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Upcoming Release Balance Discussion (SVN)
I just think it would take away the OMFG long range 100 damage shotgun death moment. I have no problem with a shotgun user if they have killed me at point blank range, its what the weapon is for regardless of what I want to think; but if I die at long range from a shotgun the shits hittin the fan baby.
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(27 Apr 11, 04:57AM)Viper Wrote: I just think it would take away the OMFG long range 100 damage shotgun death moment.

That sounds rather exagerated but I agree with the spirit of it. The shotgun is being made less random by tripling the number of rays. Shotguns need to retain spread so that they still do damage when their crosshair is slightly off-target.

Indeed the same argument may be made for keeping spread for the SMG; I think maybe a combination of lower spread and lower damage with range would work well for automatic weapons.
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Would progressively increasing recoil with exaggerated increases work better than lower damage with range? I mean, your idea is actually realistic :O
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I don't like the recoil at all.

With the smg you can get an accuracy up to 43 % (on public), with the new smg i got in match not much more than 30 % (dont think that more than 35 % are able on public). In comparing to this high accuracy different, the smg is better.

I would like have the recoil from 1.0.4, its between and

The best way in my opinion would be to get the 1.0.4 gun stats back and just increase the AR (less recoil) and sg ( more power) a bit. All were happy with the "balance" in 1.0.4. Why this horrible changes?

Just w00p clan is using smg well. Well-known clans (most of them), which we "pwned" when i was in Legendary-Cubers, are using now AR, you dont have any chance anymore if you are playing on smg. Also if you would have 40 % acc in a match, which is normally not possible, it would be very hard to win vs an AR with an accuracy around 33-35 %, which is not that hard to get.

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(28 Apr 11, 05:07PM)Elite Wrote: Why this horrible changes?

Look at the SVN now.

It's just perfect! Please don't change the weapon balance more!
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No exoduss, Elite is right :((
I could get 40% SMG accuracy in pubs, 30% in match but in that quick game we had with tempest lucas and you, my accuracy was near 20%. While I could get 50% accuracy with bots, I can only get 35% in SVN. :(((
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SMG needs to be boosted. It was ub3r-boss mode in 1.0.4 then 1.1.4 its pretty good, now it kinda sux. O.o
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16 damage ?
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6 bullets lol
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IMHO, the SMG is fine the way it is, just because it's an automatic weapon doesn't mean it's meant to be used that way ALL the time. If you want good accuracy at distance with a fully automatic machine gun, you must manually burst fire, which is always more controllable than fully auto "spraying" rounds. Same goes for the AR, maybe not akimbo, it doesn't have much recoil at all.

P.S. I can still do great with the SMG and I'm an avid sniper user...and barely tweaking the current damages is useless tbh, the randomness of spread ruins it anyways.
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(29 Apr 11, 12:34AM)Luc@s Wrote: 16 damage ?

17 ;) (if it retains the beta's disgusting recoil)

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(29 Apr 11, 01:01AM)Bukz Wrote: IMHO, the SMG is fine the way it is, just because it's an automatic weapon doesn't mean it's meant to be used that way ALL the time. If you want good accuracy at distance with a fully automatic machine gun, you must manually burst fire, which is always more controllable than fully auto "spraying" rounds. Same goes for the AR, maybe not akimbo, it doesn't have much recoil at all.

P.S. I can still do great with the SMG and I'm an avid sniper user...and barely tweaking the current damages is useless tbh, the randomness of spread ruins it anyways.

In the moment you shoot in burst you may be dead against the AR. I disagree with seeing a weapon that have sort of advantage in most of aspects over rest but either i am not supporter of make things stronger to make them match. lets remember we have more than two weapons, and by boosting SMG we only gonna back to the old 1.0.4 and there will be again the same 2 stronger weapons over the rest.

by this i am not saying that world gonna end, actually things are more closer of rational than before. at least can say now there's 3 (smg,sr,ar) and 1(sg) in the way to be useful but need sort of cool down against such things as resp kill, etc.

all support as far we don't see 1 weapon being dominant over all.

edit: lol, did i just forgot to mention the carbine.. oh well.
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The recoil is horrible, my smg jumps already after 4-5 bullets over the enemy`s body.On long distance you dount have any chance, it also hard to control this recoil on shortrange, miss 2-3 bullets per burst on shooting enemy.

Come on, give us back the 1.0.4 recoil and spread.

Or just increase the damage of the smg a bit.
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Or don't do anything to the SMG because the AR is nerfed already. =DBut then the sniper...
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Yeah , elite is right . Less recoil for smg
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I find the weapon balance pretty nice.
It's the 1st time in AC I see weapons nearly eaquals like that.

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Higher recoil for everything would be sick, smg feels fine for me in SVN
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@ Devs. Are any changes happening to the beta/svn's weapons for the official release, other than the re-beefing of the shotgun?

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The release is still a little while away...

I would assume changes still might me made.

Either way, right now I feel that everything is more balanced except the SMG. Please take away some of that recoil.
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I think Team survivor (SVN) lost his fun.
100 health + 100 armor...
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on simple suggestin>
remove kickback(not recoil) if you are crouched, reason? its help in ctf or in camping, and it adds a slight advantage to that is crouching, : ).
I think it will not greatly affect the gameplay is a little help in teamgames(support or defender), especially if you are behind somewhere.
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(06 May 11, 07:46PM)wolfbr Wrote: on simple suggestin>
remove kickback(not recoil) if you are crouched, reason? its help in ctf or in camping, and it adds a slight advantage to that is crouching, : ).
I think it will not greatly affect the gameplay is a little help in teamgames(support or defender), especially if you are behind somewhere.

if that happens you will see every player crouching in the map, just to avoid the kickback, so no thanks :D
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I agree that crouching needs something to make it more useful. (Maybe a more drastic spread difference?) Since current crouch spread doesn't seem tooooo much better than standing.

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Yay, let's reduce both spread and kickback while crouched, but not while crouchjumping.
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(07 May 11, 12:54AM)Nightmare Wrote: I agree that crouching needs something to make it more useful. (Maybe a more drastic spread difference?) Since current crouch spread doesn't seem tooooo much better than standing.

i like the small spread difference, one thing I hate about CS is that you are practically forced to stay crouched to shoot well.
AC are fast place, you shot well standing, moving, or jumping, not only crouched(like CS).
in AC, i like to see only small spread difference for all action(run, standing, moving, jumping, crouched, swimming, climbing..)

maybe, more spread for carbine/sniper in moving(weapon balance).

the push back is fine in some situations(improve jump or run), but hurts when you have to stand still (to defend, support, sniping..).
so I think it would be interesting, while crouched = no push back.
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The privilege of crouching is its own advantage. No need to add strange Counter-Strike-like features to it.
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(07 May 11, 03:40AM)V-Man Wrote: The privilege of crouching is its own advantage. No need to add strange Counter-Strike-like features to it.

not in fast games like assault cube/quake 3.
crouch = easy to take head shot or carbine kill, crouch is good only in long range vs autos or in "some" situations(behind objects), i dont use it on most maps.

my suggestion is simple, crounch = no kickback, defenders and campers will be happy with it(especially in teams games(protect spam points) or ctf).
the removal of the kickback already greatly improve sight(especially if you are using AR, good support gun).

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You kidding? Crouch has saved me from more headshots than I can keep track of.
And downplaying the ability to crouch behind cover ("some situations") is to neglect a powerful aspect of the game. If you don't use it on most maps, then of course you can't see how useful it already is.
Anyway, regardless of how you or I feel about it, there's no chance the devs would be keen an adding so much to the simple crouch command.
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I always get hit with a headshot when I do crouch!
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[offtopic]You're not supposed to stay crouched that long. :P[/offtopic]

Seriously though, my only suggestions for the next version would be to nerf the long range ability of the shotgun slightly, I don't really think a whole rewrite is necessary, but maybe I'm wrong there, and to keep the sniper + pistol combo on unarmored enemies the same as it is now in 1104. (1 sniper, 2 pistols)

And then I think we need to test the hell outta everything! XD
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