You guys are at each others throats and its making me sick
* Snoosnoo applauds the speech, and then Undead.

Such a point. Mappers aren't gonna produce high quality maps straight away too. If they see maps that aren't asthetically good played more than officials, though, what's really going to motivate them now? Truth be told, I rarely map on my own anymore. I suppose you could say there is little reward for our time.

My first map was bloody awful. It wasn't ac_dropoff like some people would think. It was a map I simply named snoosnoo. A giant circle, with two 'gladiator pits' at either side.

Oddly, it got played a few times. It's not like I'll ever see the use of ac_wildwest. I know the map isn't great. The layout is awful for team matches. The lack of custom content capabilities makes creating a special map hard.

It all falls down to the same thing we've been ranting on about for years. "What is the community and what do they want?" Most people know my past. We gave the 'noob' side of the community the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps too much so. What gets to me is that effectively we have a crapmap within the official package. Douze looks lovely, and I'm not hating upon MakkE, but its gameplay rivals that of other crapmaps. It's odd that ac_wasteland should be removed from the officials (Although not the highest of quality. I'm sure Halo could improve it in merely a few days.) but not Douze.

One map that inspired me most to map was ac_bunker. I've said it before, I'll say it again. That map is pretty damn heaven. I've figured its issue is the layout, along with most maps. Players simply don't give complicated layouts a try. To eradicate crapmaps an official map ought to have what the community see as fun, bundled up into one, yet skillfully created.
Take my revision of twintowers, for example. The only possible way you could remove such a map is by removing mapping all together. On the otherhand, what would you rather see played? A fun map, or crapmap? I was quite surprised when Floppy released Graben. He has the similar ideas that you can't deny the sort of gameplay some of the community want, but you can improve it.

Snoosnoo, out!
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RE: You guys are at each others throats and its making me sick - by Snoosnoo - 28 Mar 12, 12:20PM