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Not sure if this has been mentioned already. I noticed this on SF and agreed.

Would really help with production of singleplayer maps for 1105.
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Exodus... DEFINITELY AGREE... I think...

Tempest, I was referring to the previous discussion... apologies for vagueness...

How 'bout a mayday caller? So if on LOW ammo or health... automatically emits a call to other teammates for assistance; or can be triggered, with a radio item, or pressing a key.

Also a specs: When you rollover a teammate, you can quickly see their health and (ammo on) their current weapon...
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You can se the current weapon on all players, ammo and health are kinda irrelevant if you ask me, only usefull in cm, however the "mayday" thing it's really not that a good idea, you can alwas look at the map, and many people use it to know where they're teammates are.

Wolfbr: Adding any more new weapons needs indeed, to modificate the current weapons Again, since te new weapon needs to e balanced with all the others, we've bees dealing with this since 1.1 came out, because a new weapon has been added.

Making a new weapon it's changing the whole game, it isn't just add this or that a super ultra mega shotgun that nukes all the players, a rockett launcher will modify the gameplay forever, since most maps are "small" this wouldn't really help, although I really like the skins for the arms.

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A cube mapmodel, for All kinds of different things (Second Floors, Floating Platforms(Small ones), and other things).
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(25 May 11, 10:47PM)Duckett Wrote: A cube mapmodel, for All kinds of different things (Second Floors, Floating Platforms(Small ones), and other things).

In certain circles this is called the "platform" mapmodel.
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RE the cube idea: I think he was talking about a smaller cube (e.g. 2x2x2), so that you could make more defined shapes than you can with the 8x8x1 platform. My suggestion: use the cardboard box, it is approximately 2x2x2 i think. Or, install blender and make a cube. It's easier than you would think, especially since blender starts with a cube when you open it XD
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Different sizes for platforms would be great, even letting us do it like: /mapmodel n L W H, would be awesome :)
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Why not just make a textured clip entity like I've been crying for ages for? You're going to have to clip those mapmodels anyway.
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(26 May 11, 01:30AM)Mael Wrote: Why not just make a textured clip entity like I've been crying for ages for? You're going to have to clip those mapmodels anyway.

that is a ridiculously good idea. Just one addendum: these new clips would have to block bullets (which i think they would do already; something about bullets being based on LOS?) and block nades, otherwise they would just become the newest feature on @camper maps.
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Idea (might be weapon balance, but idk): Remove the sniper smoke trails. What's the point in sniping if you can't stay hidden?
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(30 May 11, 02:47AM)VenteX Wrote: Idea (might be weapon balance, but idk): Remove the sniper smoke trails. What's the point in sniping if you can't stay hidden?
In my opinion, only a scattering amount of snipers in AC truly use the sniper as a "hide and shoot" weapon, mainly because of the fast-paced gameplay (most of these players are newcomers). What you may consider sniping in games like CoD and such, is very different than the sniping done in AC, where snipers usually shoot while moving.
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I'll say it again: death entity.
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Ghost mode :DDD
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Brett. If you aren't able to claim admin if someone else has it, what would you do if, say, you gave admin to the wrong player by accident and he kick/bans everyone. If he still has admin you can't connectadmin and ban him.
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(30 May 11, 02:17PM)Brett Wrote: - pf for becoming an arena mode (like the survivor) and a team-pf
- maps previews should be maps overviews, with captions to indicate the bases
- /whisp cn msg (private msg command) and /wa for quick answer
- unability to claim admin if someone already claimed it, need to wait him to drop or give it

been already asked and would hardly come out :
- team lss

i'd say, team pf why not, but i'm afraid that team lss rounds would all be the same...
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- Make fences and window bars behave consistently (the fences allow bullets to pass very randomly -- it would be better to allow all bullets to pass but to reduce their damage by some proportion; the hitbox for the window bars seems too large)
- Allow players to disable their own gun sounds (just like they can disable their footsteps)
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(30 May 11, 09:04PM)Roflcopter Wrote: the hitbox for the window bars seems too large

I've always wondered about that. When I first started playing the game, I would try and throw grenades through the big window at the top of CLA base in desert3, and every time they would come bouncing right back. Eventually I stopped trying, but it wasn't until I learned mapping and how clips work that I figured out why. The mapmodel clip itself can easily be corrected by editing the config, but most maps that have windows like this also put additional clips over the window. Why?
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Maybe so that you can't throw grenades through them? ...
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(31 May 11, 04:12AM)Lantry Wrote: I've always wondered about that. When I first started playing the game, I would try and throw grenades through the big window at the top of CLA base in desert3, and every time they would come bouncing right back. Eventually I stopped trying, but it wasn't until I learned mapping and how clips work that I figured out why. The mapmodel clip itself can easily be corrected by editing the config, but most maps that have windows like this also put additional clips over the window. Why?

This explains the problem well. Bullets pass through barred windows fine, but grenades don't.
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It has to deal with the clipping. Bullets get stopped by visual things, grenades get stopped by physical things. A clip is a physical thing, a plclip is a half physical thing that doesn't stop it. Desert3 was made long before plclip time, so maybe you can ask Nieb(?), if he can make them plclips.
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(01 Jun 11, 12:08AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: It has to deal with the clipping. Bullets get stopped by visual things, grenades get stopped by physical things. A clip is a physical thing, a plclip is a half physical thing that doesn't stop it. Desert3 was made long before plclip time, so maybe you can ask Nieb(?), if he can make them plclips.

Except the problem here is, the bars are so close to each other that the mapmodel's builtin clipping would stop grenades. The mapmodel would have to be modified.

EDIT: Lantry got it right. This post now contains reminiscences of failure.
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the mapmodel clip isn't determined by the model, it is in the config for the map. A similar thing is done with fences: they are clipped with radius of 1 instead of a radius of 0, though there are a few that do it "properly" (ac_werk comes to mind). As for plclips, you don't even need to use them (although you may want to just for robustness) you merely need to edit one character in the config file so that the bars are clipped more correctly, which leads me to believe that tempest is correct and that they just didn't want grenades being thrown through.
However, I would like to suggest that the default map config is changed to more accurately clip these bars.
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I would like to be able to control the size of the screenshots taken by AC (dimensions, not file size) i.e. a float, probably between 1 and .1 or something, and your screenshots would be scaled accordingly before it saves them.
This would save me (and probably a lot of other people) a decent amount of time, as you usually have to or want to resize images before uploading, but you rarely need a pic the size of your screen.
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I would like a "shoot-through" entity, which allows one to designate areas (in the same way as the current clip entities work) where bullets won't be stopped by geometry. This would allow one to make, say, wooden doors that won't stop high-calibre sniper bullets. Could also make an interesting anti-camp tool.

I would only give this ability to the sniper and possibly AR/carbine, though.
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If you are going to wallbang all guns should be able to do it
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(04 Jun 11, 11:57PM)Lantry Wrote: I would like to be able to control the size of the screenshots taken by AC (dimensions, not file size) i.e. a float, probably between 1 and .1 or something, and your screenshots would be scaled accordingly before it saves them.
This would save me (and probably a lot of other people) a decent amount of time, as you usually have to or want to resize images before uploading, but you rarely need a pic the size of your screen.

VenteX and I were talking about this on IRC and I figured out a way (even though its clunky) to do this with CS.
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I don't think Myke posted this here:
MykeGregory Wrote:i have an idea that could change AC a little bit.

Now currently when you look at a teamamte you will see his/her nick in the bottom left corner of your screen.
Who thinks it would be cool to have the nick, health and armor status on screen aswell.

This would be good as it will let you know straight away what your teamates need and could be used to prioritise certain tactics in CM's

The downsides? the amount of space onscreen would become limited so it would have to be shorted to their nick, an armor symbol and health symbol with corrsponding numbers.
an option to turn these stats on and off would be needed too.

good idea?
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@ Lantry:
Using CubeScript, you can change your screen size immediately before and after the screenshot. Unfortunately, in order to actually apply these changes to the screenshot, you have to do a resetgl which can take over 5 seconds on some maps and with some computer systems (and the fact that it varies so widely is its own disadvantage).
In case you're still interested in such a time-consuming process, (Ninjas VenteX-san and Viper-san, does it look like this? XD)
alias rscr [
tmp_scr = (concat $scr_w $scr_h)
scr_w (*f $arg1 $scr_w)
scr_h (*f $arg1 $scr_h)
sleep 5500 [screenshot]
sleep 5550 [
  scr_w (at $tmp_scr 0)
  scr_h (at $tmp_scr 1)
// rscr .625
// makes a screenshot 62.5% as big as your current screen size
Using that, if you start finding the startscreen as screenshots, you'll want to increase the sleeps until you get the desired result.
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I don't doubt that you would be able to do it with cs, but i'm sure it would be much less clunky if it was an integrated feature.
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Done ;)
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