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Building walls
Hi guys.
Just wanted to make a little gema...my problem is:

I can't build any wall.

In 1.0 you had to press F to build a wall, and G to delete it. But when i press F now, it won't build one. I asked a few players, they also said F, but it doesn't work.

Could someone please help me? Thanks in advance :)

BTW: would be nice if someone also could tell me how to create walls where you can jump through. Also thanks for this :)

Greets, MeLonE
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Try binding a new key: /bind key "solid 1"
And to make walkthrough walls you make ground high then lower the heightfield in the middle.
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(03 Jan 11, 02:49AM)Thorite Wrote: Try binding a new key: /bind key "solid 1"
And to make walkthrough walls you make ground high then lower the heightfield in the middle.

Thanks very much :)

The wallthroughthing is a bit difficult, I think i got it though.

1000 thanks again :-)
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you can also create the walkthrough wall by editing the map.cfg go to mapmodel number 126, take out the 4 at the beginning of the line and replace it with a 0.
Then /newent mapmodel 126 height-in-cubes-# texture-#.
So /newent mapmodel 126 0 25 would be a 4x4 model of the tile texture at ground level.
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