|FOX| Clan Server ban issues
Hey |FOX|

Today you've had a lot of vote-spammers and teamkillers who ended up banning players from the server. I'll quote some names and votes:

Quote:JB|JustinBieber called a vote: kick player killaguerilla, reason: called_me_a_nigger_whore
PooPee called a vote: kick player StopNationalism, reason: no-i-wont
JB|JustinBieber is afk
player JB|JustinBieber disconnected
connected: JB|JustinBieber
JB|JustinBieber called a vote: ban player StopNationalism, reason: STFU_PLEASE_WHITE_ASS_MOTHER_FUCKER
StopNationalism: f2 this bs
JB|JustinBieber: ROFL
Terrorist fragged teammate JB|JustinBieber
PooPee called a vote: ban player StopNationalism, reason: no-one-likes-you
JB|JustinBieber called a vote: ban player StopNationalism, reason: your_name_is_sooo_fucking_gay
you voted no

The final vote got me banned, I believe at 6 to 2. Can this be lifted?
Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
|FOX| Clan Server ban issues - by astarr - 27 Dec 10, 11:04AM
RE: |FOX| Clan Server ban issues - by jamz - 27 Dec 10, 11:29AM
RE: |FOX| Clan Server ban issues - by JB|JustinBieber - 27 Dec 10, 11:57AM
RE: |FOX| Clan Server ban issues - by V-Man - 27 Dec 10, 05:15PM