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New weapon
ok, fuck all constructive posts
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(29 Jan 11, 07:58AM)Huntsman Wrote: Sticky grenades

what about reload animations?

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That's in the "Ideas" thread! :D
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(29 Jan 11, 07:55AM)Vermi Wrote:
(29 Jan 11, 07:24AM)CyberKlown28 Wrote: Figured the Carbine would be the battle rifle...
Definitely a light machinegun, eight hit kill, 50 round clip, lots of spread and recoil.
and other secondary weapons to choose from...revolver ftw.

Yes, to the new secondary weapons, i wouldn't mind a pistol as a primary weapon, but i don't see an 8 hit kill 50 round weapon enhancing teamplay, if the spread and recoil are high it would be even worse completly slowing gameplay speed

normally the lightmachineguns are support weapons, for covering fire.
not too accurate, but pop out and shoot wildly at bad guys while your team mate is capturing a flag, etc. Also good for sneaking up behind a group of campers, and having enough ammo to destroy them all. :D

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(27 Jan 11, 11:17PM)SuperSniper Wrote: Slow_old_man could just make the lawnmower the knife, :)

(27 Jan 11, 11:26PM)tempest Wrote: Seriously, could you guys please stop talking about lawn mowers? I'm starting to wonder about some mental thingies here...

(27 Jan 11, 11:56PM)MykeGregory Wrote: share them! i thought lawnmowers was dumb but the idea is growing on me. hahah!

(28 Jan 11, 01:03AM)Cemer Wrote: Lawn mowers and kiddie go-kart Jeep! Go tiny vehicles!

(28 Jan 11, 08:35AM)V-Man Wrote: Dang it, now my lawn-mower mapmodel has no place in the community. Eff you all.

(29 Jan 11, 05:01AM)Cemer Wrote: ok...
-Combat Pistol
-Light Machine Gun
-Battle Rifle
-Grenade Launcher
-Rocket Launcher
-Secondary Choices
and what needs to be in it!
-Lawn mowers
-zeus cannon
-bunny helmets
-kiddie karts
-keyboard and headset!

Lawn mowers will never disappear. They are in too deep.
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WHY dont we make an 'AssaultCube for Kids' and put all 'that' stuff in there D:
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That was my suggestion.
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* Orynge imagines driving a lawnmower through ac_mines...

IMO, sticky grenades are awesome. The hitbox might have to be fixed up though...
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A sledge hammer... now someone take the hint and make Woolly a SMASHY SMASHY toy! :)
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Sticky nades! I like it! The antithesis of the current bouncy nades. That would solve my problems once and for all!

Now all we need is a John Deere sticky-nade-launcher-mounted lawn tractor and we'll be all set. One with a front plough attachment would be nice so we could sweep up all the dead bodies.
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Sticky nades are for noobs who got spoiled by playing Halo.
(Speaking of which, did anyone else think of this when you heard about the new Halo?)
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I love halo man, Don't fall asleep
I'm watching you O.o
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(31 Jan 11, 05:21PM)V-Man Wrote: Sticky nades are for noobs who got spoiled by playing Halo.
(Speaking of which, did anyone else think of this when you heard about the new Halo?)
Thank goodness I'm not the only one...
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Remote detonation bomb.

You lay the bomb, leave, and then press a button and it explodes. Like detpacks in Battlefront/Battlefront 2 if you've ever played that.
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Go back to Battlefront.
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mines with 50 damage ftw lol as a pickup obv..
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(02 Feb 11, 12:37AM)CyberKlown28 Wrote: mines with 50 damage ftw lol as a pickup obv..

No, everyone will spam them at the flag, or spamming them around your base.
It could create a lot of accidental teamkills as well.
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I'd TK so bad with mines in Battlefront.

Now back to AC...

Don't even get me started on how much that would suck on ac_arabian, ac_rattrap, or one of the other maps with tons of corridors (ac_urban?). People would just mine the crap out of the corridors.

As for other new weapon ideas...
Grenade launcher
Machine gun that combines the rate of fire of an SMG with the damage of an AR (however, reduce mobility, make the gun jam quite often, and have them overheat every now and then to compensate)
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Please edit your post with:
Quote:Other Cliché Ideas
rather than:
(02 Feb 11, 01:48AM)CathodeRayTube Wrote: As for other new weapon ideas...

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well lightmachinegun then :)
mine games are fun
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Come on guys, the lawnmower isn't a new weapon. Sure it's a gas hog, but it's great for storming bases.

[Image: tumblr_lfyy8h3vpg1qge39wo1_500.jpg]

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Yeah, but you have to unlock it first, which is a pain.
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Isn't it a pro item that you have to pay for?
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Well, you can pay a monthly fee to have them come out an mow for you. But I'm more of a DIY kind of guy so I don't mind maintaining my own mower.
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yo quisiera un arma como una ballesta estaria bien muy bien,perooooo pensandolo mejor una M16 estaria mucho mejor,por favor poner una M16 y que sea automatica por favor os lo pido el daño me da igual me da igual todo solo quiero una M16 automatica y ponerla pronto por favor
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You'll have to speak in English, sorry, but it's in the forum rules (I think...)

translate.google.com Wrote:I want a weapon like a crossbow would be fine fine, but on second thought an M16 would be much better, please put an M16 automatic and is what I ask you please give me the same damage as me all alone I want an M16 automatic and please make it soon
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If you want an m16 you might be able to find/make a mod for it. I wouldn't be surprised if someone has done one before.

Back on topic:
LMG! (might be spammed by noobs too much, but i still want it)
Revolver! (could make pistols w/o akimbo a viable weapon, plus it would be BA)

other than that, all the weapon niches i can think of are filled already.
another idea i just had was an auto-shotgun, but i don't think the noobs need that right now.
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If you feel like renaming folders to the correct names, http://www.rn-acostum.tk/ is a good site for mods. There is an M4A1.

Revolver as a secondary would be nice...
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I know this isn't on topic, but it would be nice to have a centralized mod site. I am always finding new ones!
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(02 Feb 11, 10:22PM)Lantry Wrote: I know this isn't on topic, but it would be nice to have a centralized mod site. I am always finding new ones!
www.akimbo.in ?
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