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AC Blacklist Reports
(06 Apr 12, 08:04PM)LySioS Wrote: // Name: PR/an_old_sock
// Ban Reason: edit hack
// Ban Date: 2012.04.06
// Server: #13:37
// IP: (from log, forgot to take a snapshot to prove it)
// Demo: http://lysios.free.fr/AC/TOSOK_~%5bCeW%5d~TwinTowers_2012_2012.04.06_2048.dmo
(from 14 to 12 minutes remaining)
I second this. He and acid were sharing hacks - an edit hack and a knife hack.
Then we played LSS_Brazil on acids server and both hacks were working...
Thanks given by:
// Name: SkinHeadKKK
// Ban Reason: Racist Speech, Racist Nick, Vote abuse.
// Ban Date: 08/4/2012 17:15 APROX
// Server: (no name)
// IP: 178.73.206.x
Images in spoiler
Thanks given by:
//Server !sK^ Clan Server #2
//Ban Date: 09-04-2012
//Reason: I'm on the blacklist of the server for no reason
Proff: http://www.mediafire.com/imageview.php?q...ytfia23e6n
//IP Server: port 28763
I did not play in no game servers !sK ^but want to know the reason for my ban in server, !sK ^!
Thanks given by:
//Name: X-Ray_Dog
//Date: 4/8/12
//Server: [SODA]TOSOK/OSOK server
//Reason: Impersonation
//Ip: http://i44.tinypic.com/16jmyxy.jpg
Thanks given by:
* Name(s) .:Sj*ciao (fake)
* Date/Time 09.04.2012 - 15H57 UTC/GMT +2 hours
* Server : 3inches of Blood - clan server
* Demos/Screenshots of the offense(s). [Image: 32647720120409134245acshineHTF.jpg]
* IP (or a partial IP). 2.233.56.x
* A detailed description of what they did. Fake .:Sj*
Thanks given by:
//Name: GHOSTRIDAA / Derp
//Ban Date: April-10-2012
//Ban Reason: HAck Headshots. Ect
//Server: Ladder {BoB}Dylan
//Ip: 88.66.138.x
//Demo: http://www.mediafire.com/?tiko4ecwu6w6v4y
Thanks given by:
// Name: ~CHG~/BOOBIES
// Ban Reason: Excessive voteabuse
// Ban Date: 12/4/2012 13:30
// Server: [HTN] Clanserver 2
// IP: 62.132.128.x

// Name: ~CHG~/DOC
// Ban Reason: Excessive voteabuse
// Ban Date: 12/4/2012 13:30
// Server: [HTN] Clanserver 2
// IP: 62.132.128.x

// Name: ~CHG~/KUTJE
// Ban Reason: Excessive voteabuse
// Ban Date: 12/4/2012 13:30
// Server: [HTN] Clanserver 2
// IP: 62.132.128.x

They were with like 6 people of their clan voting everyone out of the server when they joined for reasons like: hacker, asdh, neenee etc. Consider also banning the clantag being: ~CHG~/
Thanks given by:
Pi_YesWeCamp, It is possible that they are ALL USING same ip.

And multiple clients at same time also shows that they know what they are doing and they dont care about it.
Thanks given by:
(12 Apr 12, 12:48PM)YesWeCamp Wrote: // Name: ~CHG~/BOOBIES
// Ban Reason: Excessive voteabuse
// Ban Date: 12/4/2012 13:30
// Server: [HTN] Clanserver 2
// IP: 62.132.128.x

// Name: ~CHG~/DOC
// Ban Reason: Excessive voteabuse
// Ban Date: 12/4/2012 13:30
// Server: [HTN] Clanserver 2
// IP: 62.132.128.x

// Name: ~CHG~/KUTJE
// Ban Reason: Excessive voteabuse
// Ban Date: 12/4/2012 13:30
// Server: [HTN] Clanserver 2
// IP: 62.132.128.x

They where with like 6 people of their clan voting everyone out of the server when they joined for reasons like: hacker, asdh, neenee etc. Consider also banning the clantag being: ~CHG~/

They are ~5 friends on the same IP (school)
Thanks given by:
//Name: Jv
//Ban Reason: Tag abuse
//Ban server: hlin.woop.us 7999
//Ban Date: 14 Aprilt, 2012

[Image: report10.jpg]

[Image: report11.jpg]
Thanks given by:
//Name: Jv, brazucas.Jv
//Ban Reason: Ban evasion
//Server: Bold (ferric 1492)
[Image: 20120414180247acscaffol.jpg]
//Ban Date April 14, 2012
Thanks given by:
(12 Apr 12, 02:30PM)Medusa Wrote:
(12 Apr 12, 12:48PM)YesWeCamp Wrote: // Name: ~CHG~/BOOBIES
// Ban Reason: Excessive voteabuse
// Ban Date: 12/4/2012 13:30
// Server: [HTN] Clanserver 2
// IP: 62.132.128.x

// Name: ~CHG~/DOC
// Ban Reason: Excessive voteabuse
// Ban Date: 12/4/2012 13:30
// Server: [HTN] Clanserver 2
// IP: 62.132.128.x

// Name: ~CHG~/KUTJE
// Ban Reason: Excessive voteabuse
// Ban Date: 12/4/2012 13:30
// Server: [HTN] Clanserver 2
// IP: 62.132.128.x

They where with like 6 people of their clan voting everyone out of the server when they joined for reasons like: hacker, asdh, neenee etc. Consider also banning the clantag being: ~CHG~/

They are ~5 friends on the same IP (school)

// Ban Reason: nickname
// Ban Date: 11/4/2012 13:30
// IP:

// Name: Adolfgitler
// Ban Reason: nickname
// Ban Date: 11/4/2012 13:30
// IP:
Thanks given by:
// Name : _______________
// Date : 18 / April / 2012
// Reason : wallhack (see through walls), long knife
// Server : Exodus 24h T-OSOK

// Screen : http://img6.imagebanana.com/img/cjlk8316..._TOSOK.jpg
// Proof : Demo : http://www45.zippyshare.com/v/25639541/file.html

(join's at 7 Minutes remaining)
Thanks given by:
// Name: dafock
// Ban Reason: racist abuse, vote abuse, general abuse to all in server
// Ban Date: 2012.04:21
// Server: Exodus 24h CTF-HTF-KTF
//proof www.ultrapenguin.co.uk/daf1.jpg
// and www.ultrapenguin.co.uk/daf2.jpg

I also have the demo if anyone is remotely interested.

// Added spoiler tag to imgs.
This report is RealViking aka Fredrik* - again...
Thanks given by:
//Name: {BoB}sanslip
//Date: 4/21/12
//Server: [HTN] Clan-Server 1 24/7 & {TyD}Champagne
//Reason: Impersonation
//Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?r18fojy0jhc7yjk , http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd519/DES_mazellan/AssaultCube/20120421-141951-ac_desert3.jpg

Link to demo

Thanks given by:
// Name: =AoW=ShReE/PR
// Ban date: 4-21-12
// Ban reason: Tag abuse
// Proof: [img]http://i42.tinypic.com/34fhfvb.jpg[/img]
Thanks given by:
// Name: pedo
// Ban Reason: excessive TK
// Ban Date: 22/04/2012
// Server: EuroZone by Legendary Cubers
// IP: 212.183.109.x
[Image: 20120422123438acelevati.jpg]
Thanks given by:
// Name: =AoW=$WiNlIn
// Ban date: 4-22-12
// Ban reason:  Tag abuse & Impersonation
// Server: =AoW= Animals of War
// Proof: http://i41.tinypic.com/j0kyo7.jpg
Thanks given by:
// Name: .:Sj*K@zlader
// Ban date: 4-22-12
// Ban reason:  Tag abuse & Impersonation
// Server: .:Sj*Clan server
// ss: http://www.mediafire.com/imageview.php?quickkey=3zdzhw11hyhw41f
// DEMO: http://www.mediafire.com/?wusk398m9s2gwl9
Thanks given by:
Tell if I'm wrong but this guy isn't in DES|, is he?

// Name: DES|.:Sh@rk:.
// Ban date: 4/22/12
// Ban reason: Tag Abuse
// Server: AvitoX.net > OSOK + TOSOK
// Proof: [Image: 20120422221944twintower.jpg]

Thanks given by:
Thanks MerCyKiL, you're right he isn't DES but maybe we should think about it because he sure is dedicated.
Also reported on 25 May '11, 24 June '11 and 28 Jan '12
Thanks given by:
// Name(s): Allibobba, IKillGingers, AKA RealViking.
// Ban Reason: Racist, abusive speach.
// Ban Date: 23/04/2012
// Server: GEMA Server by Borscht
// IP: 83.255.47.x

See This thread for discussion.
EDIT: Thread Closed... Nothing will be done about this shithead.. again. V62 and V41.
Thanks given by:
(23 Apr 12, 07:44AM)Medusa Wrote: Thanks MerCyKiL, you're right he isn't DES but maybe we should think about it because he sure is dedicated.
Also reported on 25 May '11, 24 June '11 and 28 Jan '12

:D no problem. and sorry i didn't see those other entries lol
Thanks given by:
// Name:hitlernigger69
// Ban Reason: Racist nick.
// Ban Date: 25/04/2012
// Server: [GERMAN] .:[No Clan]:. Server - Have Fun - Play fair - No Camping! ;
// IP: 64.75.73.x
[Image: 20120425142022acdesert3.jpg]
Thanks given by:
//Name: Arandrax
//Ban Reason: knife hack
//Ban Date: 2012-04-08
//Server: WUT Public
//Proof: i have got the demo, but since mediafire need an account i wont upload it
//Demo: http://www.26things.com/ac/forum/TDM_ac_...8_1055.dmo

//Name: G2k-One(FR)
//Ban Reason: Speedhack, aimbot, OPK
//In the same demo as above

Mod edit: added demo link, additional cheat and IPs
Thanks given by:
// Name:BigTiTTs
// Ban Reason: Speedcheat
// Ban Date: 28/04/2012 19:20 GMT approx.
// Server: RoxServers.com
// IP:
IP held untill more evidence is found. I can give you the IP via PM if you trust my word but i dont want to post it untill i have propper evidence.

INFO: I was not able to get a demo of the cheats as there were no demos available. This post is more of a heads up for anyone who has more evidence.
Thanks given by:
// Name:[SS]Hitler
// Ban Reason: Racist nick, Team killing, Vote abuse.
// Ban Date: 08:40 GMT approx 29/04/2012
// Server: Exodus 24h CTF-HTF-KTF
// IP: 180.194.159.x
Thanks given by:
//Name: SnIp_HeRoS
//Ban Reason: Speed hax
//Server: hlin (5 i think)
//Proof: The serveur ban his , ask at [Hunt]Al!@s' he see the ban or at sanzo, i don't have other proof
//Ban Date 26/04/2012

And in the same team

//Name: SnIp_XxsniperxX
//Ban Reason: Insult
//Server: Hlin 6
//Ban Date
Thanks given by:
Hello everyone, I just tell you a cheater.

Here are the ip and the demo that proves

Ip :[Image: 20120502_14.33.52...thic_ctf-3422624.jpg]

and Demo :

watching from the 2nd minute demo

thank you all and see you soon
Thanks given by:
Note that this is a grep of the partial IP address provided to me by a reporter -- it should serve to give a picture of what was going on, though. If anyone needs it I can see about providing the relevant logfile.


// Name: R?B (R1B, R2B, etc.)
// 03MAY2012
// Server takeover, vote abuse
// http://db.jack.is/pub/logs/R_B.txt
Thanks given by:
