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Assault Cube mapping contest goes green
Halo, your wrong in this case. I had to edit the skin because I needed two different textures on it, thats why I had to save it as a new mapmodel (one for the sides and one for the top, like on ac_desert3).
ExodusS just changed the one texture with the ingame command if remember right ... didnt pay that much attention on the brige ;)
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alright, so, i do stand corrected on the bridge, but without all the custom media my fps dropped from 275 to 15, so this would fall under the line of what floppy said, layout/gameplay (if the judges so wish to do so)
sorry for the double post, but i had to say that i updated the download link for ac_dingy on the very first post in this topic

i was stupid and forgot to do a check for obvious bugs, so i just did so and fixed some bugs, so the download link has been updated
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DES|Halo , you are not a juge , let reals juges speak about my map now , thanks a lot.
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You mean like the bug with the air conditioning unit? Haven't checked the updated version yet.
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@DES|Halo: Dude, putting yourself ahead of the game by dogging on your competitors is not the way to go. There's nothing against the rules about custom media like ExodusS* is doing, anyways. (Also, lag whenever custom content is missing is a long-time known bug.)

@ExodusS*: Don't fuel the flamewar.
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the first post says "custom content is allowed as long as it isn't in the field of play"
however, I know for a fact RR's uses custom content in the field of play (the hanging ladders) and there are others marked as custom content also, I just haven't checked them out. I think there needs to be a clarification here.
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ac_dingy to me seams like a shotgun paradise... Way too closed up IMO and has no room to maneuver like most maps.
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in Ronald_Reagan's defense, he used a custom hanging ladder that is already in the svn (beta) for the next version of the game, the rules do not say anything about such a case, so in all reality, it would be alright
and the other map is ac_recic, which uses a wooden fence as a custom mapmodel in the field of play, but again, right on the other side is a hill that you can't go up, so its not "that" big of a deal

@bloodsport, that is actually one of like 3 bugs i caught, lol

@ventex, i was clearly pointing out the rules, he tried the same, stating "oh ac_dingy was started before the contest, this isn't fair"

and to finish it up @exoduss, i already said, its up to the judges to accept it and to judge it as so (just fyi, if i was a judge, it would be accepted)
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Since I didn't use any custom content, I think all the other maps should be disqualified.

Fingers crossed.
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(10 Apr 11, 07:16PM)Bloodsport Wrote: Since I didn't use any custom content, I think all the other maps should be disqualified.

Fingers crossed.

xD IKR!!!

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I figure there should just be a deduction for the "in field" mapmodels. Disqualified is a bit harsh for a fenced off little box (exodus) or pretty fence (redic) or a already official, but still "custom" ladder (mine).

About the theme, I thought I brought up the theme, as a current mod of mine had a green theme, and I would've liked to have maps to go with it. I'll provide some of my logs about it if ya'll want it, and if I can find them.

This isn't said to anyone but judges who might be watching this conversation.
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Tbh I find the no custom content that affects gameplay "rule" far too obscure. Regardless of whether or not custom content was used and will affect any gameplay negatively, theres not many maps in the contest as it is. Let's drop it and let the best map win eh! :D
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I can still hear the faint sound or MorganKell mocking ac_dingys name in my head, but it was a strawberry nice map
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for the people that don't understand english :P dingy means dirty dinghy is a boat, lets not get them confused
i've been asked a good bit where is the boat, i just thought i would clear it up
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(11 Apr 11, 03:33AM)DES|Halo Wrote: for the people that don't understand english :P dingy means dirty dinghy is a boat, lets not get them confused
i've been asked a good bit where is the boat, i just thought i would clear it up

dingy is pronounced din-gee, not ding-ee
though to be honest, the first time i read it i thought it said "dinghy" because I was reading too quickly XD
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not everyone speaks english and it is a common mistake even within the english speakers, i just thought i would take a moment and clear it up, in case someone was like "where is the boat, its named after a boat but i don't see one"
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The boat is stuck at ac_culvert! Don't worry Bukz and Halo Ill get it!
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r i v e r s i d e
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(11 Apr 11, 05:23AM)MorganKell Wrote: r i v e r s i d e

Already been released.
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What qualifies someone as a newcomer?
Because this is the first map I've ever submitted to the mapping contest.

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2 or less maps ever released
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The Schematic maps are the only ones I've released.
Shouldn't I be labeled as a newcomer?

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if that is the case, yes, thank you for letting me know
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Just over 4½ hours til the deadline and I'm just finalizing this map I'm working on. :o

*Switches to overdrive*
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better get to it mate, you are cutting it very close, get a move on
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Finally, less than 1 hour until the deadline, Huntsman and I are now finally going to submit our map. :)

I present to you, ac_Viridis
[Image: fevbvph0.1wf.jpg]

This is a small map, suitable for up to 10 players.
Also uses a custom skybox which is included.

Download link: http://www.akimbo.in/files/index.php?act=view&id=853

EDIT: In the rush to submit this map, I forgot to mention one criticial thing... Huntsman an I are newcomers, therefore this is a newcomer map. ;o
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The contest has officially ended, no more maps after this point will be taken and you can no longer update your map for the contest

Judges, at this point, you can start your judging stage, remember, do not post your scores, but forward them to pwnage, when pwnage has all 4, he will post them for the judges

Good luck to everyone, and thank you all for entering
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Hmm... I can't check the "gameplay"- part, since I'm to stupid to find the server with the maps on it.

Can someone help me and give me the IP? ^^
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Wait, wait, wait.

If newcomer really means this is the first time I am joining this contest, I'm a newcomer too!
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