3)Camping in the well in ac_desert is unacceptable D:<

4)Excessive vulgar language is unneeded and unwanted

There's mine :)
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5) It's not ok to spam voicecoms.
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6) But it is ok, to spam headshots.
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7) If someone saves a flag for you, do your best to help them out when the time comes. A human shield is an underrated weapon.

8) Work together, that means try to be support for you teammates even if they might get the point you want. I've seen to many people with hardly any health left try to sacrifice their teammates instead. If you can't make it and they can, then it's you job to help them do it.

I'd also like to say I love campers. Please don't stop. It takes so long to kill you when I have to hunt you down. ;)
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9) It is not acceptable (but fun) to stand next to an afk enemy of a TOSOK game –not shooting them– making it unbearably long for some other members of the game.

Yes, I have some bad sportsman ship behaviors I need to fix in myself.
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10) Always stand still in doorways and block as many teammates from getting by as possible. They LOVE it!
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11) Always teabag V-man when you kill him. Trust me you won't get many chances.
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12) T-bagging is a privilege not a right!
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13) Being on a server is a privilege, not a right.
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14) Voting in any map/mode combo other than desert TOSOK, douze TOSOK/CTF or shine CTF is unacceptable

15) Having to play desert or shine is the law, not a privilege
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CLAN MATCH unwritten rules
12) If a clan A ask clan B for a clanmatch, they can agree in playing 1 match only, but generally if nothing is said, 2 matches must be played. the first match is map + mode + side chosen by the clan A, the second is map + mode + side chosen by the clan B. B can disagree the enemy pick and refuse to play. this isnt a defeat.
by the way, this can only happens in the first map. if the clan A decide to leave at the end of the first map, the match is won by the clan B.
If teams are tied to 1 - 1, they may agree on a tie, if they dont, a third match must be played to decide the winner.
now, in the 3 round they can agree for the map + side + mode (generally a fair map like a tosok, or a ctf on shine/sunset/gothic/iceroad etc). if they cant agree, the clan A pick mode, the clan B pick map and the clan A pick sides (lol). it will avoid any unfair map, or any prepared strategy, cause clan B must pick a fair map, or clan A will pick the better side if the map is unfair.
regarding the servers and the issues: The better thing is to pick a server where all players have similar ping. if a clan refuse to play in a server cause unfair pings, it can purpose other servers, etc.
if in the middle of a match someone complain about lagging, is too late to change server. if the other clan is gentle it can stop the game to allow the player to reconnect, but only if someone says "stooooop wtf im playing alone" or something like this.
at the end of a round, A or B can purpose a different server if they had problems of lag, or they can purpose to change some players if the have to go. if the other clan agree, is ok. i the other clan doesnt agree, match must continue, eventually 3 vs 2 or 2 vs 1
if someone suddently disconnect or connect, and no one say "stop", the match can continue and flags/frags count. if someone say "stop" and enemy keep playing, flags/frags dont count.
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Do not frag, gib, headshot, knife, or splatter any player on a training map, or "gema," with the exception of accidents.
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18) Only touch the GEMA flags for 1 second. Anymore is spamming.
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19) Block all gemas from your server.
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20) When you're playing on a map with "gema" or any derivative of the word in it's title, shoot EVERYTHING you see. It is the main objective for these maps.
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21) Homosexuals don't like gema's
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(02 Feb 11, 01:40PM)Bukz Wrote: 20) When you're playing on a map with "gema" or any derivative of the word in it's title, shoot EVERYTHING you see. It is the main objective for these maps.

+1. I LOVE gemas ;)
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If someone appears to be afk in tosok (still in base, not moving) knifing is mandatory!
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Now these aren't unwritten anymore. :(

22) It's okay to disconnect if you're going to be AFK so that your team doesn't get raped because of being one player short.

23) Being a black, homosexual doesn't automatically make you a noob in AC.

23a) Racism is unacceptable
23b) Homophobia is unacceptable

24) Don't always assume your ass is getting kicked by a dude.

25) If you must teamkill, join the other team.

26) The shotgun needs loving too. Don't be a hater.

27) Rifle jumping your way across Douze for 10 flags, with 1 kill and 15 deaths is permitted but doesn't make you the greatest AC player ever to have lived (bragging rights are forfeited).

28) Clan spam-advertising in games shall be punishable by death.

29) Scoring with the flag because the teammate carrying it died mere inches away from your own flag is okay. It's a TEAM game people.

30) Hiding in any well, on any map is unacceptable.
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31) Sniping is not camping, its sniping

SS unwritten rule->32) Never play an open map with me (i can see your ever move:)
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) When you see your teammate gunning the hell out of the enemy YOU MUST put in the last bullet it takes to kill them, completely and unnecasaraly stealing thier kill (dont do this, sarcasm)
* MykeGregory needs to calm down

) Changing your friends WASD controls to ESDF controls is VERY FUNNY!

) Teabagging is NOT a sign of superior skill, just a sign that you got PWNED.
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33) Whining about lag is okay if you lost
34) Playing on your own server is "unfair"
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Rule 34: If you can think of it, MykeGregory has tea-bagged it.
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35) If two players have a problem with each other, they can take it out in a pistol stand-off in ac_westwood.
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(02 Feb 11, 10:37PM)VenteX Wrote: Rule 34: If you can think of it, MykeGregory has tea-bagged it.

mmhmm! damn right!
that includes you admins...no one is safe from my sweaty ginger ball bag!
* MykeGregory waits for incresed warning level...
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Rule 35: Trying to out snipe a sniper with a carbine is laughable
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(03 Feb 11, 02:04AM)Mai Mee Tur Wrote: Rule 35: Trying to out snipe a sniper with a carbine is laughable
No it isn't I used to fovscope snipers all the time.
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(03 Feb 11, 02:38AM)JMM Wrote:
(03 Feb 11, 02:04AM)Mai Mee Tur Wrote: Rule 35: Trying to out snipe a sniper with a carbine is laughable
No it isn't I used to fovscope snipers all the time.

Not if you're a sniping distance away, it's harder for a carbine.
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