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Weapon Balance and Gameplay Discussion
If you need 10 bullets to kill someone with the SMG, it means all your opponents have grabbed armour before you have or your aim is really off.
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Sarson, the smg never did 10 damage per shot. It used to do 16, then 15, and currently we are testing with 15 1/2.

Makes 7 shots to an unarmored opponent in the current SVN to kill him.
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mmm looks like it can't be tested on my mac U_U
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Ya were is the SVN for macs xD
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Well, when I want to, I compile my own copy. The maker of mac binaries doesn't want to compile mac bins for every svn update, so I doubt you will get update mac bins ever.
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when's is officialy out?
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(03 Dec 10, 04:40PM)CicloN Wrote: when's is officialy out?

When they fix shotgun and sniper and SMG and AR and carbine.
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don't tell me that AR won't be the most powerful weapon anymore.

If not, this game will go down. Cuz u've changed it, and now AGAIN? Shotguns, i understand.

But there are people in the game who have practice a LOT with AR. And now those skill will be - 0?

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(04 Dec 10, 04:30PM)SiL3nT Wrote: OMG!

don't tell me that AR won't be the most powerful weapon anymore.

If not, this game will go down. Cuz u've changed it, and now AGAIN? Shotguns, i understand.

But there are people in the game who have practice a LOT with AR. And now those skill will be - 0?

AR won't be changed much. Just a bit more kickback (i think). Plus it didn't require much skill to master it. & your english is broken.
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(04 Dec 10, 04:30PM)SiL3nT Wrote: But there are people in the game who have practice a LOT with AR. And now those skill will be - 0?


I practised a lot with the 1.0 smg.
I use smg in 1.1.
Wait a minute...

Are you saying my 1.1 skills are zero?

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We'll simply have to train with the AR again, Sil3nt :)
Hopefully it won't be changed so damn much, so we won't start from 0.
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The game, of necessity, changes every time the version changes.
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(04 Dec 10, 04:30PM)SiL3nT Wrote: OMG!

don't tell me that AR won't be the most powerful weapon anymore.

If not, this game will go down. Cuz u've changed it, and now AGAIN? Shotguns, i understand.

But there are people in the game who have practice a LOT with AR. And now those skill will be - 0?

But there are people in the game who have practice a LOT with sniper. And now those skill will be - 0?
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I'm still yet to see any change to the overpower of the AR, In reality it should be a bit weaker than the other guns seeing as you have the huge advantage of rifle jumping.

If you compare it against the smg currently, they take 5 and 7 shots to kill respectively, but in those 5 shots, the AR does 120 damage,with the SMG only 105. This means that even if you have just 4 damage taken off, you will be killed by the AR in 4 shots.

Also as I mentioned in an earlier post, with 100-100 it takes ~7 AR shots to kill, but 12 SMG shots to kill, almost double.

Of course taking into account that the AR has a slower time, it still seems largely to be much favourable, I don't think people seem to take into account what a huge advantage rifle jumping is on an open map, weapons should have perks and downfalls, such as the sniper being able to HS, the AR has the rifle jump, this means in hand to hand combat it should be a bit weaker than some of it's rivals imo.
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I agree castiel it needs some nerf. :P
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Silent thing he is on marreira level at 1.0 with smg...
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I have an idea concerning hitboxes. maybe if we had an upper torso and lower torso hitbox, it would fix up the sniper without raising damage to a one shot one pistol kill. maybe one shot one kill to the head, even when armored, a one shot kill to the upper torso only when unarmored, and how its been for the lower torso, limbs.

I was thinking the upper torso could end either around the collar bone area, or midway through the sternum.
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I dont think thats a good idea, ActionGoose.

You would have nearly one half of the playermodel you could hit to kill with one hit (if unarmoured), which makes spawn killing pretty damn easy!
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If you feel your skills are going to get to 0 you don't have skills at all, it's just a matter of practice and adjust, like we the snipers once you have some practice you can still be good, your skills are there, you just need to polish them a bit :) (still can't wait for the 1.0 feel of the sniper :P)
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"skill" is another term that describes adaptability.
If you can't adapt to a change, maybe your skill isn't really skill, but muscle memory.
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might be interesting to add more fireinterval and damage for smg, AR, and pistol.
reason: the ammunition these weapons end up very fast compared with the carbine.

more fireinterval and damage for smg, ar and pistol.
the sniper would have an extra clip.
currently the only weapons they possess are a lot of ammunition: carbine and pistol
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A way to perhaps make the AR a bit closer to the rest of the guns, perhaps drop his damage by 2 to 18, or increase its 'spread' when the player sprays because atm, they can spray in 1 straight line ;)
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I like Shorty's idea, increase the spread a little bit and less damage may be usefull
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i like the svn, and also the new suggestions about increasing the AR's spread. The AR still is most powerful weapon on the new ac since if you count any damages, realistic accuracies and features like the powerboost together.
Also i want to mention that some ppl are against the sniper's 1sniper+1pistol kill. You should have on mind that we probably do not hit the enemy at the first snipershot and then we probably do not hit the enemy with the first pistol shot...
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Some do, like me ;)
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:P you sniper god
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Don't increase the AR spread. It's "bad" enough already. Why do you want to have more random chance and less skill in AC?
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hum, probably i shouldn't say anything about the AR, my experience with automatic weapons is zero.
On the other hand in my opinion on ac 1.1 (the svn is not included) the sniper and AR are not at same level since the 1sniper+1pistol kill has been removed.
btw the killnumbers are already decreased by all the helmet pickups and stronger armour itself according to 1.0
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(06 Dec 10, 05:02AM)wolfbr Wrote: more fireinterval and damage for smg, ar and pistol.

Pistol's rate of fire is 160ms. If anyone can fire the pistol over 6 times per second in the middle of a game they sure as hell deserve whatever damage they may inflict. Not to mention it still has to be aimed, and if there's any doubt that one could achieve 6.25 shots per second it doesn't make sense to reduce it.
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