26 Nov 10, 04:38PM
C'mon guys vote with all your email accounts :D
Anyway the prize for the 'Best opensource game' is not 300€, the prize is 100 €
Premiamos al juego libre que más horas nos ha hecho pasar delante del ordenador.. Dotado con una donación de 100€
Translate: We reward the free game that has made us more time to spend at the computer .. Equipped with a donation of 100€
Anyway the prize for the 'Best opensource game' is not 300€, the prize is 100 €
Premiamos al juego libre que más horas nos ha hecho pasar delante del ordenador.. Dotado con una donación de 100€
Translate: We reward the free game that has made us more time to spend at the computer .. Equipped with a donation of 100€