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Wiki Clan List
Full name clan: Soul Sociality Global Team
Clan Tag: SSGT|
Date of creation : 01/1/2012
Website: ssgt-ac.ativoforum.com
Contact: Forum ssgt-ac.ativoforum.com
Screenshot of a 3x3 clan match:

[img][Image: clay.jpg][/img]

Basic clan info:Together we can all be done in the SSGT. We are not only a clan but a family that respects all the rules of the assault cube and his companions.
Founders of your clan: Leko, GreeD, Kodak
Current leaders of your clan: Leko, GreeD, Kodak
Current number of member:6
Thanks given by:
SSGT| = Done
Thanks given by:
Name:3xtreme Killers
Tag: =3K=|
Date: November 2011
Site : http://3kclanac.webs.com
contact: dk_pj@hotmail.com
Basic clan info : this clan was founded be HarDZi!nN+
members: 35

Thanks given by:
(03 Feb 12, 11:06PM)HarDZi!nN+ Wrote: [Image: 20120203_21.17.27_ac_douze_TDM]

This is an incomplete link and loads nothing, for me anyways.

Btw, please don't send me a PM simply saying to come look at this thread, that's annoying. You can however send me a better link of a 3v3 clan match.
Thanks given by:
# Full name of clan: Angry Souls
# Clan Tag: .45|
# Date your clan was made (in month/d/y format): 01/16/2012
# Website: http://cubers45.xobor.de/
# IRC: http://tinyurl.com/7j3q6d2
# Contact: Forum, homepage
# Screenshot of a 3x3 (or more) clan match: http://tinyurl.com/85kataq
# Basic clan info: This clan was founded middle of january, when some ex-|LN| members decided to hang around together and try to do their own thing. So here we are!
# Founders of your clan (without clantags): wolfszeit, sNeSs
# Current leaders of your clan (without clantags): wolfszeit
# Current number of members: 5
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then how idk how ok

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=3K=|: Revoked
.45|: Done
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Thanks X-Ray_Dog
Thanks given by:
•Full name of clan: Unstoppable Force
•Clan Tag: |UF|
•Date my clan was made (in month/d/y format): 1/20/12
•Website: www.clanuf.webs.com
•IRC: #|UF|clan (not always active)
•Contact: Form (http://clanuf.webs.com/contactuf.htm)

•Screenshot of a 3x3 (or more) clan match: [Image: Match3v3UF.jpg]

•Basic clan info: We not a noobie clan. We do not have open recruitment at this time; if you wish to join, you must be tested by IBiteBack or Ed<3Crystal
•Founders of your clan (without clantags): IBiteBack & Ed<3Crystal
•Current leaders of your clan (without clantags): IBiteBack (Ed<3Crystal is an assistant at this time, but may become a leader at some point)
•Current number of members: 5 (plus 4 pending)

Thanks given by:
|UF| = Done

Also, you didn't state what network your irc channel is located on. If you so desire to fix this, send me a PM; please do not reply again to this thread.
Thanks given by:
- Full name of clan: Angels Of Darkness
- Clan Tag: |AOD|
- Date your clan was made : december 2010
- Website: http://aod-family.monalliance.net/ (Only registered members have access to topics :p )
- Contact : (teamspeak)
* loki.woop.us (channel AOD)
* tspublic.com:2011 (channel AOD)

- Screenshot of a 3x3 (or more) clan match:
[Image: choix_11.jpg]
We did not won a lot of games against FD but I have found one yeah :) But TBH we lost this match lol
Anyway all of our matchs are here and they is a lot official teams : http://aod-family.monalliance.net/f34-clan-matches

- Basic clan info: Many AOD members prefers to play gemas or tosok but we can do clans matches too.
- Founders of your clan (without clantags): Naplo, Misa, Ragot
- Current leaders of your clan (without clantags): Naplo, Misa, Ragot
- Current number of members: 9

EDIT : update and fix screenshot and link
Thanks given by:
|AOD| = Done
Thanks given by:
Full name of clan: Ignited
Clan Tag: iG*|
Date your clan was made (in month/d/y format): 04/01/2010
Website: http://www.igclan.us/
IRC: (Optional) #ig-clan @ gamesurge
Contact: Forums
Screenshot of a 3x3 (or more) clan match:

[Image: 34_1329714649.jpg]

Basic clan info: Ignited is a clan founded by .face. They soon recruited Scooby, they at first wanted to be a Brazil clan. It died around 2 months later. In 10/02/2012 it was refounded by MerX with the help of Sunny.

Current Members:






Former Members:


Founders of your clan (without clantags): .face
Current leaders of your clan (without clantags): MerX, Gryphon, 654xswzaq_
Current number of members: 5
Thanks given by:
You also added the Demented clan or whatever a few posts ago. Why are you wanting to add the above clan considering your not in it and do I get to delete Demented seeing as the site no longer exists?
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(20 Feb 12, 08:04PM)X-Ray_Dog Wrote: You also added the Demented clan or whatever a few posts ago. Why are you wanting to add the above clan considering your not in it and do I get to delete Demented seeing as the site no longer exists?

I only added it for Riceboy, then seeing that he is both a impersonator/cheater, i left. And I am in iG*|.

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XRD has every right to wait awhile longer until he is sure that the clan wont die.
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(21 Feb 12, 12:16AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: XRD has every right to wait awhile longer until he is sure that the clan wont die.

Im pretty sure Orynge, said why dont you join a stable clan. I joined a stable clan.... he said also I am not good at being a leader. Which i am not lol. Sooo?
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Might I add that the clan's irc was made two days ago and the owner has never been there and when I joined it was empty. There is no proof that the clan has lasted more than a week so far and the site was made poorly considering the header says "clanNAME CN" and you couldn't even change that. If the clan doesn't make an effort to be a clan, then I don't want to make an effort adding the clan. What I do want is proof that the clan is actually from 2010, otherwise I'm going to put a 2012 date I see fit. I'm just not convinced in this situation, but I may end up adding it anyways, well see.
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@ X-Ray clan meeting today. ill talk about it there...

I have changed it seems to not to be updating ;S
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I changed the rules some. I think the changes will definitely cut down on some of the issues presented both now and previously. Do read the first post. I suppose I shall add iG*| seeing as they came before the additions but not immediately. I still have a few things to do personally so later today I expect.

iG*| = Done
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When you say read the first post, you mean about demented? yes you can ;)
Thanks given by:
Full name of clan: xTreme4
Clan Tag:-xT4#
Date your clan was made: 3/11/2011
Website: http:http://xtremefour.webs.com/
IRC: (Optional)
Contact: xtreme4_suporte@hotmail.com
Screenshot of a 3x3 clan match:http://i.imgur.com/09UTU.jpg
Logo Link:http://i.imgur.com/NPZ6f.png

Basic clan info:Clan created on November 10, 2011, and the Dark cun0, which is growing day after day, fight after fight, developed for the entertainment and improvement, with tests scheduled and battles.

Thanks given by:
(21 Mar 12, 12:30AM)SSGT|.Dark Wrote: Full name of clan: xTreme4

Please re-read the first post. It was updated about a month ago.
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I did not x-ray dog , what went wrong?
X-Ray_Dog but the name of the clan is xtreme four
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(14 Dec 10, 03:14AM)BULL3T Wrote: - Your clan must have existed for more than three months and you must be able to prove this.

[*]Proof of 3 month existence:

As requested, please re-read the first post and complete your application.
Thanks given by:
Tag: -xT4#
Date: 28 de fevereiro 2012
Site : www.xtremefour.webs.com
contact: xtreme4_suporte@hotmail.com
Basic clan info:Virtually xTreme4 is not a clan is a group of friends that meets all the AssaultCube are against any kind of trapassa and we are here trying to leave our clan official.
members: 6
Screenshot of a 3x3 clan match:http://i.imgur.com/09UTU.jpg
Logo Link:http://i.imgur.com/NPZ6f.png
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On one hand you say xT4 is not a clan, then you present a 3v3 clan screenshot.
Just a little confusing...

EDIT: Stupid shad is stupid. You want to make your "group" a clan?
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thanks for comment
I put wrong was not sorry family group was
Thanks given by:
Tag: -xT4#
Date: 28 de fevereiro 2012
Site : http://www.xtremefour.webs.com
Proof of 3 month existence:
contact: xtreme4_suporte@hotmail.com
Basic clan info:xTreme Four is a clan that respects all the rules AssaultCube, have enough friends with other clans and we are here trying to put our clan official
Founders of your clan:Dark,Cun0
Current leaders of your clan:Dark,Cun0
members: 6
Screenshot of a 3x3 clan match: http://xtremefour.webs.com/apps/photos/p...=151956693
Logo Link: http://i.imgur.com/NPZ6f.png
Thanks given by:
Name:Knuckle your RisK
Tag: KyR|
Date: 19 Dec 2011
Site : dont have one yet
Proof of 3 month existence:
Basic clan info:Knuckle your RisK is founded by the leader Feng, their goal is to be one of the best assault cube clans !
members: 5
Screenshot of a 3x3 clan match:http://imgur.com/iriwI

I accidently told Ray to delete our old page, so it will be nice if he could put us back on wiki, thanks
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