You guys are at each others throats and its making me sick
(27 Mar 12, 09:22AM)|HP| Wrote: But if you spend a few months making a good looking map youll get a lot of compliments:D Thats not enough?

Do you know all these maps?:

Well, each maps have a very good looking, some have less good gameplay, but each took me more than 2 months (4 for ac_sylang, 5 for ac_palenque, 6 for ac_warfare) and they are not played.
I can understand that ac_warfare and ac_sylang are not played at all, the gameplay isn't that good (ac_palenque = costom contents too) but for ac_cavern ac_swamp sorry but i don't understand, we worked so many hours with Undead only for a good gameplay, each bases are as fair as we can do cause we made our best for the gameplay and for a fair game on each maps, and it's not enought.
I made a lot of maps, think i'm not a bad mapper but i don't know the secret to make an official map.
If we compare elite new maps with ac_snow/ac_aqueous/ac_toxic/ac_keller we can say that they had a bad evolution with new versions and they don't fit anymore with the new gameplay and weapon balance.

Btw: when mappers make maps, it's not to be complemented.
Btw2: I read all the entire post, i'm agree for the "global map idea" but i must assume that we must change the weapon balance just because we can still say (after more than 1 year playing the 1.1) "it was better before".

*It's hard to make a good weapon balance but it's impossible to make all existing maps fit with the weapon balance evolution.*

Sry bad keyboard.
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RE: You guys are at each others throats and its making me sick - by ExodusS - 27 Mar 12, 10:59AM