(07 Jun 18, 04:08AM)SamGamgee55 Wrote: Why is this community OBSESSED with playing stupid maps like "twintowers" or "camper minecraft edition 2"? When I try to play my map, it says "Your map doesn't meet the requirements for Multiplayer mode". And yet these "map restrictions" allows camper maps? Complete nonsense! And where are the developers? Last update I have seen was in 2013! Look at Red Eclipse for example, made in 2009 and is bordering a 2.0 release with better graphics and improved gameplay. This game? NOTHING!
P.S: Yes, I do know what these useless "restrictions" are.
For the curious here is my map: ww1_trenches
Alot of the time that's due to the abuse of the heightfield system, and specific placement of walls. camper and the oldschool twintower maps are notorious for this.
BTW: Here are the current map requirements (must be exact or lower to even be considered playable by the game)
30 cube Mean Height Average
10k Height Check (used to check maps with lots of heightfielded areas)
10k area average
Below is a screenshot of one of the minecraft camper map's map stats
As far as your own map goes, I can't seem to open it in game (despite having installed it correctly). Are you using another build besides the stock one?
(07 Jun 18, 06:38AM)1Cap Wrote: It's simple. You are not the King. And the king is like a God. You will never understand what the King and his followers are doing. You do not have the capacity to think like a God.
Ask the king's followers about what God is doing ...
Ask Jamz, Grenadier, XDog, Drakas, LeXus, etc ...
But if they tell you they also do not know ... I suggest you go play Pokemon Go or turn a Teamkiller, cheater, hater, etc as many and many other old players have done ...
The fuck kind of weed have you been smoking...?
(05 Jun 18, 05:57PM)Masterhit Wrote: Well, Why not upgrade to C2?
AC on Cube 2, Now THAT I would upgrade my RAM for.
Maybe that`s what the developers have been doing this whole time... (I know that is obviously not what they`re doing, But I keep telling myself this so that I don`t end up capping myself)
Hate to burst your bubble, but that's not what's happening behind the scenes, nor is this going to happen with the current staff. You are however more than welcome to port ac to C2 if you'd like (though there were other attempts by another person, it never came to fruition). If you'd like to see what's being added, changed, etc, try checking out assault cube's git-hub page, or join the ac discord and watch the development channel. It pulls from the git-hub anytime it's updated, or someone contributes to the project.
You can view the project here: https://github.com/assaultcube/AC