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Project Real Assault
Holy heck, the download file is bigger than the AC installer! XD
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LOOL true V-man

EDIT: I hate rapidshare's waiting time :/
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lol, but you coul download from
Mediafire or something else...
This is why I uploaded to multiupload.
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For all teAm members: You can add me by Skype. Just pm me for my skype name.
Nah, ok, you HAVE to add me.
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Ugh... Please don't use those ad sites. Just link to the files directly. Then no one else will "re upload" the files.
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I just want to know how much klicks i got^^
I have 12 msi Downloads and 4 rar downloads^^
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Are you guys serious?

I see nothing, really nothing in your "MOD", which wouldn't have worked with the standard mod feature.

At the moment I'm even wondering whether this re-distribution is license infringement or not...

Four pages of bla bla about nothing. Looks like nobody of the responsible modders did his homework. Poor show.
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Just realized, you've repackaged the entire game, including your autoexec.cfg and saved.cfg files...
Why not just package the "mod" part??
Especially since I can't figure out which parts are modded and which aren't!

Also include a readme file to explain what is modded and how to apply it!
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@mr floppy Yes. Why should we mode the source ? We want the mod to be compatible with the normal servers, without it being cheating. Also the mod is still not finished.
@V man lol, kp dunno xD
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I can't think of a word which could describe this situation better, so all I say is: FAIL!
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Please don't repackage the entire game, some people can't afford to download the game twice.
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Some people don't have the necessary patience to click through all this shit and then wait one hour for an artificially throttled download to finish.
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Agreed, If you put all of your custom stuff into a mod folder, you don't need to modify any source code. You just put your sounds, models, scripts, and etc into a folder dude...
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Ok, we need someone who could make the skins for the weapons, because snake_eye is not able to do this anymore, and I always fail. pls pm me
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That's a really nice pistol model you guys got there.
Also I can say I spent a lot of time nailing perfect headshots on bots in slow motion. :D
Is there any way I can save a demo of a bot deathmatch? I wanna see my slow-mo perfection at full game speed.
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(30 Nov 10, 01:45PM)Mr.Floppy Wrote: Are you guys serious?

I see nothing, really nothing in your "MOD", which wouldn't have worked with the standard mod feature.

At the moment I'm even wondering whether this re-distribution is license infringement or not...

Four pages of bla bla about nothing. Looks like nobody of the responsible modders did his homework. Poor show.

Mr.Floppy = Asshole
Why don't you help instead of being a sad troll?

Mod edit: user warned for abusing another forum user, which is against the forums' rules
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(29 Dec 10, 07:21AM)SnowOak Wrote: Mr.Floppy = Asshole
Why don't you help instead of being a sad troll?

Considering you have just joined the forum you seem a bit over sensitive to Mr Floppy's comment?
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SnowOak - back down... MrFloppy is loved!
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Sorry but even on akimbo i've seen him be mean to other users.
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Hello SnowOak and welcome to the community!
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BestCat im back , i can make skins again :*
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Yay, also the HK416 is ready. Now snake_eye has got to texture REALLY much. lol
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Btw. are there any more screenshots except for the ones in your first post?
I've tried browsing your project-"homepage" But it seems to be... well... "not finished"

Would be nice to have a lil look at your work without downloading the whole thing at a incredible slow internet connection
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actually someone is working on a new website^^ And also I cant make really much screens cuz there are not really much things for screenshots. on the new website you will be able to download every single mod part or model.
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What I'm asking for is just... dunno... pics of the weapons, the playermodels and the pickups. maybe one gui screen and thats it ;P
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untextured guns are ugly, but ok.

Ok uploaded a new screen^^
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