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Weapon Balance and Gameplay Discussion
(20 Nov 10, 11:08PM)makkE Wrote: Update for all who struggled with the changes in scoped mousefeel:

You can now decide wich feel to use, 1.0 or 1.1 feel. Command is "scopesensfeel" in svn.
We also brought back the simple "scopesens" command, wich overrides automatic scaling and lets you set your scoped sens as you wish. Sorry for the inconvenience caused, if I had witnessed that code was changed about sensitivity, I would have not allowed it in the first place without making sure the feel would stay exactly the same.

The source now has proper 15 1/2 damage sub, but no bins tonight.

i got some issues with the sensitivity

in 1.0 i had a different feeling with the whole sensitivity (w/ all weapons) which never gave me problems to track targets, but in 1.1 i got really much struggle to track anything that moves around the screen (used the same sensitivity ofc).

i dont know if is just me, but i tried mouse filter setting and still not sure of what is supposed to do to have the old control that i had.

seeing all this of mouse accel,sensitivity,filter i dont know how to bring back the same control as before. were 1.0 sensitivity values changed in some way?

PD: doesnt seem to be a mouse problem since the mouserate i used show stable hz and nothing strange.
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Allow me to quote two of the most experienced sniper players here:

Quote:12:46 <@DES|Robtics> but tbh i think the sniper should go down to 80 dmg again
12:46 <+carl|oNe|glass> yeah
12:46 <+carl|oNe|glass> pistol made it fine
12:46 <+carl|oNe|glass> dont need to add both
12:46 <@DES|Robtics> yup
12:46 <@DES|Robtics> we would be going backwards as we would have the old
sniper/pistol combo

carl|oNe|glass is the Undead troll btw.
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we'll i played with bots on . Sniper damage is too much , and pistol have 10 bullets , maybe 75 damage on sniper and 10 bullets on pistol should be fine
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(21 Nov 10, 03:54PM)CicloN Wrote: we'll i played with bots on . Sniper damage is too much , and pistol have 10 bullets , maybe 75 damage on sniper and 10 bullets on pistol should be fine

75 would render the sniper pretty much useless(imo), it would just be a carbine with the added bonus of possible headshots. The bots can't do a pistol sniper combo(although i'm not 99% sure :P), you should try it in proper gameplay, now that the unscope has more spread, it's harder for a sniper to hit without scoping, often giving other players an advantage, also correct me if i'm wrong, but the pistol is now less accurate so if they are just spamming from distance, it's less likely to kill you.

I think the damage is fine, but I think having a helmet/25 armour should protect you from 1 sniper shot + pistol, making it 2 pistol shots. It would still be fairly easy for the sniper but gives the opponent a bit more of an advantage(this is all coming from an smger :))

P.s I'm not meaning to sound like a douche, i'm just saying what I think from having played it with other people :P
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The unscoped sniper has had THE SAME SPREAD since 0.9.
All that changed is the head hitbox.
The Pistol is MORE accurate in 1.1

If you followed this thread, you'd know we are trying out less unscoped spread for the sniper to make up for the now accurate head hitbox a little.


If you are playing the current SVN of today, 21th Nov,

DO NOT BOTHER TO TEST THE SHOTGUN - we are in the process of re-coding the way it works. This is a work in progress, and there have been no final damage values and other possible tweaks done. It is most probably unbalanced.

We will hopefully starting to test with proper values very soon, but don't bother for now.
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(21 Nov 10, 04:24PM)makkE Wrote: The unscoped sniper has had THE SAME SPREAD since 0.9.

Don't bother, they just won't (try to) understand it.
I looked it up once, and I think the last change was around 2007.
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Hello :)
I think:
Sniper back to 85 damage
Do something about AR jumping, it's extremely overpowered in the right hands.
SMG/shotty seem fine
I'm not a big fan of the carbine at all so I don't really know what to say about that one.
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i think, go back to the same weapons balance as .93. You realize you had a dynamite game before, if it aint broke dont fix it.
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(22 Nov 10, 04:43AM)adam Wrote: i think, go back to the same weapons balance as .93. You realize you had a dynamite game before, if it aint broke dont fix it.

seriously? thats retarded

i played Kirin in a few 1v1's on NZ SVN trunk and everything seemed perfect, other than the shotgun ofc
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i have a question where can i test the SVN??? is it wotking for mac?
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" <@DES|Robtics> we would be going backwards as we would have the old
sniper/pistol combo" There is nothing wrong with going backwards if it is for the better, take AR for example it used to have a 20clip in one of the older version but now we have reverted for the better (i hope).

btw.. adam first played .93 while 1.0 was out..
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my ping is so bad in the server :P

anyway i test a little and i like, I hope to test some more today!!!

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XFA: but the old sniper pistol combo was too strong, I think the sniper is perfect the way it is now.
The 15 bullet clip of the "MTP-37" (AR, for the unarmeds reading this :P) in 104 didnt work out so it changed for the better again, and so did the sniper with the release of 1101.
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Current win binaries: http://www.ac-news.tk/bin_win32_5928.zip
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We playtested a little today with 15,5 SMG damage.

panda SMG vs sister AR

then we played my AR vs his SMG
then my AR vs his (bad) sniper

my sniper vs pwnage smg http://stashbox.org/1033496/20101122_22....ert_DM.jpg

my sniper - Atri smg

my ar - Atri sniper:

Maybe you can make something of these screens. I haven't played much sniper in 1.1 (almost none), so I'm certainly better with AR atm. But I think sniper is very strong vs. unarmored. Even if you don't hit the 1st shot you have a decent chance of getting your kill. Also I think SMG is too adversely affected by armor (or AR and sniper are not affected enough). Didn't test the other guns, except pistol, which is very nice now. But I can say that all the guns tested feel powerful enough in the right situation and playing was a lot of fun and I'd like to play more 2:2 and 3:3 games and obviously it would be great to have a pub-like test with 10 or more players.

This was fun too, I played AR but I don't remember the others' guns. And Atri came in later to replace Crema on my team.

Oh and akimbo is still at 10 shots.
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For that last match, I used mostly SMG and AR. They both felt fine. I had 5 or 6 kills in a row and plowed right through you two because you slipped with the armour and I stocked up (though I failed the rest of the game). It looks bad but with such a skill gap it's hard to tell. At least my score isn't getting any worse with you panda.
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I like Panda's idea of a primary weapon for grenades, but that's something for the future. In the meantime however I am offering to send the devs 2 cases of their favorite drink in exchange for putting nade pickups back to 2.
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Hello and thank you very much to the DEVs for all your work on AC..
It is my favorite game.!

Here's my feedback IMHO...

The new version, game play is faster(nice), maps look sharper.
Nice add-on kill messages, Nice new voice commands..
I like allot of these new features... thanks!
The Carbine is a neat addition...

1.0 Server is now gone... :(
It seems we are FORCED into playing 1.1 if we want to play AC...
I would like to keep playing both versions until the new version has the same feel/timing to me as the old version...

If you no longer want to support Version 1.0
Maybe add the new woop master server to the servermap.cfg for the 1.0 versions download... So, newer people can use it and play it after downloading.. We can play what we like right? I heard some nasty rumor about being blacklisted by DEV members if you are caught still using the older version? :-O

IMO - Ammo, Health and Armour Spawns seem to take longer, getting 3 nades takes forever if you are waiting on them to reappear...

As a player who solely uses shotgun,(no "noob" comments from the peanut gallery)
I find it WAY HARDER to compete against spraying guns... I use to be able to zig zag up to an AR or SMG player & shoot them in the face BOOM they are dead. Not easily but it was possible.. I can't run from them now either, they seem to hit me from around the corner with their fast spray, thought it was LAG but it happens allot...with no sign of LAG.. They just spray and I can't even get close or run, no matter how much amour I have... Their spread seems bigger now & shoots further and the shotgun spread seems smaller, but might shoot further now "not sure".
Now ONLY VERY accurate head or body shotgun shots hit... Seems like I can't shoot them in the face and kill them at point blank range like I use to..they still live..

in 1.0 If you had a nade in your hand, button pressed ready to throw and got killed before throwing it, it would still go off.. Since you pulled the pin.. now you have to throw it/release the mouse button before getting shot for it to still go off?!? The nade spread seems smaller, I use to be able to bounce them off the walls and hit my targets behind me almost every-time, now it falls short allot...

Being very open-minded....
Maybe it's just me?
And I just need more practice timing things on the new version???
But I thought I'd give you a REAL perspective about the shotgun from a shotgun user.. As everyone is saying its so easy to use and has so much more power... NOPE! It is very pale in comparison to what it was because of the enhancements on the other weapons.. IMHO

Keep up the good work....and Thank you!
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"I heard some nasty rumor about being blacklisted by DEV members if you are caught still using the older version? :-O"

Definately just a rumor. We would never do that.
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GingerSnaps! Great to see you in the forum! :D

(24 Nov 10, 11:25AM)GingerSnaps Wrote: I heard some nasty rumor about being blacklisted by DEV members if you are caught still using the older version?
:/ Make sure to stop trusting whoever you heard that from. XD

GingerSnaps Wrote:As a player who solely uses shotgun,(no "noob" comments from the peanut gallery)
I find it WAY HARDER to compete against spraying guns... I use to be able to zig zag up to an AR or SMG player & shoot them in the face BOOM they are dead.
Not against me. :-P
But seriously, if you practice with the new feel for a while, you'll see why it's the most popular weapon in 1.1. Mostly the issue being brought up is that the shotgun is more powerful than it used to be. Your perspective is unique.

GingerSnaps Wrote:Their spread seems bigger now & shoots further and the shotgun spread seems smaller, but might shoot further now "not sure".
The spread is the same size, but the equations that determine the random paths of each pellet have made the center area more damaging. This means that, rather than being able to shoot "farther," the concentration of the pellets is tighter at a distance, meaning the same damage is now available a little farther out.

GingerSnaps Wrote:Since you pulled the pin.. now you have to throw it/release the mouse button before getting shot for it to still go off?!?
Pretty sure that trick still works the same way. Though, I often feel as though that stupid pin just won't come out fast enough... XD

Again, nice to see you in the forum! Stick around!
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(24 Nov 10, 11:25AM)GingerSnaps Wrote: As a player who solely uses shotgun,(no "noob" comments from the peanut gallery)
I find it WAY HARDER to compete against spraying guns...
No way. Shotty rocks, more than ever before. (speaking as a shotgun player myself)

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(24 Nov 10, 06:09AM)MorganKell Wrote: I like Panda's idea of a primary weapon for grenades, but that's something for the future. In the meantime however I am offering to send the devs 2 cases of their favorite drink in exchange for putting nade pickups back to 2.

F1 for putting nade pickups back to 2.
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Just get two nades before entering the enemy's base...lol
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(24 Nov 10, 10:08PM)etch Wrote:
(24 Nov 10, 06:09AM)MorganKell Wrote: I like Panda's idea of a primary weapon for grenades, but that's something for the future. In the meantime however I am offering to send the devs 2 cases of their favorite drink in exchange for putting nade pickups back to 2.

F1 for putting nade pickups back to 2.

F2 for putting nade pickups back to 2.
There are quite enough nades flying around as is in public servers. And the nade spammers annoyance has been 99% solved.

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Shotgun is still a little bit overpowered. Almost every game on every map its constant. All you really here is one shotgun, and the occasional sniper rifle bleating as they are devoured by the hungry shotgun noobs.

The AR isnt too bad but maybe take a few rounds out of the clip.

Carbine is a good gun in the right hands, can be combo with pistol a bit too.

Grenades are great if you use them right. I would like to see them populate faster or better to stack up as time goes on. THis would help get rid of some of the camping. In 1.0 if u didnt move you got gibbed.

Sniper is still pretty good the way it is, if u want to make it harder to combo i think it would be fair to give us another bullet or two in the mag. Thats about it.

Armor is good the way it is. I would like to see less noob maps always at the top of the list, but it would be cool to bring some old ones back like dust2 and other maps from cs or dod.

One of the reasons people play this game is probably because they cannot play counter-strike or dod on their machines, so it would be cool to see some of those maps come back into cycle if we are going to let some of the stuff ive been seeing be out there. Why not?
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(24 Nov 10, 11:25AM)GingerSnaps Wrote: If you no longer want to support Version 1.0
Maybe add the new woop master server to the servermap.cfg for the 1.0 versions download... So, newer people can use it and play it after downloading.. We can play what we like right? I heard some nasty rumor about being blacklisted by DEV members if you are caught still using the older version? :-O

1.0.4 is not supported anymore, you're lucky enough to even play with 6-8 people.
Unofficial masterservers have never been supported.
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Your offer is tempting, Morgankell.

Let's see... for 2 boxes of Mouton Rothschild 1945, I will bring 2-nade pickups back.
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yeah , 2-nade pickups :DD
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2 nade pickups
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Nadas should still count as 1 kill, having 3 of them is also great.
Maybe make is so some pickups are 2 and some 1...?
They need to get a bit stronger.

Shotguns are worst, IMO, they are to powerful.
Increase the pelt spread more over distance or lower the power.

The other guns seems fin to me.

Can devs give us a feedback on what they are thinking/doing with
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