You guys are at each others throats and its making me sick
(28 Mar 12, 01:58PM).ExodusS* Wrote: IMO ac_cavern is far better.

i don't know if you and Undead tried to make this map fair enough to not have AR players rushing through the map in no time, but if you did, there's a way for them.

even though i am not against AR sprinters, when this comes with a sided map, like desert3 CLA, the difference gets bigger between bases.

for what i see on ac_cavern, RVSF is the stronger side on this map, it does have 2 entrances quite defined and not really big, in other hand, CLA's entrances are quite open (i see the layout and explains why is that way, no problem with that), the left hand entrance and the next room to it and also the other room next to it (where the kevlar is placed) are all looking straight to CLA. The right entrance to it is open as well and there's somewhat another cut trying to separate the rooms, but still, makes it look like a single corridor which again makes it look straight to CLA base from quite some distance, also just outside CLA base there's a path to the left for a helmet on some kind of bridge that leaves you to a room next to the left entrance.

RVSF left entrance have a single room with 2 doors next to each other, well defined and close to the base itself, the left door goes to another room next to the rails, while the other to the middle (here's the problem and i'll explain that later). The right entrance have a crack in a wall with a helmet, not easy to access on, and bit further a left entrance that is somewhat a bridge over the middle corridor (where the nade is placed).

now for the unbalance, RVSF have compact entrances and is not hard to defend them, the crack in the wall with the helmet is just helpful for them, if anybody attempts to come in from the crates (middle path) eventually will fail trying to make the jump and get in or just die before passing through it.

In regard of the offensive, they have the wide entrances to look from far away to CLA base, from the right hand entrance you can escape to the left path with the kevlar and end on left side, as i said both entrances are open, and can be used to sprint and escape quickly, now that isn't the main open area, as i said there was a problem with the middle, and that's it, you can sprint from CLA to RVSF in no time with AR.

Tl;dr is unbalanced.

besides that the map is outstanding and i have no complaints regarding the layout, the lighting and the details on it, but my post was only regarding to the gameplay, so i won't make this post any longer.
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RE: You guys are at each others throats and its making me sick - by Stranz - 28 Mar 12, 03:14PM