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1V1 Douze OSOK
Hey, So ive been wondering lately ive vsed people at school with my trackpad and have came 1st overall i either get headshots or gib people, now i was wondering if anyone would be up for a game of OSOK? just pm me when you want too vs me and ill give you my msn.
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HF GL but I don't play osok much :)
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ok :)
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i can 1on1 u in douze osok if u want
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Osok is my favorite gamemode
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1v1 ok add my msn alex [at] habtreasure [dot] com and its my favourtie gamemode too !

(Mod edit: disguised to fool spambots)
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I had a recent game boi it was one of the best games ive ever played ! guess what the scores were?
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Nah like 17-16
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Lol 17-16 is not good
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It could, Ash. Thinking that it probably was really tight which made it good, lol?
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that's what she said
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*drum roll*
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Looks like ac now it's only OSOK and CTF on Douze, i used to like the map, now it's just lame any ways have fun :)
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(22 Dec 10, 09:49AM)|BC|Wolf Wrote: It could, Ash. Thinking that it probably was really tight which made it good, lol?

it was tight

(22 Dec 10, 03:34PM)DES|V-Man Wrote: that's what she said

thats not what she said?

(24 Dec 10, 10:20AM)jAcKRoCk* Wrote: Looks like ac now it's only OSOK and CTF on Douze, i used to like the map, now it's just lame any ways have fun :)

yeah im starting too like ac_scafford and desert for osok for some reason :S
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