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AC Blacklist Reports
(29 Jan 12, 03:26AM)Exodus-Player Wrote: // Name : GhostHunter
// Date : 29 / January / 2012
// Reason : Speedhack, Respawnhack (he respawnt after 1 second in ctf mode)
// Server : =AoW= Clan & Match Server

// Screen : http://img802.imageshack.us/img802/564/2...ncityu.jpg
// Proof : Demo : http://www.mediafire.com/?yo87josj323hdai
// Map : neon_city_underwater : http://www.mediafire.com/?exvhy2cj45xjug5

(Join's at 7 Minutes and 3 Minutes remaining)
Heres full ip of the cheater: (got it from ServerLogs

heres my report:
// Name: Dr.Rockzo
// Date: Jan 29 12
// Reason: Vote-abuser
// Server: a BoB ladder server
// Proof: http://i43.tinypic.com/2z6sdnd.jpg
Thanks given by:
* Name(s) used: Dr.Rockzo
* Date/Time (including timezone): 29/01/2012 Approx 6:00pm (Australian Time/EST I guess?)
* Server it occured on (including IP/Port of the server): TUI|BEER|http://ladder.kiwi.ac,
* Demos/Screenshots of the offense(s):
* IP (or a partial IP): (IP is in screenshot, not sure if that's a whole or partial?)
* A detailed description of what they did: I have seen this player in servers before, and they constantly vote to ban people for ridiculous reasons similar to things like "FIGHT_THE_POWER", "DR_ROCKZO_YEAH" or other silly things that are not valid reasons (unfortunately I don't have screenshots of the vote abuse, if I come across him doing it again I will be sure to grab one), and upon telling him what I thought of him and advising him I would be reporting him to be blacklisted he advised me to "DO IT FAGGOT". I lost my cool a bit with this guy and called him an idiot (bad of me I know >.<) but I was fed up with him consistently ruining games. I hope that I have provided enough information to hopefully blacklist this repeat offender. Feel free to request any further information!
Thanks given by:
Mr Fox, he also vote abused, and i posted it above you, thanks for Full ip.
with screenshot of vote abuse
Thanks given by:
// Name: =MyS=Finski92
// Date: Jan 29 12
// Reason: Tag abuse
// Server: EPIC FAIL SERVER & some others i dont remember
// Proof: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/542...sertt.jpg/
// IP: 88.193.87.x

i asked Bunnysoul if this guy was MyS member and he said no so i hereby report this guy

Thanks given by:
// name:*|O$Ok|F3ar
// date: 01/29/12
// reason:Aimbot
// server: SilverCloud Custom Maps #2 - 24/7 GEMAS
// proof:http://www.mediafire.com/?85271l4c77dz7c1

I wasn't really sure about him cheating and that's why I didn't took his ip, but then I decided to look in case. Well, I can't really say its obvious cause he fairly lags time to time in game, but there are some moments where he acts in a pretty weird fashion (I assume he was messing with his settings to see what he could do), most clear example happen about 4-3 minutes left where he just makes 3 headshots in a row sitting on the base. he clearly doesn't seem to have good connection either have good aim and suddenly pull off this odd kills from nowhere, it doesn't feel right for me, if someone can confirm what i am saying it'd be nice as i can't tell is 100% clear to notice.

edit: ip added thanks jg99

Thanks given by:
(29 Jan 12, 02:43PM)Stranz Wrote:
// name:*|O$Ok|F3ar
// date: 01/29/12
// reason:Aimbot
// server: SilverCloud Custom Maps #2 - 24/7 GEMAS
// proof:http://www.mediafire.com/?85271l4c77dz7c1
Couldn't get his ip.

I wasn't really sure about him cheating and that's why I didn't took his ip, but then I decided to look in case. Well, I can't really say its obvious cause he fairly lags time to time in game, but there are some moments where he acts in a pretty weird fashion (I assume he was messing with his settings to see what he could do), most clear example happen about 4-3 minutes left where he just makes 3 headshots in a row sitting on the base. he clearly doesn't seem to have good connection either have good aim and suddenly pull off this odd kills from nowhere, it doesn't feel right for me, if someone can confirm what i am saying it'd be nice as i can't tell is 100% clear to notice.

He is a lagger on SilverCloud(my servers), and heres full IP from logs, just in-case.
- http://us.silvercloud.x10.mx
Thanks given by:
// Name: Des|Godsmack, [SODA].
// Ban date: 2012-01-29
// Ban reason: Abuse tag.
// Ban servers: DES|Baldrick
// Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?3p1np63fcw7cqde
Thanks given by:
//Name: YourSelf....WHY
// Bandate: 1-30-12
// Ban reason: Racism and Abusive language
// Proof: Screenshot http://i41.tinypic.com/k4ec2e.jpg
// Server: =AoW=Coopedit server
Thanks given by:
(22 Nov 11, 03:11PM)YesWeCamp Wrote: // Name: [SS]HITLER, [SS]H!tler, [SS]BigBurrito
//Reason: Nickname
//Server: =ACSF=FRANCE 1
//Date: 22-11-2011
//Ip: 180.194.160.x

This guy is still around. He uses also the name H!tler. Today i tried to ban him (on 5FDP DES Godsmack server) but he evaded the ban because he has a dynamic ip. I banned him several times and he changed his name to Dr.Pepper. Only moments later he changed it into [SS]H!tler again. He is also known as [SS]Bigburrito.

Full Ip screen
Another ip screen

// Maybe will help.
This blocks -

IP Entered = ..................:
CIDR = ........................: /16
Netmask = .....................:
Wildcard Bits = ...............:
Network Address = .............:
Broadcast Address = ...........:
Usable IP Addresses = .........: 65534
First Usable IP Address = .....:
Last Usable IP Address = ......:
Thanks given by:
(29 Jan 12, 08:42AM)MrFox Wrote: * Name(s) used: Dr.Rockzo
* Date/Time (including timezone): 29/01/2012 Approx 6:00pm (Australian Time/EST I guess?)
* Server it occured on (including IP/Port of the server): TUI|BEER|http://ladder.kiwi.ac,
* Demos/Screenshots of the offense(s):
* IP (or a partial IP): (IP is in screenshot, not sure if that's a whole or partial?)
* A detailed description of what they did: I have seen this player in servers before, and they constantly vote to ban people for ridiculous reasons similar to things like "FIGHT_THE_POWER", "DR_ROCKZO_YEAH" or other silly things that are not valid reasons (unfortunately I don't have screenshots of the vote abuse, if I come across him doing it again I will be sure to grab one), and upon telling him what I thought of him and advising him I would be reporting him to be blacklisted he advised me to "DO IT FAGGOT". I lost my cool a bit with this guy and called him an idiot (bad of me I know >.<) but I was fed up with him consistently ruining games. I hope that I have provided enough information to hopefully blacklist this repeat offender. Feel free to request any further information!


My excuses pertained to what users were doing or their names, which were trollable, dumb, and/or occasionally malevolent (AKA I actually had some hackers kicked). I scored 3rd or 4th highest out of 20 if I even put in a little effort. I was not ruining anything: I was calling upon others to ruin it for me. All the yesses were normal people who agreed with my sentiments, and if they were banned, it is not my sole responsibility.

Think about it.

Thanks given by:
// Name: Brendan , W@r~Brendan , |B-G|Brendan|T (he took our tag while we did not put in check after seeing the demo)
//Reason: aimbot
//Server: LaddeR @ {BoB}Marley
//Date: 02-02-2012 //http://i41.servimg.com/u/f41/15/41/28/80/20120210.jpg
//in my forum:http://i41.servimg.com/u/f41/15/41/28/80/brenda10.jpg
Thanks given by:
// Name : tuxwonder7
// Date : 3 / February / 2012
// Reason : kick/ban vote abuse
// Server : DES|5 Finger Death Punch USA.

// Screen : http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/2899/...rostbi.jpg
// Proof : Demo : http://www.mediafire.com/?4j21j6orwp57vnn
// Map : ac_frostbite : http://www.mediafire.com/?f5gf4wi345y8lib

(Beginns at 5 Minutes remaining)
Thanks given by:
// Name:shanet
// Ban date: 2012-03-04
// Ban reason: edit mode cheat
// Ban servers: Ladder @ {BoB} B}Free
// Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?xoc99hx5d0xsw2z

joins 10ish - 9 min remaining
Thanks given by:
// Name : DarkSamus
// Date : 5 / Febuary / 2012
// Reason : jumphack, wallhack (probably more hacks)
// Server : The Theraputic Snipers Home Base

// Screen : http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/4669/...atower.jpg
// Proof : Demo : http://www.mediafire.com/?lvv6li2b5yvwpyr
// Map : MEGATOWERS_BLACK_ED : http://www.mediafire.com/?rgnbwnmgoft4xqa

(Join's at 14 Minutes remaining)
Thanks given by:
// Name: DES|PERROS (fake)
// Ban date: February 5 2012
// Ban reason: Clan tag abuse
// Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/imageview.php?quickkey=vxb93z5opz3zhpz
Screen is the range his in.
This will block -
I do not know if there are any other user in this range.
This clan tag abuser is RealViking, also known as {CoE}fredriK*.

Thx for the email sent to me.
Thanks given by:
//Name: {CoE}fredriK*, |:GoW:|fredriK*
//Ban date: February 5 2012
//Server: {TyD}Pennywise
//Reason: Impersonating DES|PERROS
//Evidence: screenshot, http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd51...y_TKTF.jpg
//Additional info: Fixed IP

Impersonating DES|PERROS and abusive behavior. He has a history of impersonating it seems, he is already bl'ed on BoB-servers (blacklisted on BoB since Dec 17, impersonating Jg99).

Edit: added IP's as he seems to be using proxies sometimes. 188.126... is anonymise proxies. No reason to use such, unless you plan to do something bad or escape a ban.
@YWC's post is an anon-proxy
Thanks given by:
(05 Feb 12, 02:10PM)mazellan Wrote: //Name: {CoE}fredriK*, |:GoW:|fredriK*
//Ban date: February 5 2012
//Server: {TyD}Pennywise
//Reason: Impersonating DES|PERROS
//Evidence: screenshot, http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd51...y_TKTF.jpg
//Additional info: Fixed IP

Impersonating DES|PERROS and abusive behavior. He has a history of impersonating it seems, he is already bl'ed on BoB-servers (blacklisted on BoB since Dec 17, impersonating Jg99).

Dude is hilarious
Thanks given by:
You have a bad sense of humor.

Here is another full ip of this guy in case: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/337...thicc.jpg/
Thanks given by:
Lol, RealViking's a troll/dick through and through, no need to waste your time on him.

Just another Feng imo
Thanks given by:
// Date: 06/02/2012 18:45 GTM Approx
// Reason: Offensive nick, abusive language, team killing.
// Server: [HTN] Clan-Server 1 (24/7)
// IP: 96.255.10.x
//Proof: VVV
[Image: 20120206184917acdesert2.jpg]

Note. The team killing and abusive langauge took part in other games than the one pictured.

Thanks given by:
Reported before here.

Please keep this thread to reports only.
Wanna appeal make a new thread or talk to owners of server you are banned on.
They are the only one how can remove any blacklist from their servers.

Use [split]AC Blacklist Reports, RacistNiggerKKK if you wanna discus this report.
Thanks given by:
Just in case Y'all forgot about the brasilian tosser, here we go again:
// Name: |ED|HGF-ARGAY
// Ban date: 02-06-2012
// Ban reason: Teamkilling, and almost tag abuse...lol
// Server: AssaulCube by LocalStrike
// Proof:  http://www.mediafire.com/?l020uy1j5508jnu
[Image: 20120207022952acdesert2.jpg]

Thanks given by:
// Name: Sj-filhosdaputa and arngtpenis
// Ban date: 02-07-2012
// Ban reason:Insult tag, almost tag abuse.
// Server: .:Sj*Clan server public
// Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/imageview.php?quickkey=qln7xpplx538r86
// Proof:http://www.mediafire.com/imageview.php?quickkey=pvc33540ccc7zkc

// Added code tag and uncommented IP.
Thanks given by:
(07 Feb 12, 11:04PM)PiToN Wrote: // Name: Sj-filhosdaputa and arngtpenis
// Ban date: 02-07-2012
// Ban reason:Insult tag, almost tag abuse.
// Server: .:Sj*Cla server public
// Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/imageview.php?q...pplx538r86
// Proof:http://www.mediafire.com/imageview.php?quickkey=pvc33540ccc7zkc


// Uncommented IP.
Thanks given by:
// Name : noob&PRO
// Date : 8 / February / 2012
// Reason : bad language
// Server : =AoW= Clan & Coopedit Server

// Screen : http://img841.imageshack.us/img841/6808/...iverdr.jpg
// Proof Screen : http://img580.imageshack.us/img580/3359/...iverdr.jpg
Thanks given by:
(08 Feb 12, 04:38AM)Exodus-Player Wrote: // Name : noob&PRO
// Date : 8 / February / 2012
// Reason : bad language
// Server : =AoW= Clan & Coopedit Server

// Screen : http://img841.imageshack.us/img841/6808/...iverdr.jpg
// Proof Screen : http://img580.imageshack.us/img580/3359/...iverdr.jpg

thanks for report, Here's full ip from AoW logs:
Thanks given by:
// Name: -_-
// Ban date: 02-07-2012
// Ban reason: Cheat (extra rifle-jump with SMG)
// Server: [AC Ladder] {TyD}Hazelwood
// Proof:  http://www.mediafire.com/?1njkyun2naku1uf
[Image: 20120208020723apollocas.jpg]
Thanks given by:
// Name: {RoT}Altitude
// Ban date: 2012-02-09 02h19 BoB Dylan server
// Ban reason: cheater headshot snipe(headshot same behind wall) added from {BoB}damtsay
// Proof:http://dylan.ac-ladder.com/Logs/demos/Dylan_CTF_ac_desert3_2012.02.09_0223.dmo (start to cheat at 9 min remaining :) )
Thanks given by:
// Name: -xW-|YnX*
// Date: Feb 07 12
// Reason: Tag-abuser
// Proof: http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg46/scal...res=medium
Thanks given by:
// Name: =Aow=brazzer
// Bandate: 2-9-12
// Ban reason: Tag-abuser
// Server: silvercloud custom maps 24/7 T-OSOK/CTF
// ProoF: http://i42.tinypic.com/5wl1tj.jpg
Thanks given by:
