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Map checking Failed & how to delete playerstarts
Hi, sorry for opening the next thread. This will be the last forsure :)

My first problem:

[Image: 20110103161543gemabymel.jpg]

What does the sentences mean??? or how to repair these faults??
I thought maybe some pickups were to close to the otherone, so I deleted some, but its still there, someone knows what to do??.

Second problem: My map is Gema is nearly finished, just have to delete playerstarts, but how to delete them? (I mean I know how to delete things, but sometimes it deletes the wrong thing and I wont delete other things :X )

Hope some of you could help me.

Thanks again, MeLonE :p
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the item distances of those mentioned is too close too another - see the coordinates in parentheses?!? go there .. wherami can help you find the places, dbgpos 1 isn't yet as helpful as it's gonna be.
BTW - these checks are specifically geared to avoid so-called gema maps; trying to do them with the CubeEngine is just proof of the misunderstanding one would need to have of the nature of this engine to allow such attempts to even take place. You are bound to be much better off with Sauerbraten (Cube2) - it has none of the restrictions (in place for LoFi-Support/Speed/Minimalism) of the Cube1 engine.

the item you're working on at any given time, is the closest entity .. it's what is usually displayed over the hudequipment - but with the player in editmode the equipment isn't rendered .. it says closest ent there! .. it gets rendered as a blue ball instead of it's usual class-colourization.
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