You guys are at each others throats and its making me sick
(27 Mar 12, 04:04PM)tempest Wrote: ExodusS, your maps aren't in not because they're not good enough, or not played frequently enough, or anything. There just (AFAIK) weren't any attempts to get new good maps into the package, that's all.

Well, unfortunately that's pretty close to the truth.

Though, I wouldn't say there hadn't been no attempts, but it's pretty much like walking on eggs with adding maps to the official set. At the moment, given I have only little sparetime on hand myself, I couldn't even tell who was in charge in order to get this managed, not to speak who would be there to finally define/compile some sort of official standards. However, we may discuss this somewhere else...

Besides that, if the community (newbies, casuals, pros, whatever...) wouldn't ignore the rather regular custom maps so greatly, we probably could just pick out one by one, which happen to get played often. For years I see tons of suggestions, a lot of them I consider worth being added to the cart, but I hardly ever see those maps online.

In fact, I hoped the entire official map thingy would die out and the hosters/players would just set up servers with all those great works themselves. Keyword map packs... Sure, the restrictions have done their damage and I think those shouldn't be expanded any further, except for bug fixes, but that's not the full story. In my honest opinion people don't really like that much diversity as often claimed around here. Keyword grinding...

There are servers providing custom maps, but hardly anyone is playing there, except for shad's place where I happen to hang out myself quite often lately. If people indeed were so bored, why wouldn't they stop calling votes for the same stuff all the time, or stop hanging around on ladder servers exclusively, which have only limited maprots (for reasons I agree to btw). I'm afraid, any map added next will be nothing but another map ignored, for whatever reasons.

However, if the next release will take some more time to come, another map search offensive could be started.
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RE: You guys are at each others throats and its making me sick - by Mr.Floppy - 27 Mar 12, 05:47PM