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(24 Nov 11, 10:53AM)Lantry Wrote: step 1: find something sticky
step 2: stick it to the center of your screen
Wow! now you have a crosshair for ALL your weapons, including sniper!
What you don't have, though, is the ability to quickly or automatically change the position of anything you have sticking to your screen.
Yes I've heard sevreral people doing stuff like that. (The best one being whiteboard marker.)
But most people would not go to the bother for a crossair that will miss some of the time anyway.
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What about this:

We allready have to add a "reason" to kick people even when it's really rare to see a good reason in many servers, i was asking to myself the other day if it was possible to do this:

Example : /kick 6 "Speed Hack" ----> if the vote passes or an admin votes this to create a report in a separated log area, and download the demo with a new name to go with the report even if you do not host the server. something like this:

cn 6: =ByE=Plenas
kicked by server operator
reason: Speed Hack
Date of kick: 78/56/9000
Demo name: plenas_ac_mines.dmo

And add a series of default reasons to do that, like cheating or racism and stuff.
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(24 Nov 11, 11:28AM)jAcKRoCk* Wrote: What about this:

We allready have to add a "reason" to kick people even when it's really rare to see a good reason in many servers, i was asking to myself the other day if it was possible to do this:

Example : /kick 6 "Speed Hack" ----> if the vote passes or an admin votes this to create a report in a separated log area, and download the demo with a new name to go with the report even if you do not host the server. something like this:

cn 6: =ByE=Plenas
kicked by server operator
reason: Speed Hack
Date of kick: 78/56/9000
Demo name: plenas_ac_mines.dmo

And add a series of default reasons to do that, like cheating or racism and stuff.

This is a good idea. +1
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Hm, I can see that being abused should that be implemented though
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Hitsound in demos.
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it's already implemented on the SVN (though i forgot to update the changelog which is now done)
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For the sake of modellers could we convert the whole bunch of mapmodels to md3?
It's been explained in a few threads the problem when importing md2s to different 3D programs (like Blender and MilkShape3D) that the models are not being centred on the axis so since we are all now working with md3 we may as well shift to this format.
I am totally willing to convert these models if you guys agree to that.

I'll bet a_slow_old_man will also be there to fix that for us.
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I don't know if these are ideas for the official Assault Cube or scripts for it but I think it is a considerable idea for bots to spawn with a "mentality" for the duration of their spawns (E.G. in the future, if bots ever support CTF, a bot will "choose" between defense and offense based mainly on team scores and other bots behavior choice)

A somewhat humorous/strange idea would be if the bots talked sometimes, like if you headshot one it has a 10% chance of saying "Nice shot" and if your team wins some bots will say "good job team". Or even, "I'm on your team, man!"

I wish I didn't have to type the bots name to kick them. Client number seems much more convenient. /kickbot 5

I think the [TAB] that scrolls through player names should also work when you have existing commands/text typed, or at least when you are in [Y] team chat, so you can talk to a certain member of your team without the enemy team knowing (I know pm will be added with the release of the new AC)
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(28 Nov 11, 12:05AM)Felix-The-Ghost Wrote: ...

1. The bots are still too far away from playing CTF to consider that. While they DO change weapons in the next version (which adds a bit of difficulty to them), they still run and jump around with no sense of direction.

2. I'd just find that annoying.

3. Very good idea.

4. Another good idea, it's the one thing I hate about my IRC client. ._.
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Oh heck, we should have a completely separate thread for all the changes bots need.
For #3 there is "kickbots" in tools.cfg :D
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Bots just jump around with no sense of direction... That's pretty much what I do every time I play lol.
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Well from what I've does with waypoints manually placed (with long paths and limited forks) the bots do have a sense of direction, and make it to the enemy base in fact.

The bots voice com idea could be optional (talking bots) and for the annoying factor that's why I proposed a small chance and not every single time. I think talking bots would make me feel less lonely ;P (I also seems like it might be easy enough to script with the new SVN commands.)
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I agree, with a small chance of activating, it'd make for more variety while avoiding player-irritation.
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maybe have a way to automatically grab data about when an entity is picked up so that a timer could be made with cube script
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SVN: native alias onPickup
Coming soon to an AssaultCube near you!
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An option (only available with /mastermode 2) that would players to vote for a "pause" when a player disconnected. During that pause frags/deaths/flags would not be counted and the match time would freeze.
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(01 Dec 11, 03:58PM)titiPT Wrote: An option (only available with /mastermode 2) that would players to vote for a "pause" when a player disconnected. During that pause frags/deaths/flags would not be counted and the match time would freeze.

Agreed ^^
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maybe being hit by a sniper could cause a slight movement delay?
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(01 Dec 11, 10:46PM)Vermi Wrote: maybe being hit by a sniper could cause a slight movement delay?

actually a good idea!
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I like this idea, but not with a sniper damage of anything higher than 80. My only reservation about this is how kooky/unrealistic it seems, but I think it would help balance as the sniper player could get the pistol shots in easier.
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Should this then be added to every weapon? Getting hit from a sniper isn't all too different from taking a burst of fire from the smg or AR.
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(02 Dec 11, 02:32AM)Thorite Wrote: Should this then be added to every weapon? Getting hit from a sniper isn't all too different from taking a burst of fire from the smg or AR.

yes but it's a sniper it can't shoot that fast, it just seems like it might balance the sniper well, then maybe snipers could fend off making them better in 1v1 situations, just an idea man.
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I would just like to point out what this says about the sniper rifle's ability to fit into AC's gameplay (that we need to give it it's own special effects just to balance). :P
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I'm not so sure if I would like the movement delay, if that was done all you'd have to do is shoot and since the enemy won't be able to move for a second or two, the sniper can just waste his pistol clip on a non-moving target...
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(02 Dec 11, 03:52AM)|BC|Wolf Wrote: I'm not so sure if I would like the movement delay, if that was done all you'd have to do is shoot and since the enemy won't be able to move for a second or two, the sniper can just waste his pistol clip on a non-moving target...

i said a slight movement delay, not no movement
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Pushback already makes a slight "movement delay" upon hits. It could be increased for specific weapons of course.
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I got an idea for CS: what about custom namespaces, so that you don't have to worry about different scripts conflicting with each other? I think it's a good idea! (If implemented well)
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That'd save me a lot of trouble.
It could be implemented with a slight adjustment to the [cubescript]scriptcontext[/cubescript] command.
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What about the ability to cancel the vote? Maybe bind it to F3?
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I think that has been mentioned before, though it should definitely be done!
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