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No servers in list
I've downloaded the new version of ac and when I select join server the display comes up with no servers. I've spoken with RK and i'm not blacklisted apparently, what else could it be? Nothing comes up saying "something or other has been blocked" so I'm assuming it not a firewall problem.

Anyone have any ideas?
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does it say "master server not responding" in the top left hand corner?

also, i would check your firewall anyways.
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A new version of AC needs a new firewall exception.
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(26 Oct 10, 08:59PM)JGAN Wrote: does it say "master server not responding" in the top left hand corner?

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then ac cant connect to the internet (in general). check your firewall, connection, etc.
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My connection's good, and turning off my firewall has made no difference
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/maxservpings 10
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still the same :/ Is as0m blacklisted in 1.1? Because I'm in his IP range in 1.04. If so could that be the reason?
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Grayed out servers are bl'ed.
Your problem is different.
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Then what could it be?
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your firewall. your antivirus/anti-shit. windows security center. router firewall. angry ex-wives/girlfriends.

go to terminal (mac/linux) or cmd (windows) and type:
ping masterserver.cubers.net
see if you get a reply. then close that window, open a new one, and then type:
ping assault.cubers.net
and see if you get a reply from there. do either of them give you a reply? how many milliseconds does it take (on average)?
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54 miliseconds for each on average
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:/ i think that means that maybe ac itself is having a problem, not being blocked by a firewall or anything. sorry, but i dont know anything in that area :P

lets play... SLAP A DEV!!
ignore everything up there, it is most likely wrong. lol?
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No problem, I'm just gonna wait to see if some dev can help.
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Quorthon.... your issue is local.
There is nothing we can do for you. Unblock your port 28760.
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I've added port 28760 to the list of exceptions using windows firewall. I tried it as both "UDP" and "TCP" but the problem still remains :(
Maybe I have done something wrong?
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Maybe it is your ISP (or local admin) which is blocking the port... contact them.
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My Dad's ISP, actually, so I don't think i'm going to bother. I'll just stick to playing 1.04 unless the problem sorts itself out. Just out of curiousity, why would an ISP block a port?
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Block certain applications, IDK.
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Er... Wait...
You can play 1.0.4 online, but not I wonder why?
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